A fast, sharded key-value store, based on RocksDB.
crocks was developed as part of a thesis, and is a proof-of-concept and not meant to be used in production.
The server requires RocksDB version 5.5 or later, and both the server and client require gRPC version 1.6.x for network communication, and etcd version 3.2.x for cluster membership discovery and coordination.
Compile and install the server and shared library for the client:
$ make crocks shared
$ [sudo] make install
Start an etcd server, listening to the default port (2379):
$ etcd
Start a crocks server:
$ crocks --port 50051
Compile and run this program:
// test_crocks.cc
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <crocks/cluster.h>
#include <crocks/status.h>
using namespace crocks;
int main() {
Cluster* db = DBOpen("localhost:2379");
std::string value;
EnsureRpc(db->Put("key", "value"));
EnsureRpc(db->Get("key", &value));
std::cout << value << std::endl;
if (db->Get("key", &value).IsNotFound())
std::cout << "not found" << std::endl;
delete db;
return 0;
$ g++ test_crocks.cc -o test_crocks -lcrocks
$ ./test_crocks
not found
Licensed under GPLv3 or any later version.