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PFLARE library

Author: Steven Dargaville

This library contains methods which can be used to solve linear systems in parallel with PETSc, with interfaces in C/Fortran/Python and GPU support.

PFLARE can scalably solve:

  1. Hyperbolic problems implicitly without Gauss-Seidel methods, such as advection equations, streaming operators from Boltzmann transport applications, multigrid in time discretisations, etc. This includes time dependent or independent equations, with structured or unstructured grids, with lower triangular structure or without.
  2. Other asymmetric problems such as heavily anisotropic Poisson/diffusion problems.
  3. Symmetric Poisson/diffusion problems, including those with varying coefficients.

New methods in PFLARE

  1. PMISR DDC: A new parallel CF splitting algorithm. When used on a matrix $\mathbf{A}$ this returns a set of "fine" and "coarse" points. PMISR DDC is similar to a PMIS CF splitting, but the resulting fine-fine submatrix $\mathbf{A}_ \textrm{ff}$ is more diagonally dominant than $\mathbf{A}$. $\mathbf{A}_ \textrm{ff}$ can also be made strongly diagonally dominant if desired.

  2. PCPFLAREINV: A new PETSc PC type, containing methods for computing approximate inverses, most of which can be applied as assembled matrices or matrix-free. PCPFLAREINV can be used with the command line argument -pc_type pflareinv, with several different PFLAREINV types available with -pc_pflareinv_type:

    Command line type Flag Description
    power PFLAREINV_POWER GMRES polynomial with the power basis
    arnoldi PFLAREINV_ARNOLDI GMRES polynomial with the Arnoldi basis
    newton PFLAREINV_NEWTON GMRES polynomial with the Newton basis with extra roots for stability
    newton_no_extra PFLAREINV_NEWTON_NO_EXTRA GMRES polynomial with the Newton basis with no extra roots
    neumann PFLAREINV_NEUMANN Neumann polynomial
    sai PFLAREINV_SAI Sparse approximate inverse
    isai PFLAREINV_ISAI Incomplete sparse approximate inverse (equivalent to a one-level RAS)
    wjacobi PFLAREINV_WJACOBI Weighted Jacobi
    jacobi PFLAREINV_JACOBI Jacobi
  3. PCAIR: A new PETSc PC type, containing different reduction multigrids. PCAIR can be used with the command line argument -pc_type air. Several different CF splittings are available, including the PMISR DDC method above, along with several different grid-transfer operators and smoothers. There are several features used to improve the parallel performance of PCAIR:

    • The number of active MPI ranks on lower levels can be reduced where necessary. If this is used then:
      • Repartitioning with graph partitioners can be applied.
      • OpenMP can be used in the polynomial inverse assembly (i.e., AIRG or nAIR) to reduce setup time (without requiring support for non-busy waits in the MPI library).
      • Calculation of polynomial coefficients can be done on subcommunicators.
    • The PCPFLAREINV methods above can be used as parallel coarse grid solvers, allowing heavy truncation of the multigrid hierarchy.
    • The sparsity of the multigrid hierarchy (and hence the CF splitting, repartitioning and symbolic matrix-matrix products) can be reused during setup.

    The combination of -pc_air_z_type and -pc_air_inverse_type (given by the PCPFLAREINV types above) defines several different reduction multigrids:

    -pc_air_z_type -pc_air_inverse_type Description
    product power, arnoldi or newton AIRG
    product neumann nAIR with Neumann smoothing
    product sai SAI reduction multigrid
    product isai ISAI reduction multigrid
    product wjacobi or jacobi Distance 0 reduction multigrid
    lair wjacobi or jacobi lAIR
    lair_sai wjacobi or jacobi SAI version of lAIR

    Different combinations of these types can also be used, e.g., -pc_air_z_type lair -pc_air_inverse_type power uses a lAIR grid transfer operator and GMRES polynomial smoothing with the power basis.

Building PFLARE

This library depends on MPI, BLAS, LAPACK (>= 3.4) and PETSc (3.15 to 3.22) configured with a graph partitioner (e.g., ParMETIS). Please compile PETSc directly from the source code, as PFLARE requires access to some of the PETSc types only available in the source. PFLARE has been tested with GNU, Intel, LLVM, NVIDIA and Cray compilers.

  1. Set PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH environmental variables.
  2. Call make in the top level directory to build the PFLARE library.

