TronNet is a SDK that includes libraries for working with TRON, TronNet makes it easy to build TRON applications with .net.
You can run the following command to install the TronNet
in your project.
PM> Install-Package TronNet
First,You need to config TronNet
in your Startup.cs
using StowayNet;
using TronNet;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTronNet(x =>
x.Network = TronNetwork.MainNet;
x.Channel = new GrpcChannelOption { Host = "", Port = 50051 };
x.SolidityChannel = new GrpcChannelOption { Host = "", Port = 50052 };
x.ApiKey = "input your api key";
using TronNet;
namespace TronNetTest
class Class1
private readonly ITronClient _tronClient;
public Class1(ITronClient tronClient)
_tronClient = tronClient;
public void GenerateAddress()
var key = TronECKey.GenerateKey(TronNetwork.MainNet);
var address = key.GetPublicAddress();
using TronNet;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace TronNetTest
class Class1
private readonly ITransactionClient _transactionClient;
private readonly IOptions<TronNetOptions> _options;
public Class1(ITransactionClient transactionClient, IOptions<TronNetOptions> options)
_options = options;
_transactionClient = transactionClient;
public async Task SignAsync()
var privateKey = "D95611A9AF2A2A45359106222ED1AFED48853D9A44DEFF8DC7913F5CBA727366";
var ecKey = new TronECKey(privateKey, _options.Value.Network);
var from = ecKey.GetPublicAddress();
var to = "TGehVcNhud84JDCGrNHKVz9jEAVKUpbuiv";
var amount = 100_000_000L;
var transactionExtension = await _transactionClient.CreateTransactionAsync(from, to, amount);
var transactionSigned = _transactionClient.GetTransactionSign(transactionExtension.Transaction, privateKey);
var result = await _transactionClient.BroadcastTransactionAsync(transactionSigned);
also see:
using TronNet;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace TronNetTest
class Class1
private readonly IWalletClient _wallet;
private readonly IContractClientFactory _contractClientFactory;
public Class1(IWalletClient wallet, IContractClientFactory contractClientFactory)
_wallet = wallet;
_contractClientFactory = contractClientFactory;
public async Task TransferAsync()
var privateKey = "8e812436a0e3323166e1f0e8ba79e19e217b2c4a53c970d4cca0cfb1078979df";
var account = _wallet.GetAccount(privateKey);
var contractAddress = "TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t"; //USDT Contract Address
var to = "TGehVcNhud84JDCGrNHKVz9jEAVKUpbuiv";
var amount = 10; //USDT Amount
var feeAmount = 5 * 1000000L;
var contractClient = _contractClientFactory.CreateClient(ContractProtocol.TRC20);
var result = await contractClient.TransferAsync(contractAddress, account, to, amount, string.Empty, feeAmount);