Exercise for Aerospike interview
The main
package contains the exercise that does the following:
- connect to the k8s cluster
- print out the namespaces on the cluster
- create a new namespace
- create a pod in that namespace that runs a simple hello-world container
- print out pod names and the namespace they are in for any pods that have a label of ‘k8s-app=kube-dns’ or a similar label is ok as well
- delete the hello-world pod created from above
- extra credit - show how an client-go informer works
Run it with defaults:
% go run .
Get usage:
% go run . -help
Usage :
-kubeconfig string
(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/Users/dev/.kube/config")
-labelSelector string
(optional) labelSelector (default "k8s-app=kube-dns")
-namespace string
(optional) namespace (default "aerospike")
-podName string
(optional) podName (default "helloworldpod")
Example run with flags:
% go run . -namespace aerospike -podName helloaerospike -labelSelector=k8s-app=kube-dns
0. exit
1. connect to the k8s cluster
2. print out the namespaces on the cluster
3. create a new namespace
4. create a pod in that namespace that runs a simple hello-world container
5. print out pod names and the namespace they are in for any pods that have a label of ‘k8s-app=kube-dns’
6. delete the hello-world pod created from above
7. extra credit - show how an client-go informer works
8. run all
Please enter a number from 0 to 8 : 8
Running all 1-7:
Created Namespace aerospike on 2022-09-18 16:42:41 +0200 CEST
Created Podname:helloaerospike in Namespace:aerospike
Podname:coredns-95db45d46-6dkbb, Namespace:kube-system
Podname:coredns-95db45d46-bwspx, Namespace:kube-system
podItem pod == {helloaerospike aerospike d03eef22-7c9c-4e47-8322-5c43357d7235 250030 0 2022-09-18 16:42:41 +0200 CEST <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] [] [{aerospike Update v1 2022-09-18 16:42:41 +0200 CEST FieldsV1 {"f:spec":{"f:containers":{"k:{\"name\":\"main\"}":{".":{},"f:args":{},"f:command":{},"f:image":{},"f:imagePullPolicy":{},"f:name":{},"f:resources":{},"f:terminationMessagePath":{},"f:terminationMessagePolicy":{}}},"f:dnsPolicy":{},"f:enableServiceLinks":{},"f:restartPolicy":{},"f:schedulerName":{},"f:securityContext":{},"f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds":{}}} } {kubelet Update v1 2022-09-18 16:42:41 +0200 CEST FieldsV1 {"f:status":{"f:conditions":{"k:{\"type\":\"ContainersReady\"}":{".":{},"f:lastProbeTime":{},"f:lastTransitionTime":{},"f:message":{},"f:reason":{},"f:status":{},"f:type":{}},"k:{\"type\":\"Initialized\"}":{".":{},"f:lastProbeTime":{},"f:lastTransitionTime":{},"f:status":{},"f:type":{}},"k:{\"type\":\"Ready\"}":{".":{},"f:lastProbeTime":{},"f:lastTransitionTime":{},"f:message":{},"f:reason":{},"f:status":{},"f:type":{}}},"f:containerStatuses":{},"f:hostIP":{},"f:startTime":{}}} status}]}
Deleted Podname:helloaerospike in Namespace:aerospike
0. exit
1. connect to the k8s cluster
2. print out the namespaces on the cluster
3. create a new namespace
4. create a pod in that namespace that runs a simple hello-world container
5. print out pod names and the namespace they are in for any pods that have a label of ‘k8s-app=kube-dns’
6. delete the hello-world pod created from above
7. extra credit - show how an client-go informer works
8. run all
Please enter a number from 0 to 8 :