Then if desired:

  1. Call make tests in the top level directory to check the build worked with some simple Fortran and C tests (or make tests_no_load if PETSc has been configured with 64-bit integers).

for the Python interface:

  1. Call make python in the top level directory to build the Python module.
  2. Call make tests_python in the top level directory to check the Python build worked with some simple Python tests.

Specific compilers (CC and FC) and optimisation flags (OPT) can be input on the command line if desired, e.g.,

 make CC=cc FC=ftn OPT="-O2"

along with specific link flags (BLAS_LIB, LAPACK_LIB, MPI_LIB, MATH_LIB, METIS_LIB and PARMETIS_LIB) for the tests

 make tests CC=cc FC=ftn OPT="-O2" BLAS_LIB="-lfblas" LAPACK_LIB="-lflapack"     

An up to date Docker image is also available on Dockerhub which includes a build of PFLARE along with all dependencies. To run this Docker image interactively and run the tests use:

 docker run -it stevendargaville/pflare
 make tests

Linking to PFLARE

  1. For Fortran/C, link the library to your application; it is output to lib/. For Fortran, you must include pflare.h in include/finclude/, for C you must include pflare.h in include/.
  2. For Python, ensure the full path to python/ is in your PYTHONPATH environmental variable along with the path for PETSc. Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include the lib/ directory (along with paths for PETSc, BLAS and LAPACK).

Using the components of PFLARE in an existing PETSc code is very simple. For C/Fortran, the user must call a single function which registers the new PC types with PETSc, while in Python this is handled by the import statement:

in Fortran:

 #include "finclude/pflare.h"
 call PCRegister_PFLARE()

or in C:

 #include "pflare.h"

or in Python with petsc4py:

 import pflare


There are several different ways to use the methods in the PFLARE library.

Using the new PC types:

Once the new PC types have been registered, they can then be used like native PETSc types, either by writing code to set the PETSc type/options, or through command line arguments. A few examples include:

1) Using PCAIR with default options, namely AIRG with parameters tuned for a time independent advection equation on 2D unstructured triangles:

in Fortran:

 call KSPGetPC(ksp, pc, ierr)
 call PCSetType(pc, PCAIR, ierr)

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or in C:

 ierr = KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
 ierr = PCSetType(pc, PCAIR);

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or in Python with petsc4py:

 pc = ksp.getPC()

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or via the command line: -pc_type air.

2) Using PCAIR to apply distance 2 lAIR with FFC Weighted Jacobi smoothing:

in Fortran:

 call KSPGetPC(ksp, pc, ierr)
 call PCSetType(pc, PCAIR, ierr)

 call PCAIRSetZType(pc, AIR_Z_LAIR, ierr)
 call PCAIRSetInverseType(pc, PFLAREINV_WJACOBI, ierr)
 call PCAIRSetOneCSmooth(pc, PETSC_TRUE, ierr)

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or in C:

 ierr = KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
 ierr = PCSetType(pc, PCAIR);

 ierr = PCAIRSetZType(pc, AIR_Z_LAIR);
 ierr = PCAIRSetInverseType(pc, PFLAREINV_WJACOBI);
 ierr = PCAIRSetOneCSmooth(pc, PETSC_TRUE);

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or in Python with petsc4py:

 pc = ksp.getPC()

 petsc_options = PETSc.Options()
 petsc_options['pc_air_z_type'] = 'lair'
 petsc_options['pc_air_inverse_type'] = 'wjacobi'
 petsc_options['pc_air_one_c_smooth'] = ''     

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or via the command line: -pc_type air -pc_air_z_type lair -pc_air_inverse_type wjacobi -pc_air_one_c_smooth.

3) Using PCFLAREINV to apply a 20th order GMRES polynomial in the Newton basis matrix free:

in Fortran:

 call KSPGetPC(ksp, pc, ierr)
 call PCSetType(pc, PCPFLAREINV, ierr)

 call PCPFLAREINVSetOrder(pc, 20, ierr)
 call PCPFLAREINVSetMatrixFree(pc, PETSC_TRUE, ierr)

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or in C:

 ierr = KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
 ierr = PCSetType(pc, PCPFLAREINV);

 ierr = PCPFLAREINVSetOrder(pc, 20);
 ierr = PCPFLAREINVSetMatrixFree(pc, PETSC_TRUE);

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or in Python with petsc4py:

 pc = ksp.getPC()

 petsc_options = PETSc.Options()
 petsc_options['pc_pflareinv_type'] = 'newton'
 petsc_options['pc_pflareinv_order'] = '20'
 petsc_options['pc_pflareinv_matrix_free'] = ''

 ...[e.g., KSPSolve somewhere here]

or via the command line: -pc_type pflareinv -pc_pflareinv_type newton -pc_pflareinv_order 20 -pc_pflareinv_matrix_free.

