There is module jsdom which can be used as server-side DOM model. It's can be used to provide an operation context to certain front-end frameworks like jQuery or AngularJS.
However it's hard to use such a setup to implement web applications, because there should be a ui viewport which renders a virtual dom content, applies dom updates and handles ui events.
This tool is very simple implementation of push-pull mechanism to sync DOM model with browser.
It's mostly targets simple desktop applications with browser as ui client, but it can be also used for other clients like node-webkit or for multisession web apps.
A sample angular application is included as usage example.
var fs = require( "fs" );
var jsdom_sync = require('jsdom_sync' );
jsdom_sync.start( {
scripts: [ "./test/angular.min.js" ],
body: fs.readFileSync( "./test/index.html", "utf-8" )
}, function( window ) {
window.angular.module( 'example', [] )
.controller( 'Controller', ['$scope', '$interval', function( $scope, $interval ) {
$scope.time = 1;
$interval( function() {
}, 1000 );
}] ).directive( 'test', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<button ng-click="pimp()">Clicked {{count}} times</button>',
link: function( $scope ) {
$scope.count = 0;
$scope.pimp = function() {
$scope.count += 1;
} );
} );
Index page have this:
<div ng-app="example"><div ng-controller="Controller">time: {{ time }}</div><test></test></div>
jsdom_sync.start( {
scripts: [ ], //array of scripts to be executed in DOM context
head: "<head></head>", //app page head content
body: fs.readFileSync( "./test/index.html", "utf-8" ) //app page body content
- Jquery is required to be in DOM page (beacause it uses .on to trach mutation events). May be fixed by rewriting with addEventListener.
- Heavy linked and jquery versions. May be fixed by adding proper dependencies.
I've added required node_modules as 7z archive just to simplify its installation on Windows 7 64 bit.