Fast Gizmos is a Unity tool that allows to visualize and cusmtomize gizmos quickly.
You can use the default unity gizmos plus the following extra gizmos: LineExtended, CubeExtended, WireCubeExtended and CameraOrthographic.
Add the next using directive:
using SVerdeTools.FastGizmos;
- To draw ExtendedLine:
FastGizmosExtra.DrawLineExtended(Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, float thickness);
- To draw CubeExtended:
FastGizmosExtra.DrawCubeExtended(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale);
- To draw WireCubeExtended:
FastGizmosExtra.DrawWireCubeExtended(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale);
- To draw CameraOrthographic you can use this options:
FastGizmosExtra.DrawCameraOrthographic(Camera camera);
FastGizmosExtra.DrawCameraOrthographic(Camera camera, Color gizmoColor);
FastGizmosExtra.DrawCameraOrthographic(Camera camera, Color gizmoColor, bool showVertex);