Reuse with PCAIR:

If solving multiple linear systems, there are several ways to reuse components of the PCAIR preconditioner to reduce setup times:

1) Setup once

In PETSc the KSPSetReusePreconditioner flag can be set to ensure the preconditioner is only setup once, even if the entries or sparsity of the underlying matrix in the KSP is changed. This can be useful in time stepping problems where the linear system (or Jacobian for non-linear problems) does not change, or if the changes are small.

2) Reuse sparsity during setup

When solving a linear system where the matrix has the same sparsity pattern as in a previous solve, PCAIR can can reuse the CF splitting, repartitioning, symbolic matrix-matrix products and resulting sparsity throughout the hierarchy during the setup. This takes more memory (typically 2-5x the storage complexity) but significantly reduces the time required in subsequent setups (10-20x). If we have a PETSc matrix $\mathbf{A}$:

in Fortran:

 call KSPGetPC(ksp, pc, ierr)
 call PCSetType(pc, PCAIR, ierr)
 ! Before the first setup, we tell it to 
 ! store any data we need for reuse
 call PCAIRSetReuseSparsity(pc, PETSC_TRUE, ierr)

 ! First solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 call KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr)
 ...[Modify entries in A but keep the same sparsity]

 ! Second solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 ! but reusing the same sparsity
 call KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr)     

or in C:

 ierr = KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
 ierr = PCSetType(pc, PCAIR);

 // Before the first setup, we tell it to 
 // store any data we need for reuse
 ierr = PCAIRSetReuseSparsity(pc, PETSC_TRUE);

 // First solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 ierr = KSPSolve(ksp, b, x)
 ...[Modify entries in A but keep the same sparsity]

 // Second solve - the PCAIR will be setup 
 // but reusing the same sparsity
 ierr = KSPSolve(ksp, b, x)

or in Python with petsc4py:

 pc = ksp.getPC()

 petsc_options = PETSc.Options()
 petsc_options['pc_air_reuse_sparsity'] = ''

 # First solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 ...[Modify entries in A but keep the same sparsity]

 # Second solve - the PCAIR will be setup 
 # but reusing the same sparsity

or via the command line: -pc_type air -pc_air_reuse_sparsity.

3) Reuse sparsity and GMRES polynomial coefficients during setup with AIRG

When using AIRG in PCAIR (which is the default), in addition to reusing the sparsity in the setup, the GMRES polynomial coefficients can also be reused. This is useful if the matrix is very similar to that used in a previous solve and saves parallel reductions in the setup. Note that the GMRES polynomial coefficients are very sensitive to changes in the matrix, so this may not always give good results. To enable this we simply set another reuse flag before (or after) the first solve:

in Fortran:

 ! Before the first setup, we tell it to 
 ! store any data we need for reuse
 call PCAIRSetReuseSparsity(pc, PETSC_TRUE, ierr)

 ! Tell it to store the gmres polynomial coefficients
 call PCAIRSetReusePolyCoeffs(pc, PETSC_TRUE, ierr)        

 ! First solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 call KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr)  
 ...[Modify entries in A but keep the same sparsity]

 ! Second solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 ! but reusing sparsity & polynomial coefficients
 call KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, ierr)     

or in C:

 // Before the first setup, we tell it to 
 // store any data we need for reuse
 ierr = PCAIRSetReuseSparsity(pc, PETSC_TRUE);

 ! Tell it to store the gmres polynomial coefficients
 ierr = PCAIRSetReusePolyCoeffs(pc, PETSC_TRUE);

 // First solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 ierr = KSPSolve(ksp, b, x)
 ...[Modify entries in A but keep the same sparsity]

 // Second solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 // but reusing sparsity & polynomial coefficients
 ierr = KSPSolve(ksp, b, x)

or in Python with petsc4py:

 pc = ksp.getPC()

 petsc_options = PETSc.Options()
 petsc_options['pc_air_reuse_sparsity'] = ''
 petsc_options['pc_air_reuse_poly_coeffs'] = ''

 # First solve - the PCAIR will be setup
 ...[Modify entries in A but keep the same sparsity]

 # Second solve - the PCAIR will be setup 
 # but reusing sparsity & polynomial coefficients

or via the command line: -pc_type air -pc_air_reuse_sparsity -pc_air_reuse_poly_coeffs.

