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Compiling the source code

Luke Steward edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

When you have made adjustments to the source code, it is likely that you will want to create a new .jar file and deploy it on your server. For this, you can use a simple command:

# for unix based systems
./gradlew assemble 

# for windows
./gradlew.bat assemble

This will create 2 new .jar files under build/libs,

  • streama-{version}.jar
  • streama-{version}.jar.original

all you will need is the streama-{version}.jar.

This file is an executable, so you can just copy it into your deployment directory / your server and start it as usual.

How to change the version number

The version number can be configured in in the build.gradle around line 20

// ...

version "1.6.0-RC6"
group "streama"

apply plugin:"eclipse"
apply plugin:"idea"
// ...

The version number is intended to be semantic, so {major}.{minor}.{patch} with RC info if you need it. But you can change it to any string that you like.