Fast import of Windows EventLogs(.evtx) into Elasticsearch.
Life is too short and there is not enough time to process huge Windows EventLogs with pure-Python software.
evtx2es uses Rust library pyevtx-rs, so it runs much faster than traditional software.
evtx2es can be executed from the command line or incorporated into a Python script.
$ evtx2es /path/to/your/file.evtx
from evtx2es import evtx2es
if __name__ == '__main__':
filepath = '/path/to/your/file.evtx'
evtx2es supports simultaneous import of multiple files.
$ evtx2es file1.evtx file2.evtx file3.evtx
Additionally, it also allows for recursive import under the specified directory.
$ tree .
├── file1.evtx
├── file2.evtx
├── file3.evtx
└── subdirectory/
├── file4.evtx
└── subsubdirectory/
├── file5.evtx
└── file6.evtx
$ evtx2es /evtxfiles/ # The Path is recursively expanded to file1~6.evtx.
--version, -v
--help, -h
--quiet, -q
Flag to suppress standard output
(default: False)
--multiprocess, -m:
Enable multiprocessing for faster execution
(default: False)
Chunk size for processing (default: 500)
ElasticSearch host address (default: localhost)
ElasticSearch port number (default: 9200)
Destination index name for importing (default: evtx2es)
Protocol scheme to use (http or https) (default: http)
Elasticsearch Ingest Pipeline to use (default: )
Date of the latest record in the dataset, extracted from TimeCreated field (MM/DD/YYYY.HH:MM:SS) (default: 0)
The login to use if Elastic Security is enabled (default: )
The password associated with the provided login (default: )
When using from the commandline interface:
$ evtx2es /path/to/your/file.evtx --host=localhost --port=9200 --index=foobar --size=500
When using from the python-script:
if __name__ == '__main__':
evtx2es('/path/to/your/file.evtx', host=localhost, port=9200, index='foobar', size=500)
With credentials for Elastic Security:
$ evtx2es /path/to/your/file.evtx --host=localhost --port=9200 --index=foobar --login=elastic --pwd=******
Note: The current version does not verify the certificate.
An additional feature: 🍣 🍣 🍣
Convert Windows Event Logs to a JSON file.
$ evtx2json /path/to/your/file.evtx /path/to/output/target.json
Convert Windows Event Logs to a Python List[dict] object.
from evtx2es import evtx2json
if __name__ == '__main__':
filepath = '/path/to/your/file.evtx'
result: List[dict] = evtx2json(filepath)
Using the sample evtx file of JPCERT/CC:LogonTracer as an example.
"event_record_id": 227559,
"timestamp": "2016-10-06 01:50:49.420927 UTC",
"winlog": {
"channel": "Security",
"computer_name": "",
"event_id": 4624,
"opcode": 0,
"provider_guid": "{54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d}",
"provider_name": "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing",
"record_id": 227559,
"task": 12544,
"version": 0,
"process": {
"pid": 572,
"thread_id": 1244
"event_data": {
"AuthenticationPackageName": "Kerberos",
"IpAddress": "",
"IpPort": "49220",
"KeyLength": 0,
"LmPackageName": "-",
"LogonGuid": "F4DC1C19-0544-BC52-0900-DFC19752C3C6",
"LogonProcessName": "Kerberos",
"LogonType": 3,
"ProcessId": 0,
"ProcessName": "-",
"SubjectDomainName": "-",
"SubjectLogonId": "0x0",
"SubjectUserName": "-",
"SubjectUserSid": "S-1-0-0",
"TargetDomainName": "EXAMPLE",
"TargetLogonId": "0x1fa0869",
"TargetUserName": "WIN7_64JP_02$",
"TargetUserSid": "S-1-5-21-1524084746-3249201829-3114449661-1107",
"TransmittedServices": "-",
"WorkstationName": "",
"Status": null
"log": {
"file": {
"name": "sample/Security.evtx"
"event": {
"code": 4624,
"created": "2016-10-06T01:50:49.420927Z"
"@timestamp": "2016-10-06T01:50:49.420927Z"
evtx2es was evaluated using the sample evtx file of JPCERT/CC:LogonTracer (about 30MB binary data).
$ time evtx2es ./Security.evtx
> 6.25 user 0.13 system 0:14.08 elapsed 45%CPU
See Qiita for more information.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
CPU: Intel Core i5-6500
ElasticSearch 7.4 was running on the Docker version(Official Image).
$ pip install evtx2es
The version compiled into a binary using Nuitka is also available for use.
$ chmod +x ./evtx2es
$ ./evtx2es {{options...}}
> evtx2es.exe {{options...}}
The source code for evtx2es is hosted at GitHub, and you may download, fork, and review it from this repository( Please report issues and feature requests. 🍣 🍣 🍣
evtx2es is released under the MIT License.
Powered by following libraries:
Inspired by EvtxtoElk.