4) Reuse when solving the same linear system with AIRG

Often an outer loop (e.g., eigenvalue) will require solving a series of different linear systems one after another, and then returning to the first linear system to start the loop again. If the linear systems are close enough to each other to get good performance from reusing the sparsity, but different enough from each other that reusing the GMRES polynomials coefficients from a different linear system gives poor performance, PCAIR allows the GMRES polynomial coefficients to be saved externally and then restored before a solve.

This means we can cheaply generate the exact same preconditioner when periodically solving the same linear system. An example of this is given in tests/ex6f_getcoeffs.F90, where we solve a linear system, store the resulting GMRES polynomial coefficients, reuse the sparsity to solve a different linear system, then reuse the sparsity and restore the GMRES polynomial coefficients to solve the first linear system again. We should note this type of reuse is not yet available in Python.

OpenMP with PCAIR

If processor agglomeration has been enabled (it is by default) and:

  1. -pc_air_matrix_free_polys has not been set (default).
  2. -pc_air_inverse_type is one of: power (default), arnoldi or neumann.
  3. -pc_air_inverse_sparsity_order=1 (default)

then OpenMP can be used to reduce the time required to assemble the fixed-sparsity polynomial inverses. The idle MPI ranks that have been left with 0 unknowns after repartitioning will be used to thread.

The number of threads will automatically increase on lower grids with processor agglomeration. For example, if the number of active MPI ranks is halved each time processor agglomeration is triggered (-pc_air_processor_agglom_factor 2), then 2 threads will be used after the first processor agglomeration, with 4 threads used after the second, etc.

This relies on a repartitioning where the MPI ranks that are made inactive are on the same node (and NUMA region), i.e., each node has fewer active MPI ranks after repartitioning (typically called an "interleaved" partitioning), rather than some nodes being full and others empty. This will depend on how the ranks are numbered by the MPI library. Good performance is also dependent on appropriate pinning of MPI ranks and OpenMP threads to hardware cores.

Given that the time required to assemble the approximate polynomial inverses is typically small, using OpenMP often has little impact on the overall setup time. If however reuse has been enabled with PCAIR (see above), then the approximate polynomial inverse time is often the largest component of the (reused) setup time and OpenMP can help.

To build PFLARE with OpenMP, add the appropriate OpenMP compiler flag before calling make, e.g., with GNU

 export CFLAGS="-fopenmp"
 export FFLAGS="-fopenmp" 

and then before running a problem with PFLARE, set the OMP_NUM_THREADS environmental variable to be the maximum number of threads to use; typically this would be the number of hardware cores per NUMA region.

It is recommended that PFLARE be linked with unthreaded BLAS/LAPACK libraries, as there is often little gain from using threaded libraries with PFLARE and that ensures the OMP_NUM_THREADS environmental variable is used purely to control the OpenMP described above.

On Cray machines, adding the OpenMP compiler flag typically triggers linking to threaded libraries (e.g., BLAS/LAPACK). To work around this, it is recommended that PFLARE is built as a shared library (which is the default) with the compiler flag enabled, then any code which uses PFLARE is compiled without the compiler flag but with the OpenMP libraries included in the LDFLAGS. This will ensure PFLARE can use OpenMP, but the unthreaded libraries are used to link.

For example, on ARCHER2 (a HPE Cray EX machine) to build PFLARE and the tests with GNU:

 # Cray MPI compiler wrappers
 export CC=cc
 export FC=ftn

 # Build PFLARE
 export CFLAGS="-fopenmp"
 export FFLAGS="-fopenmp" 
 make CC=${CC} FC=${FC}

 # Build the tests
 export CFLAGS=""
 export FFLAGS="" 
 export LDFLAGS="-lgomp"
 make build_tests CC=${CC} FC=${FC} 

Running a test with OpenMP then requires setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable, ensuring the MPI ranks and OpenMP threads are correctly pinned and telling the queueing system that the problem is oversubscribed. For example, the (partial) slurm script to run adv_diff_2d on one node is:

  #SBATCH --time=0:01:0
  #SBATCH --nodes=1
  #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
  #SBATCH --overcommit
  #SBATCH --partition=standard
  #SBATCH --qos=standard

