Licence: MIT
A wrapper for the http and https modules request function. I put this together to be able to simplify my api requests..
npm install @superhero/request
...or just set the dependency in your package.json
"@superhero/request": "*"
Request = require('@superhero/request'),
request = new Request();'').then((result) => console.log(result.status, result.headers,;{url:'', data: {foo:'bar',baz:'qux'}}).then(console.log);
Options for the constructor.
// if true, some output for debugging is logged to the console
debug: false,
// debug console color
debug_color: 'cyan',
// if the debug console should be prefixed with the date time
debug_date: true',
// the debug prefix message
debug_prefix: 'debug request:',
// a seperator between debug message
debug_separator: ' ',
// this url will be used to resolve any provided url in the fetch call
url: '',
// optional proxy url (example: http://user:[email protected]:666)
proxy: '',
// headers that will be used in every request
headers: {},
// retries amount of specified times if a none 2XX response is returned
retry: 0,
// timeout
timeout: 30e3,
// specifies if you want the ssl unauthorization to be rejected or not
rejectUnauthorized: true
Options for each request
// the url to make the request to, relative paths will be resolved against
// the provided url in the constructor
url: '',
// an object map of the data to send with the request
data: undefined,
// an object map of headers to send with the request
headers: {},
// amount of retries on the request level
retry: 0,
// timeout, inherit from setting in the constructor
timeout: ?,
pipe: Writable,
// alias for pipe
stream: Writable