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KiWi Project

Setting up your environment


You need following prerequisites before getting started with the project.

  • Yarn 1.9.4 or above: Faster alternative package manager for nodejs. Way better than NPM.
  • Pipenv: A package manager for Python.
  • Python 3.7 (with sqlite-extension)
  • Node 10.0 or above
  • libspatialite
  • GDAL

In order to enable location-oriented query, you will need a both pyhton version with sqlite-extension compiled and libspatialite.

To get pyhton 3.7.0 with sqlite-extension enabled. you have to manually set compiler options to enable the feature. First off, make sure pyenv is installed ( Then,

LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/sqlite/lib -L/usr/local/opt/zlib/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/sqlite/include -I/usr/local/opt/zlib/include" PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions" pyenv install 3.7.0

Also you need to have libspatialite( and gdal( installed. The way to build the libraries depends on OS, so check out website of libraries and manual.

Building Workspace

First, you need to initialize develop environemnts for frontend. At the root working directory, type the following commands.

cd backend
pipenv sync --dev

Then, you need to migrate your database. Type these commands:

cd kiwi
pipenv run ./ migrate

Likewise, at the root working directory, type the following commands for frontend to be set up.

cd frontend

You are now ready to roll!

Running development servers

To run backend django server on port 8000, type the following command in the directory backend/kiwi/

pipenv run ./ runserver

To run frontend angular server on port 4200, type the following command in the directory frontend/

yarn start

Then browse to http://localhost:4200.

Git Workflow and Conventions

To cooperate efficiently, you need to keep several rules when you push your commits.


  • All commit shouldn't have any build-time error. It doesn't mean your commits must be bug-free. Rather, they should not crash at app build time or at server start.
  • All unit test of a commit should pass, except for a hotfix.
  • Describe your commit concisely to a commit message in plain english or korean. e.g. Add a receipt panel in the page#3. There is no strict rule, but it should faithfully explain what this commit is. So please don't do this:
    • Fix a bug, 버그 수정 : What did you fix?
    • Done!, 됐다! : Done what?
    • Wow! : Wow?
    • asdf : ...

Branch names follow the conventions described below:

  • master: The main release branch. This branch will be used for the progress presentation & final presentation. Keep this clean and production-ready as possible.
  • develop: This is main branch for development. This is merged into master branch at the end of sprint.
  • feature/<feature name>: your work starts here. It can be merged into develop branch when finished. e.g. feature/sprint1-page1
  • issue/<number>: bugfix for an issue. The name starts with issue/followed by issue number. e.g. issue/12

Feature or issue branches can be merged into develop, only by Pull Request. Code review is required before merge. Reviewer may accept your PR or point out potential bugs, design flaw, inconsistencies, or any other errors you've made. After review, you can fix problems and then request a review again, or discard the commit.

If you wanted to add a dashboard feature, You would take the following steps:

  1. Create a branch named feature/dashboard from develop.
  2. Make a change and commit on the branch.
  3. Create a pull request in github and assign a reviewer to it.
  4. A reviewer leaves comments on changes you made.
  5. Revise your commit and ask for a review again
  6. After the reviewer accepts your pull request, your branch is automatically merged into develop branch.
  7. git pull origin develop to pull the merged develop branch on your laptop (optional)

It is proven to be a good practice to merge branches in one direction. For example, develop can be merged into master, not vice versa. Like, feature/<feature name> branch can be merged into develop, but not vice versa. After you merge develop to master, develop branch should move on to the merged commit. In this case, simply delete develop branch and recreate develop. To wrap it up, following commands merge develop to master and make develop incorporate merged commit.

git checkout master
git merge develop
git branch -d develop
git branch develop

This practice will make your workflow simple and predictable. See

master (release) branch  ________________________________________________...
develop branch           _____________________________/    \_________/
feature branches         \______/  \______/  |   |
Issue branches                               \___/

Coding Conventions

The style guidelines and best practices for our engineering team.

Typescript Styles

  • 2 spaces for an indent
  • No unused variables
  • Space after keywords
    • YES: if (condition) { ... }
    • NO: if(condition) { ... }
  • Append { next to if , while, rather than on the next line.
    • YES

        if (condition) { 
        } else if (condition2) {
        } else {
    • No

        if (condition)
        else if (condition2)
  • Always use === instead of ==
    • Exception: obj == null is allowed to check null || undefined .

Python Styles