  # Give it a maximum of 4 threads
  export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

  [ Set the hex mask which describes the pinning ]

  srun --oversubscribe --distribution=block:block --cpu-bind=mask_cpu:$mask adv_diff_2d.o -pc_type air

GPU support

If PETSc has been configured with GPU support (e.g., CUDA, HIP, Kokkos) then PCPFLAREINV and PCAIR support GPUs. This relies on the matrix and vector types being set correctly by the user, which is typically done through command line options. By default the setup/solve occurs on the CPU. For example, if we solve the 1D advection problem tests/adv_1d using a 30th order GMRES polynomial applied matrix-free with the command line options:

./adv_1d.o -n 1000 -ksp_type richardson -pc_type pflareinv -pc_pflareinv_type arnoldi -pc_pflareinv_matrix_free -pc_pflareinv_order 30

the setup/solve will occur on the CPU. If we want to run on GPUs, we must ensure the matrix/vector types match the appropriate GPU types. In both tests/adv_1d and tests/adv_diff_2d, these types can be set through command line arguments. The types are specified with either -mat_type and -vec_type, or if set by a DM directly (like in tests/adv_diff_2d), use -dm_mat_type and -dm_vec_type.

If using CUDA directly:

./adv_1d.o -n 1000 -ksp_type richardson -pc_type pflareinv -pc_pflareinv_type arnoldi -pc_pflareinv_matrix_free -pc_pflareinv_order 30 -mat_type aijcusparse -vec_type cuda

If using HIP directly:

./adv_1d.o -n 1000 -ksp_type richardson -pc_type pflareinv -pc_pflareinv_type arnoldi -pc_pflareinv_matrix_free -pc_pflareinv_order 30 -mat_type aijhipsparse -vec_type hip

If using KOKKOS (with either the CUDA or HIP back-end):

./adv_1d.o -n 1000 -ksp_type richardson -pc_type pflareinv -pc_pflareinv_type arnoldi -pc_pflareinv_matrix_free -pc_pflareinv_order 30 -mat_type aijkokkos -vec_type kokkos

For both PCPFLAREINV and PCAIR, the entirity of the solve happens on GPUs without any copies between the CPU/GPU if using either CUDA directly, or using KOKKOS with the CUDA or HIP back-end. Using HIP directly incurs copies during the solve so we would not recommend this currently.

The setup however occurs on both the CPU and GPU depending on the options used, with copies occuring between the two where needed. The command line option -log_view shows how many copies to/from the CPU/GPU occur.

Currently the setup can be quite slow, with substantial differences between the CUDA, HIP and KOKKOS setup performance. Development of the setup on the GPU is ongoing, please get in touch if you would like to contribute. The main areas requiring development are:

  1. CF splittings on the GPU - Porting PMISR DDC should only require a small modification of an existing GPU compatible PMIS method
  2. Aplying drop tolerances to matrices
  3. Copying a matrix but only for entries in a given sparsity - CUDA routines for this exist in the cusparse library
  4. Processor agglomeration - GPU libraries exist which could replace the CPU-based calls to ParMETIS

Performance notes

1 - Typically we find good performance using between 1-4 million DOFs per GPU.

2 - The default parameters used in the processor agglomeration in PCAIR (e.g., -pc_air_process_eq_limit) have not been optimised for GPUs.

3 - Multigrid methods on GPUs will often pin the coarse grids to the CPU, as GPUs are not very fast at the small solves that occur on coarse grids. We do not do this in PCAIR; instead we use the same approach we used in [2] to improve parallel scaling on CPUs.

This is based around using the high-order polynomials applied matrix free as a coarse solver. For many problems GMRES polynomials in the Newton basis are stable at high order and can therefore be combined with heavy truncation of the multigrid hierarchy. We now also have an automated way to determine at what level of the multigrid hierarchy to truncate.

For example, on a single NVIDIA GPU with a 2D structured grid advection problem we apply a high order (10th order) Newton polynomial matrix-free as a coarse grid solver:

./adv_diff_2d.o -da_grid_x 1000 -da_grid_y 1000 -ksp_type richardson -pc_type air -pc_air_coarsest_inverse_type newton -pc_air_coarsest_matrix_free_polys -pc_air_coarsest_poly_order 10 -dm_mat_type aijcusparse -dm_vec_type cuda

The hierarchy in this case has 29 levels. If we turn on the auto truncation and set a very large truncation tolerance

./adv_diff_2d.o -da_grid_x 1000 -da_grid_y 1000 -ksp_type richardson -pc_type air -pc_air_max_levels 11 -pc_air_coarsest_inverse_type newton -pc_air_coarsest_matrix_free_polys -pc_air_coarsest_poly_order 10 -dm_mat_type aijcusparse -dm_vec_type cuda -pc_air_auto_truncate_start_level 1 -pc_air_auto_truncate_tol 1e-1

we find that the 10th order polynomials are good enough coarse solvers to enable truncation of the hierarchy at level 11. This gives the same iteration count as without truncation and we see an overall speedup of ~1.47x in the solve on GPUs with this approach.

