This is Azure Queues backend for delayed_job
To start using delayed_job_azure, will need to have your storage account setup as mentioned here.
Once your account is setup, you will need to configure your access using one of the methods mentioned on
Add the gems to your Gemfile:
gem 'azure'
gem 'delayed_job'
gem 'delayed_job_azure'
Optionally: Add an initializer (config/initializers/delayed_job.rb
Delayed::Worker.configure do |config|
# optional params:
config.available_priorities = [-1,0,1,2] # Default is [0]. Please note, adding new priorities will slow down picking the next job from queue. Also note that these priorities must include all priorities of your Delayed Jobs.
config.queue_name = 'default' # Specify an alternative queue name
config.delay = 0 # Time to wait before message will be available on the queue
config.timeout = 5.minutes # The time in seconds to wait after message is taken off the queue, before it is put back on. Delete before :timeout to ensure it does not go back on the queue.
config.expires_in = 7.days # After this time, message will be automatically removed from the queue.
That's it. Use delayed_job as normal.
class User
def background_stuff
puts "I run in the background"
Then in one of your controllers:
user =
rake jobs:work
That will start pulling jobs off the queue and processing them.
You can find more documentation here: