Network layer for running requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc customizable with coders. There's ability to retry request with different strategies
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- Multiplatform
- You have fast-track functions to make requests immediately by url or build the infrastructure configuration that suits you
- Stand alone package without any dependencies using just Apple's facilities
- Set up amount of attempts(retry) with "Exponential backoff" or "Constant backoff" strategy if request fails. Exponential backoff is a strategy in which you increase the delays between retries. Constant backoff is a strategy when delay between retries is a constant value
- Different strategies to validate URLResponse
- Customizable for different requests schemes from classic CRUD Rest to what suits to you
- Customizable in terms of URLSession
- Customizable in terms of URLSessionTaskDelegate, URLSessionDelegate
- Based on interfaces not implementations
- Customizable with coders You can easily change format from json to xml or text just changing the coder
try await Http.Get.from(url, retry: 5, validate: [.status(200)])
try await Http.Post.from(url, taskDelegate : TaskDelegate())
try await Http.Put.from(url, body: data)
try await Http.Delete.from(url)
Fast-track functions return (Data, URLResponse) if you need to validate status code you can use func validateStatus check different strategies Http.Validate.Status
let (data, response) = try await Http.Get.from(url)
let rule : Http.Validate.Status = .range(200..<300)
try validateStatus(response, by: rule)
let url = URL(string: "http://localhost:3000")
let http = Http.Proxy(baseURL: url)
let cfg = Http.Configuration(
reader: SomeReader(),
writer: SomeWriter(),
baseURL: baseURL,
session: session)
let http = Http.Proxy(config: cfg)
try await http.get(path: "users")
try await http.get(path: "users", retry : 5)
try await http.get(path: "users", validate: [.status(.range(200..<300))])
try await
path: "users",
body: data,
query: [("name", "Igor"), ("page","1")],
headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"])
try await "users", taskDelegate: DelegatePickingUpMetrics())
try await http.put(path: "users", body: data)
try await http.delete(path: "users")
public func send<T>(
with request : URLRequest,
retry strategy : RetryService.Strategy = .exponential(),
_ validate : [Http.Validate] = [.status(200)],
_ taskDelegate: ITaskDelegate? = nil
) async throws -> Http.Response<T> where T : Decodable
This package uses stand alone package providing retry policy. The service creates sequence of the delays (nanoseconds) according to chosen strategy for more details folow the link retry service
type | description |
constant | The strategy implements constant backoff |
exponential [default] | The strategy implements exponential backoff |
Is an array of different rules to check URLResponse. Currently is implemented for validating status code.
type | description |
const(Int) [default] 200 | Validate by exact value |
range(Range) [default] 200..<300 | Validate by range |
predicate(Predicate) | Validate by predicate func if you need some specific processing logic |
check(ErrorFn) | Check status and return custom error if status is not valid |
try await http.get(path: path, validate: [.status(.range(200..<300))])
let fn : (Int) -> Bool = { status in status == 201 }
try await http.get(path: path, validate: [.status(.predicate(fn))])
There's an example replicate toolkit for swift how to use it with a custom response error format that has different format then the successful response
- Proxy is defining a communication layer and responsible for exchanging data with data source. There might be Http proxy, File proxy etc or some flavors REST proxy, LongFile proxy.
- Reader and Writer are used to interpret data.
To try it in the real environment. I suggest installing the basic NodeJS Express boilerplate. Take a look on the video snippet how easy it is to get it through Webstorm that is accessible for free for a trial period.
- Get WebStorm Early Access
- Get index.js file from here and replace it with the one in the boilerplate and launch the server.