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Some interesting datasets and job description files for kameris


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This is a collection of datasets, job description files, and pre-trained models for use with Kameris.
By default, Kameris will attempt to find unknown dataset files and models from this repo, as described in files.yml.

Coming from a paper?

If you came here from:

"An open-source k-mer based machine learning tool for fast and accurate subtyping of HIV-1 genomes"

See the experiments in the hiv1 folder as well as dengue, flu, hepatitis.

"Unravelling eukaryotic diversity with an alignment-free machine learning method"

See the experiments in the mmetsp and 1kplants folders.


If you use any of the datasets or experiments with names starting with hiv1, dengue, flu, or hepatitis in your research, please cite:

An open-source k-mer based machine learning tool for fast and accurate subtyping of HIV-1 genomes
Stephen Solis-Reyes, Mariano Avino, Art Poon, Lila Kari


Any of the following experiments can be easily run as follows:

  1. Visit and follow the instructions to install Kameris.
  2. Create an empty folder and open a terminal in the folder.
  3. Create new folders data and output.
  4. Run kameris run-job[name of experiment].yml
Name Description
1kplants/1kplants Classify plant genomes into clade, order, and family, with different amounts of sampling per genome
dengue/ncbi-whole Classify dengue virus genomes by subtype
dna-types/mtdna-vs-plastid-vs-plasmid Classify whole organelle genomes by type: mitochondrial, plastid, and plasmid
dna-types/mtdna-vs-plastid Classify whole organelle genomes by type: mitochondrial and plastid
flu/ncbi-whole Classify influenza type A genomes by subtype, on different regions of the genome
genomes-nuclear/5kingdoms Classify whole nuclear genomes by 5 of the 6 kingdoms: animals, archaea, bacteria, fungi, and plants
genomes-nuclear/archaea Classify whole archaeal genomes into 3 phyla
genomes-nuclear/bacteria Classify whole bacterial genomes into 4 phyla or 5 proteobacterial classes
genomes-nuclear/fungi Classify whole fungal genomes into 3 phyla or subphyla
genomes-nuclear/plants Classify whole plant genomes into 2 clades
genomes-nuclear/vertebrates Classify whole vertebrate genomes into birds, fish, and mammals
hepatitis/hbv-whole Classify whole hepatitis B genomes by subtype
hepatitis/hcv-whole Classify whole hepatitis C genomes by subtype
hiv1/lanl-pol Classify whole HIV-1 pol genes by subtype
hiv1/lanl-reference-model Train the HIV-1 classifier on whole HIV-1 pol genes used in "An open-source k-mer based machine learning tool for fast and accurate subtyping of HIV-1 genomes"
hiv1/lanl-whole Classify whole HIV-1 genomes by subtype
hiv1/real-vs-synthetic Classify natural vs. synthetic HIV-1 pol genes
hiv1/synthetic-pol Classify synthetic HIV-1 pol genes by subtype
human-haplogroups/human-haplogroups Classify whole human mitochondrial genomes by haplogroup
mmetsp/mmetsp-superphylum Classify marine microbial transcriptomes into superphylum, with different amounts of sampling per transcriptome
mmetsp/mmetsp Classify marine microbial transcriptomes into phylum, class, order, family, and genus, with different amounts of sampling per transcriptome
mtdna/amphibians Classify whole amphibian mitochondrial genomes into 3 orders
mtdna/fungi Classify whole fungal mitochondrial genomes into 3 phyla/subphyla
mtdna/insects-mammals-amphibians Classify whole animal mitochondrial genomes by class: insects, mammals, amphibians
mtdna/insects Classify whole insect mitochondrial genomes into 7 insect orders/superorders
mtdna/mammals Classify whole mammal mitochondrial genomes into 8 orders/superorders
mtdna/plants-animals-fungi-protists Classify whole eukaryote mitochondrial genomes by kingdom: plants, animals, fungi, protists
mtdna/plants Classify whole plant mitochondrial genomes into 2 clades
mtdna/primates Classify whole primate mitochondrial genomes into 2 suborders
mtdna/protists Classify whole protist mitochondrial genomes into 3 superphyla
mtdna/vertebrates Classify whole vertebrate mitochondrial genomes into amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles
plasmids/bacteria Classify whole bacterial plasmid genomes into 4 phyla
plasmids/proteobacteria Classify whole protobacterial plasmid genomes into 3 classes
plastids/plants Classify whole plant plastid genomes into 5 clades
plastids/protists Classify whole protist plastid genomes into 3 superphyla
taxa/cpdna Classify whole choloroplast genomes from the same family or genus into genii or species
taxa/mtdna Classify whole mitochondrial genomes from the same family or genus into genii or species
viruses/dsDNA Classify whole dsDNA viral genomes by family
viruses/groups Classify whole viral genomes by group
viruses/retrotranscribing Classify whole retrotranscribing viral genomes by family
viruses/satellites Classify whole satellite viral genomes by family
viruses/ssDNA Classify whole ssDNA viral genomes by family
viruses/ssRNAnegative Classify whole (-)ssRNA viral genomes by family
viruses/ssRNApositive Classify whole (+)ssRNA viral genomes by family


