A social web application to make "friendly bets" on sport games with your friends.
We believe that todays betting platforms are full of adds that polute the game itself. We want to create a platform that people can use to bet/play with there friends and family or anyone they want without anything in between. There is no money involved.
go get github.com/garyburd/go-oauth/oauth
- Google App Engine for Go
- Boostrap v3
- Angularjs
- go-oauth
- flags
- avatars
- Social Buttons for Bootstrap
- icons
- install go
- set up your environement
- install the go appengine sdk
- set up the appengine environement
go get github.com/garyburd/go-oauth/oauth
go get github.com/taironas/gonawin
go get github.com/taironas/route
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/taironas/gonawin/gonawin
cp example-config.json config.json
- add your email to the
in theadmins
section goapp serve
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/taironas/gonawin/gonawin
dev_appserver.py app.yaml
goapp test ./...
test models (in ./models):
> goapp test -v -run=^*Team$
> goapp test -v -run=^*User$
Create datastore backup
> go_appengine\appcfg.py download_data --url=http://www.gonawin.com/_ah/remote_api --filename=bck_gonawin_mmddyyyy
Run local server
> cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/taironas/gonawin/gonawin
> goapp serve
Connect datastore backup to the local server
> go_appengine\appcfg.py upload_data --url=http://localhost:8080/_ah/remote_api --filename=bck_gonawin_mmddyyyy
> cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/taironas/gonawin/gonawin
> dev_appserver.py --clear_datastore=yes .
Get your ip in this case 192.168.1.X
> ifconfig
inet 192.168.1.X netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
Run the app with the -host
> goapp serve -host=
INFO 2014-04-26 10:25:33,296 devappserver2.py:764] Skipping SDK update check.
WARNING 2014-04-26 10:25:33,299 api_server.py:374] Could not initialize images API; you are likely missing the Python "PIL" module.
INFO 2014-04-26 10:25:33,302 api_server.py:171] Starting API server at: http://localhost:53542
INFO 2014-04-26 10:25:33,305 dispatcher.py:182] Starting module "default" running at:
INFO 2014-04-26 10:25:33,307 admin_server.py:117] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000
access from your smartphone on http://192.168.1.X:8080/ng
go fmt ..\gonawin\...
> pwd
gcloud config list
gcloud config set project projectname
gcloud app deploy ./app.yaml
Note: If deployment hangs rollback it by doing:
appcfg rollback ..
python appcfg.py rollback $GOPATH\src\github.com\taironas\gonawin\gonawin
godoc -http=:6060