CF splittings

The CF splittings in PFLARE are used within PCAIR to form the multigrid hierarchy. There are several different CF splittings available with -pc_air_cf_splitting_type:

Command line type Flag Description
pmisr_ddc CF_PMISR_DDC Two-pass splitting giving diagonally dominant $\mathbf{A}_\textrm{ff}$
pmis CF_PMIS PMIS method with symmetrized strength matrix
pmis_dist2 CF_PMIS_DIST2 Distance 2 PMIS method with strength matrix formed by S'S + S and then symmetrized
agg CF_AGG Aggregation method with root-nodes as C points. In parallel this is processor local aggregation
pmis_agg CF_PMIS_AGG PMIS method with symmetrized strength matrix on boundary nodes, then processor local aggregation.

The CF splittings can also be called independently from PCAIR. The CF splittings are returned in two PETSc IS's representing the coarse and fine points. For example, to compute a PMISR DDC CF splitting of a PETSc matrix $\mathbf{A}$:

in Fortran:

 IS :: is_fine, is_coarse
 ! Threshold for a strong connection
 PetscReal :: strong_threshold = 0.5
 ! Second pass cleanup
 PetscReal :: ddc_fraction = 0.1
 ! As many steps as needed
 PetscInt :: max_luby_steps = -1
 integer :: algorithm = CF_PMISR_DDC
 ! Is the matrix symmetric?
 logical :: symmetric = .FALSE.
 call compute_cf_splitting(A, &
       symmetric, &
       strong_threshold, max_luby_steps, &
       algorithm, &
       ddc_fraction, &
       is_fine, is_coarse) 

or in C (please note the slightly modified name in C):

 IS is_fine, is_coarse;
 // Threshold for a strong connection
 PetscReal strong_threshold = 0.5;
 // Second pass cleanup
 PetscReal ddc_fraction = 0.1;
 // As many steps as needed
 PetscInt max_luby_steps = -1;
 int algorithm = CF_PMISR_DDC;
 // Is the matrix symmetric?
 int symmetric = 0;

 compute_cf_splitting_c(&A, \
     symmetric, \
     strong_threshold, max_luby_steps, \
     algorithm, \
     ddc_fraction, \
     &is_fine, &is_coarse);

or in Python with petsc4py:

 # Threshold for a strong connection
 strong_threshold = 0.5;
 # Second pass cleanup
 ddc_fraction = 0.1;
 # As many steps as needed
 max_luby_steps = -1;
 algorithm = pflare.CF_PMISR_DDC;
 # Is the matrix symmetric?
 symmetric = False;

 [is_fine, is_coarse] = pflare.pflare_defs.compute_cf_splitting(A, \
       symmetric, \
       strong_threshold, max_luby_steps, \
       algorithm, \


A brief description of the available options in PFLARE are given below and their default values.


Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_pflareinv_type PCPFLAREINVGetType PCPFLAREINVSetType The inverse type, given above power
-pc_pflareinv_order PCPFLAREINVGetOrder PCPFLAREINVSetOrder If using a polynomial inverse type, this determines the order of the polynomial 6
-pc_pflareinv_sparsity_order PCPFLAREINVGetSparsityOrder PCPFLAREINVSetSparsityOrder This power of A is used as the sparsity in assembled inverses 1
-pc_pflareinv_matrix_free PCPFLAREINVGetMatrixFree PCPFLAREINVSetMatrixFree Is the inverse applied matrix free, or is an assembled matrix built and used false


