composer require 'sunrise/doctrine-bridge:^2.0'
use Sunrise\Bridge\Doctrine\EntityManagerRegistry;
// Minimal configuration (see below for details)
$configuration = [
'master' => [
'dbal' => [
'connection' => [
'url' => 'sqlite:///{app.root}/master.sqlite',
'orm' => [
'entity_locations' => [
'metadata_driver' => 'annotations',
'proxy_dir' => '{app.root}/var/cache/doctrine',
'migrations' => [
'migrations_paths' => [
'App\Migrations' => '{app.root}/resources/migrations',
'types' => [
$doctrine = new EntityManagerRegistry($configuration, $registryName = 'ORM');
Key | Required | Data type | Default value | Description |
connection | Yes | array | true | |
auto_commit | No | bool | ||
event_manager | No | \Doctrine\Common\EventManager | ||
middlewares | No | array<\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Middleware> | ||
result_cache | No | \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface | ||
schema_assets_filter | No | callable | ||
sql_logger | No | \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\SQLLogger |
Key | Required | Data type | Default value | Description |
entity_locations | Yes | array | ||
metadata_driver | Yes | string|\Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver | PHP 7: "annotations"; PHP 8: "attributes" | |
proxy_dir | Yes | string | ||
class_metadata_factory_name | class-string | |||
custom_datetime_functions | array | |||
custom_hydration_modes | array | |||
custom_numeric_functions | array | |||
custom_string_functions | array | |||
default_query_hints | array | |||
default_repository_class_name | class-string | |||
entity_listener_resolver | \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\EntityListenerResolver | |||
entity_namespaces | array | |||
naming_strategy | \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\NamingStrategy | |||
proxy_auto_generate | bool | true | ||
proxy_namespace | string | |||
quote_strategy | \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\QuoteStrategy | |||
repository_factory | \Doctrine\ORM\Repository\RepositoryFactory | |||
second_level_cache_configuration | \Doctrine\ORM\Cache\CacheConfiguration | |||
second_level_cache_enabled | bool | |||
hydration_cache | \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface | |||
metadata_cache | \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface | |||
query_cache | \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface | |||
result_cache | \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface |
More details at: Official Documentation
The hydrator NEVER affects properties, it only calls setters and adders.
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sunrise\Bridge\Doctrine\Annotation\Unhydrable;
class Post {
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string')]
private $id;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string')]
private $name;
#[ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity: Category::class)]
private $category;
#[ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity: Tag::class)]
private $tags;
#[ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity: User::class)]
private $updatedBy
// set + name (field name)
public function setName(string $value) {
// some code
// set + category (field name)
public function setCategory(Category $value) {
// some code...
// add + tag (singular field name)
public function addTag(Tag $tag) {
// some code...
// the setter will not be called because its property was marked as unhydrable
public function setUpdatedBy(User $user) {
// some code
$data = [
'name' => 'New post',
'category' => [
'name' => 'New category'
'tags' => [
'name' => 'New tag 1',
'name' => 'New tag 2',
// or
$data = [
'name' => 'New post',
'category' => 1, // existing category ID
'tags' => [1, 2], // existing tag IDs
$hydrator = $doctrine->getHydrator($managerName = null);
$someEntity = $hydrator->hydrate(Post::class, $data);
use App\Doctrine\QueryFilter;
// initializes the filter with the specified data,
// which can be, for example, the request query parameters.
$filter = new QueryFilter([
// some user data...
// ['disabled' => 'yes']
// WHERE post.isDisabled = :p0 (true)
// More details at:
$filter->allowFilterBy('disabled', 'post.isDisabled', $filter::TYPE_BOOL);
// ['hits' => '100']
// WHERE post.hits = :p0 (100)
$filter->allowFilterBy('hits', 'post.hits', $filter::TYPE_NUM);
// ['hits' => [min => '100']]
// WHERE post.hits >= :p0 (100)
$filter->allowFilterBy('hits', 'post.hits', $filter::TYPE_NUM);
// ['hits' => [max => '100']]
// WHERE post.hits <= :p0 (100)
$filter->allowFilterBy('hits', 'post.hits', $filter::TYPE_NUM);
// ['hits' => [min => '50', max => '150']]
// WHERE post.hits >= :p0 (50) AND post.hits <= :p1 (150)
$filter->allowFilterBy('hits', 'post.hits', $filter::TYPE_NUM);
// ['name' => 'Hello']
// WHERE = :p0 ("Hello")
$filter->allowFilterBy('name', '');
// ['name' => 'Hello']
// WHERE LIKE :p0 ("%Hello")
$filter->allowFilterBy('name', '', $filter::TYPE_STR, $filter::MODE_LIKE|$filter::STARTS_WITH);
// ['name' => 'Hello']
// WHERE LIKE :p0 ("Hello%")
$filter->allowFilterBy('name', '', $filter::TYPE_STR, $filter::MODE_LIKE|$filter::ENDS_WITH);
// ['name' => 'Hello']
// WHERE LIKE :p0 ("%Hello%")
$filter->allowFilterBy('name', '', $filter::TYPE_STR, $filter::MODE_LIKE|$filter::CONTAINS);
// ['name' => 'Hello*Something%Something']
// WHERE LIKE :p0 ("%Hello%Something\%Something%")
// Note that asterisks will be converted to percentages...