Name Description Retrieval instructions Retrieval date
1kplants Plant genome assemblies From the University of Alberta 1000 Plants (1kP) Initiative: metadata from and sequence data from N/A (static dataset)
cpdna-all Whole chloroplast genomes From the NCBI Nucleotide database, with query "chloroplast"[Title] AND "complete"[Title] AND "genome"[Title] NOT "gene"[Title] NOT "contig"[Title] NOT "scaffold"[Title] NOT "cds"[Title] NOT "except"[Title] NOT "region"[Title] NOT "virus"[Title] NOT "plasmid"[Title] AND ("1000"[SLEN] : "999999999"[SLEN]). Results were manually reviewed and some sequences which were not whole genomes were removed. May 17, 2017
cpdna-taxa Whole chloroplast genomes, split into families/genii From the NCBI Nucleotide database, with query "<taxonomy ID>"[Organism:exp] AND "chloroplast"[Title] AND "complete"[Title] AND "genome"[Title] NOT "gene"[Title] NOT "contig"[Title] NOT "scaffold"[Title] NOT "cds"[Title] NOT "except"[Title] NOT "region"[Title] NOT "virus"[Title] NOT "plasmid"[Title] AND ("12000"[SLEN] : "99999999"[SLEN]) for every family with more than 50 sequence entries March 13, 2017
dengue-ncbi-whole Whole dengue virus genomes From the NCBI Virus Variation sequence database, with query options "Nucleotide", "Full-length sequences only", and "Collapse identical sequences" August 10, 2017
flu-ncbi Whole influenza genomes, split into genomic regions From the NCBI Virus Variation sequence database, with query options "Genome sets: Complete only", and "Type: A, B" August 10, 2017
genomes-animals Whole assembled animal genomes From the NCBI Genome browser, with query options "Group: Animals", "Levels: Complete, Chromosome" June 15, 2017
genomes-archaea Whole assembled archaeal genomes From the NCBI Genome browser, with query options "Kingdom: Archaea", "Levels: Complete, Chromosome" June 24, 2017
genomes-bacteria Whole assembled bacterial genomes From the NCBI Genome browser, with query options "Kingdom: Bacteria", "Levels: Complete, Chromosome" June 25, 2017
genomes-fungi Whole assembled fungal genomes From the NCBI Genome browser, with query options "Group: Fungi", "Levels: Complete, Chromosome" June 24, 2017
genomes-plants Whole assembled plant genomes From the NCBI Genome browser, with query options "Group: Plants", "Levels: Complete, Chromosome" June 15, 2017
genomes-protists Whole assembled protist genomes From the NCBI Genome browser, with query options "Group: Protists", "Levels: Complete, Chromosome" June 15, 2017
hbv-ibcp-whole Whole hepatitis B genomes From the Hepatitis B Virus Database operated by the Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Proteines (IBCP), August 10, 2017
hcv-lanl-whole Whole hepatitis C genomes From the Los Alamos (LANL) sequence database,, with query options "Excluding recombinants", "Excluding 'no genotype'", "Genomic region: complete genome", and "Excluding problematic" August 10, 2017
hiv1-lanl-pol HIV-1 pol gene coding regions From the Los Alamos (LANL) sequence database, with query options "Virus: HIV-1", "Genomic region: Pol CDS", "Excluding problematic" Retrieved May 18, 2017, site reported update May 6, 2017
hiv1-lanl-whole Whole HIV-1 genomes From the Los Alamos (LANL) sequence database, with query options "Virus: HIV-1", "Genomic region: complete genome", "Excluding problematic" Retrieved May 18, 2017, site reported update May 6, 2017
hiv1-mixed-polfragments Natural HIV-1 pol gene fragments The curated testing dataset described in "An open-source k-mer based machine learning tool for fast and accurate subtyping of HIV-1 genomes" See paper