Hierarchy options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_print_stats_timings PCAIRGetPrintStatsTimings PCAIRSetPrintStatsTimings Print out statistics about the multigrid hierarchy and timings false
-pc_air_max_levels PCAIRGetMaxLevels PCAIRSetMaxLevels Maximum number of levels in the hierarchy 300
-pc_air_coarse_eq_limit PCAIRGetCoarseEqLimit PCAIRSetCoarseEqLimit Minimum number of global unknowns on the coarse grid 6
-pc_air_auto_truncate_start_level PCAIRGetAutoTruncateStartLevel PCAIRSetAutoTruncateStartLevel Build a coarse solver on each level from this one and use it to determine if we can truncate the hierarchy -1
-pc_air_auto_truncate_tol PCAIRGetAutoTruncateTol PCAIRSetAutoTruncateTol Tolerance used to determine if the coarse solver is good enough to truncate at a given level 1e-14
-pc_air_r_drop PCAIRGetRDrop PCAIRSetRDrop Drop tolerance applied to R on each level after it is built 0.01
-pc_air_a_drop PCAIRGetADrop PCAIRSetADrop Drop tolerance applied to the coarse matrix on each level after it is built 0.001
-pc_air_a_lump PCAIRSetALump PCAIRSetALump Lump rather than drop for the coarse matrix false

Parallel options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_processor_agglom PCAIRGetProcessorAgglom PCAIRSetProcessorAgglom Whether to use a graph partitioner to repartition the coarse grids and reduce the number of active MPI ranks true
-pc_air_processor_agglom_ratio PCAIRGetProcessorAgglomRatio PCAIRSetProcessorAgglomRatio The local to non-local nnzs ratio that is used to trigger processor agglomeration on all levels 2.0
-pc_air_processor_agglom_factor PCAIRGetProcessorAgglomFactor PCAIRSetProcessorAgglomFactor What factor to reduce the number of active MPI ranks by each time when doing processor agglomeration 2
-pc_air_process_eq_limit PCAIRGetProcessEqLimit PCAIRSetProcessEqLimit If on average there are fewer than this number of equations per rank processor agglomeration will be triggered 50
-pc_air_subcomm PCAIRGetSubcomm PCAIRSetSubcomm If computing a polynomial inverse with type arnoldi or newton and we have performed processor agglomeration, we can exclude the MPI ranks with no non-zeros from reductions in parallel by moving onto a subcommunicator false

CF splitting options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_cf_splitting_type PCAIRGetCFSplittingType PCAIRSetCFSplittingType The type of CF splitting to use, given above pmisr_ddc
-pc_air_strong_threshold PCAIRGetStrongThreshold PCAIRSetStrongThreshold The strong threshold to use in the CF splitting 0.5
-pc_air_ddc_fraction PCAIRGetDDCFraction PCAIRSetDDCFraction If using CF splitting type pmisr_ddc, this is the local fraction of F points to convert to C points based on diagonal dominance. If negative, any row which has a diagonal dominance ratio less than the absolute value will be converted from F to C 0.1
-pc_air_max_luby_steps PCAIRGetMaxLubySteps PCAIRSetMaxLubySteps If using CF splitting type pmisr_ddc, pmis, or pmis_dist2, this is the maximum number of Luby steps to use. If negative, use as many steps as necessary -1

Approximate inverse options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_inverse_type PCAIRGetInverseType PCAIRSetInverseType The inverse type, given above power
-pc_air_poly_order PCAIRGetPolyOrder PCAIRSetPolyOrder If using a polynomial inverse type, this determines the order of the polynomial 6
-pc_air_inverse_sparsity_order PCAIRGetInverseSparsityOrder PCAIRSetInverseSparsityOrder This power of A is used as the sparsity in assembled inverses 1
-pc_air_matrix_free_polys PCAIRGetMatrixFreePolys PCAIRSetMatrixFreePolys Do smoothing matrix-free if possible false
-pc_air_maxits_a_ff PCAIRGetMaxitsAff PCAIRSetMaxitsAff Number of F point smooths 2
-pc_air_full_smoothing_up_and_down PCAIRGetFullSmoothingUpAndDown PCAIRSetFullSmoothingUpAndDown Up and down smoothing on all points at once, rather than only down F and C smoothing which is the default false
-pc_air_one_c_smooth PCAIRGetOneCSmooth PCAIRSetOneCSmooth Do a C point smooth after the F point smooths false
-pc_air_c_inverse_type PCAIRGetCInverseType PCAIRSetCInverseType The inverse type for the C smooth, given above. If unset this defaults to the F point smoother -pc_air_inverse_type
-pc_air_c_poly_order PCAIRGetCPolyOrder PCAIRSetCPolyOrder If using a polynomial inverse type, this determines the order of the polynomial for the C smooth. If unset this defaults to the F point smoother -pc_air_poly_order
-pc_air_c_inverse_sparsity_order PCAIRGetCInverseSparsityOrder PCAIRSetCInverseSparsityOrder This power of A is used as the sparsity in assembled inverses for the C smooth. If unset this defaults to the F point smoother -pc_air_inverse_sparsity_order