$filter->allowFilterBy('name', '', $filter::TYPE_STR, $filter::MODE_LIKE|$filter::CONTAINS|$filter::WILDCARDS);
// ['created' => '2004-01-10']
// WHERE post.createdAt = :p0 (2004-01-10)
$filter->allowFilterBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::TYPE_DATE);
// ['created' => [from => '1970-01-01']]
// WHERE post.createdAt >= :p0 (1970-01-01)
$filter->allowFilterBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::TYPE_DATE);
// ['created' => [until => '2038-01-19']]
// WHERE post.createdAt <= :p0 (2038-01-19)
$filter->allowFilterBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::TYPE_DATE);
// ['created' => [from => '1970-01-01', until => '2038-01-19']]
// WHERE post.createdAt >= :p0 (1970-01-01) AND post.createdAt <= :p1 (2038-01-19)
$filter->allowFilterBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::TYPE_DATE);
// Note that the DATE type also work with time and can accept a timestamp.
// ['created' => '1073741824'] // work with the timestamp...
// WHERE post.createdAt = :p0 (2004-01-10)
$filter->allowFilterBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::TYPE_DATE);
// Note that the DATE type also work with time and can accept a timestamp.
// ['created' => '12:00'] // work with the time...
// WHERE post.createdAt = :p0 (12:00)
$filter->allowFilterBy('opens', 'post.opensAt', $filter::TYPE_DATE);
// ['sort' => 'name']
$filter->allowSortBy('name', '' /* default is ascending direction */);
// ['sort' => 'created']
// ORDER BY post.createdAt DESC
$filter->allowSortBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::SORT_DESC /* specified default sort direction */);
// ['sort' => ['name' => 'asc', 'created' => desc]]
// ORDER BY ASC, post.createdAt DESC
$filter->allowSortBy('name', '' /* default is ascending direction */);
$filter->allowSortBy('created', 'post.createdAt', $filter::SORT_DESC /* specified default sort direction */);
// If an user data doesn't contain sort fields,
// then will be applied the default sort logic.
$filter->defaultSortBy('', $filter::SORT_ASC);
$filter->defaultSortBy('post.createdAt', $filter::SORT_DESC);
// Sets the default limit:
// Sets the maximum limit value:
// For rows limiting, you can pass the following:
// ['limit' => 100]
// ['offset' => 0]
// ... or:
// ['page' => 1]
// ['pagesize' => 100]
// Create your QueryBuilder instance...
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('post');
// ... and apply the filter to it:
// ... and now you can run your query!
$maintainer = $doctrine->getMaintainer();
// closes all active connections
// clears all managers
// reopens all closed managers
// recreates all schemas
// recreates the specified schema
$maintainer->recreateSchema($managerName = null);
use Sunrise\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\SqlLogger;
$sqlLogger = new SqlLogger($psrLogger);
use Sunrise\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraint\UniqueEntity;
class SomeEntity {
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
require __DIR__ . '/../config/bootstrap.php';
$container = require __DIR__ . '/../config/container.php';
$application = new Application(
use App\Bundle\Security\Password\Type\PasswordType;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Sunrise\Bridge\Doctrine\EntityManagerRegistry;
use Sunrise\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\SqlLogger;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
use function DI\create;
use function DI\env;
use function DI\get;
use function DI\string;
return [
'doctrine' => create(EntityManagerRegistry::class)
'doctrine.configuration' => [
'master' => [
'dbal' => [
'connection' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.dbal.connection'),
'sql_logger' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.dbal.sql_logger'),
'orm' => [
'entity_locations' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.entity_locations'),
'entity_namespaces' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.entity_namespaces'),
'metadata_driver' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.metadata_driver'),
'metadata_cache' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.metadata_cache'),
'query_cache' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.query_cache'),
'result_cache' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.result_cache'),
'proxy_dir' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.proxy_dir'),
'proxy_auto_generate' => get('doctrine.configuration.master.orm.proxy_auto_generate'),
'migrations' => [
'logger' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.migrations.logger'),
'migrations_paths' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.migrations.migrations_paths'),
'types' => get('doctrine.configuration.types'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.dbal.connection' => ['url' => env('DATABASE_MASTER_URL')],
'doctrine.configuration.master.dbal.sql_logger' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.dbal.sql_logger'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.entity_locations' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.entity_locations'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.entity_namespaces' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.entity_namespaces'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.metadata_driver' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.metadata_driver'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.metadata_cache' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.metadata_cache'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.query_cache' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.query_cache'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.result_cache' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.result_cache'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.proxy_dir' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.proxy_dir'),
'doctrine.configuration.master.orm.proxy_auto_generate' => get('doctrine.configuration.default.orm.proxy_auto_generate'),
'doctrine.configuration.default.dbal.sql_logger' => create(SqlLogger::class)->constructor(get('logger')),
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.entity_locations' => [string('{app.root}/src/Entity')],
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.entity_namespaces' => ['App' => 'App\Entity'],
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.metadata_driver' => 'annotations',
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.metadata_cache' => create(ArrayAdapter::class),
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.query_cache' => create(ArrayAdapter::class),
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.result_cache' => create(ArrayAdapter::class),
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.proxy_dir' => string('{app.root}/var/cache/doctrine/proxies'),
'doctrine.configuration.default.orm.proxy_auto_generate' => true,
'doctrine.configuration.default.migrations.logger' => get('logger'),
'doctrine.configuration.default.migrations.migrations_paths' => [
'App\Migrations' => string('{app.root}/resources/migrations'),
'doctrine.configuration.types' => [
PasswordType::NAME => PasswordType::class,
// autowiring...
ManagerRegistry::class => get('doctrine'),
EntityManagerRegistry::class => get('doctrine'),
use DI\Container;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
return [
* The application validator
* @link
* @var ValidatorInterface
ValidatorInterface::class => function (Container $container) : ValidatorInterface {
return Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
->setConstraintValidatorFactory(new ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory($container))