Builds a K3os cluster on Proxmox
Requires an existing Proxmox cluster with appropriate storage and networking and K3os ISO in ISO folder
See defaults/main.yml
# Name of ISO file
k3os_iso: "k3os-amd64"
# K3s Token used for all nodes - please override to something more secure!
k3os_token: "SuperSecretToken"
# Datastore for templates (iso/snippets)
templates: "local"
# ISO path (override if required)
pve_iso_path: "{{ (templates == 'local') | ternary('/var/lib/vz/template/iso', '/mnt/pve/{{ templates }}/template/iso') }}"
# Snippets path (override if required)
pve_snippets_path: "{{ (templates == 'local') | ternary('/var/lib/vz/snippets', '/mnt/pve/{{ templates }}/snippets') }}"
# Datastore for disk storage
storage: "local"
# Local disk size (GB)
disk_size: 10
# Number of CPU Sockets
sockets: 1
# Memory per node (MB)
memory: 1024
# Bridge to use for NIC
bridge: vmbr0
# VLAN to use for NIC
vlan: 1
# Cluster name
cluster_name: k3os
# Location to store KubeConfig file
kubeconfig_file: "{{ cluster_name | default ('') }}.kubeconfig.yaml"
# Add KubeConfig with konfig
konfig: true
# Set static IPs on each node (forces IP to ansible_host value from inventory)
static_ip: false
pve-01 ansible_host=
pve-02 ansible_host=
pve-03 ansible_host=
k3os-manager-01 ansible_host= pve_host=pve-01 vmid=701
k3os-manager-02 ansible_host= pve_host=pve-02 vmid=702
k3os-manager-03 ansible_host= pve_host=pve-03 vmid=703
# Auto numbering worker nodes - use e.g. 01:06 for 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06
k3os-[01:06] node_number="{{ inventory_hostname | regex_replace(\"^k3os-(\\d+)$\", \"\\1\") | int }}" ansible_host="10.0.0.{{ 20 + node_number | int }}" pve_host="{{ groups.proxmox[(node_number | int - 1) % (groups.proxmox | length)] }}" vmid="{{ node_number | int + 750 }}"
- name: 'K3os | Install'
hosts: k3os
gather_facts: false
- name: talltechdude.proxmox_k3os
iso_name: "k3os-amd64-{{ k3os_version }}"
cluster_name: "Example"