Grid transfer options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_one_point_classical_prolong PCAIRGetOnePointClassicalProlong PCAIRSetOnePointClassicalProlong Use a one-point classical prolongator, instead of an approximate ideal prolongator true
-pc_air_symmetric PCAIRGetSymmetric PCAIRSetSymmetric Do we define our prolongator as R^T? false
-pc_air_strong_r_threshold PCAIRGetStrongRThreshold PCAIRSetStrongRThreshold Threshold to drop when forming the grid-transfer operators 0.0
-pc_air_z_type PCAIRGetZType PCAIRSetZType Type of grid-transfer operator, see above product
-pc_air_lair_distance PCAIRGetLairDistance PCAIRSetLairDistance If Z type is lair or lair_sai, this defines the distance of the grid-transfer operators 2
-pc_air_constrain_w PCAIRGetConstrainW PCAIRSetConstrainW Apply constraints to the prolongator. If enabled, by default it will smooth the constant vector and force the prolongator to interpolate it exactly. Can use MatSetNearNullSpace to give other vectors false
-pc_air_constrain_z PCAIRGetConstrainZ PCAIRSetConstrainZ Apply constraints to the restrictor. If enabled, by default it will smooth the constant vector and force the restrictor to restrict it exactly. Can use MatSetNearNullSpace to give other vectors false

Coarse grid solver options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_coarsest_inverse_type PCAIRGetCoarsestInverseType PCAIRSetCoarsestInverseType Coarse grid inverse type, given above power
-pc_air_coarsest_poly_order PCAIRGetCoarsestPolyOrder PCAIRSetCoarsestPolyOrder Coarse grid polynomial order 6
-pc_air_coarsest_inverse_sparsity_order PCAIRGetCoarsestInverseSparsityOrder PCAIRSetCoarsestInverseSparsityOrder Coarse grid sparsity order 1
-pc_air_coarsest_matrix_free_polys PCAIRGetCoarsestMatrixFreePolys PCAIRSetCoarsestMatrixFreePolys Do smoothing matrix-free if possible on the coarse grid false
-pc_air_coarsest_subcomm PCAIRGetCoarsestSubcomm PCAIRSetCoarsestSubcomm Use a subcommunicator on the coarse grid false

Reuse options

Command line Routine Description Default
-pc_air_reuse_sparsity PCAIRGetReuseSparsity PCAIRSetReuseSparsity Store temporary data to allow fast setup with reuse false
-pc_air_reuse_poly_coeffs PCAIRGetReusePolyCoeffs PCAIRSetReusePolyCoeffs Don't recompute the polynomial inverse coefficients during setup with reuse false

More examples

For more ways to use the library please see the Fortran/C examples and the Makefile in tests/, along with the Python examples in python/.


Please see these references for more details:

[1] S. Dargaville, R. P. Smedley-Stevenson, P. N. Smith, C. C. Pain, AIR multigrid with GMRES polynomials (AIRG) and additive preconditioners for Boltzmann transport, Journal of Computational Physics 518 (2024) 113342.
[2] S. Dargaville, R. P. Smedley-Stevenson, P. N. Smith, C. C. Pain, Coarsening and parallelism with reduction multigrids for hyperbolic Boltzmann transport, The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (2024) doi:10.1177/10943420241304759.
[3] T. A. Manteuffel, S. Münzenmaier, J. Ruge, B. Southworth, Nonsymmetric Reduction-Based Algebraic Multigrid, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (2019) S242–S268.
[4] T. A. Manteuffel, J. Ruge, B. S. Southworth, Nonsymmetric algebraic multigrid based on local approximate ideal restriction (lAIR), SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2018) A4105–A4130.
[5] A. Ali, J. J. Brannick, K. Kahl, O. A. Krzysik, J. B. Schroder, B. S. Southworth, Constrained local approximate ideal restriction for advection-diffusion problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2024) S96–S122.
[6] T. Zaman, N. Nytko, A. Taghibakhshi, S. MacLachlan, L. Olson, M. West, Generalizing reduction-based algebraic multigrid, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 31 (3) (2024) e2543.