hiv1-synthetic-polfragments Synthetically-generated HIV-1 pol gene fragments Described in "An open-source k-mer based machine learning tool for fast and accurate subtyping of HIV-1 genomes" See paper
mmetsp Assembled marine eukaryote transcriptomes From the Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): dataset information at and data downloaded from N/A (static dataset)
mtdna-all Whole mitochondrial genomes From the NCBI Nucleotide database, with query ("mitochondrial"[Title] OR "mitochondria"[Title] OR "mitochondrion"[Title]) AND "complete"[Title] AND "genome"[Title] NOT "gene"[Title] NOT "contig"[Title] NOT "scaffold"[Title] NOT "cds"[Title] NOT "except"[Title] NOT "region"[Title] NOT "virus"[Title] NOT "plasmid"[Title] AND ("1000"[SLEN] : "999999999"[SLEN]). Results were manually reviewed and some sequences which were not whole genomes were removed. May 17, 2017
mtdna-human-haplogroups Whole human mitochondrial genomes From the MITOMAP project (, Database date June 25, 2016
mtdna-refseq Whole mitochondrial genomes From NCBI RefSeq release 81, RefSeq release date March 6, 2017
mtdna-taxa Whole mitochondrial genomes, split into families/genii From the NCBI Nucleotide database, with query "<taxonomy ID>"[Organism:exp] AND ("mitochondrial"[Title] OR "mitochondria"[Title] OR "mitochondrion"[Title]) NOT "contig"[Title] NOT "scaffold"[Title] NOT "partial"[Title] NOT "cds"[Title] NOT "except"[Title] NOT "region"[Title] NOT "incomplete"[Title] AND ("12000"[SLEN] : "99999999"[SLEN]) for every family with more than 30 sequence entries. For family Hominidae, every Homo sapiens sequence except NC_012920.1 and NC_011137.1 was omitted. March 13, 2017
plasmids-all Whole plasmid genomes From the NCBI Nucleotide database, with query "plasmid"[Title] AND "complete"[Title] NOT "gene"[Title] NOT "contig"[Title] NOT "scaffold"[Title] NOT "cds"[Title] NOT "except"[Title] NOT "region"[Title] NOT "virus"[Title] NOT "coding"[Title] NOT "genes"[Title] NOT "pseudogene"[Title] NOT "protein"[Title] NOT "vector"[Title] NOT "operon"[Title] NOT "partial"[Title] NOT "transposon"[Title] NOT "rna"[Title] AND ("1000"[SLEN] : "999999999"[SLEN]). Results were manually reviewed and some sequences which were not whole genomes were removed. July 24, 2017
plasmids-refseq Whole plasmid genomes From NCBI RefSeq release 83, RefSeq release date July 21, 2017
plastids-refseq Whole plastid genomes From NCBI RefSeq release 82, RefSeq release date May 15, 2017
viruses-all Whole viral genomes From the NCBI Nucleotide database, with query "txid10239"[Organism:exp] AND ("complete genome"[Title] OR "complete sequence"[Title]) NOT "miRNA"[Title] NOT "long terminal repeat"[Title] NOT "ltr"[Title] NOT "contig"[Title] NOT "spacer"[Title] NOT "pseudogene"[Title] NOT "genes"[Title] NOT "gene"[Title] NOT "segment"[Title] NOT "partial"[Title] NOT "cds"[Title] NOT "except"[Title] NOT "region"[Title] NOT "incomplete"[Title]. Results were manually reviewed and some sequences which were not whole genomes were removed. May 14, 2017
viruses-refseq Whole viral genomes From NCBI RefSeq release 83, RefSeq release date July 21, 2017


Name Description
hiv1-linearsvm HIV-1 subtypes classifier, trained using experiment hiv1/lanl-whole with settings k=6, include_recombinants=true, linear-svm classifier
hiv1-mlp HIV-1 subtypes classifier, trained using experiment hiv1/lanl-whole with settings k=6, include_recombinants=true, multilayer-perceptron classifier

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Some interesting datasets and job description files for kameris







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