This is a repository where I keep my notes, grades and reviews for modules I've taken.
I've personally always found it very useful to read about other's experiences before taking a module, especially so when they shared their notes for reference. So, for all the people who've helped me, I'm just paying it forward. I figured it'd be nice to share my own experiences in school, too. Hope this helps someone out there.
- CS1231S Module Review
- CS2040S Module Review
- CS2100 Module Review
- CS2105 Module Review
- CS2106 Module Review
- CS3203 Module Review
- CS3219 Module Review
- CS3230 Module Review
- CS3243 Module Review
- CS4243 Module Review
- EC2102 Module Review
- EC2204 Module Review
- EC3101 Module Review
- EC3102 Module Review
- EC3304 Module Review
- EE2211 Module Review
- ME2134 Module Review
- ST2334 Module Review
- 263-5354-00L Large Language Models
- 252-0341-01L Information retrieval
- 227-0558-00L Principles of Distributed Computing
- ME1102 Engineering Principles and Practice 1
- CS1010E Programming Methodology 1
- MA1505 Mathematics 1
- EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis
- GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning
- UWC2101J Writing and Critical Thinking: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on "Mind"
- USS2101 University Scholars Seminar
- ME2104 Engineering Principles and Practice 2
- EG1311 Design and Make
- MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering
- MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations
- HY1101E History of Modern Asia
- CL1101E Chinese Language: Its past and Present
- EC2101 Microeconomics 1
- USS2101 University Scholars Seminar
- UQF2101I Quantitative Reasoning Foundation: Quantifying Environmental Quality
- ME2112 Strength of Materials
- ME2134 Fluid Mechanics 1
- ME2162 Manufacturing Processes
- MLE1010 Materials Engineering Principles and Practices
- EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning
- ST1131 Introduction to Statistics and Statistical computing
- EC2204 Accounting for Econonomists
- CS1231S Discrete Structures
- CS2030S Programming Methodology 2
- CS2100 Computer Organisation
- ST2334 Probability and Statistics
- CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms
- CS2102 Database Systems
- EC2102 Macroeconomics 1
- EC3101 Microeconomics 2
- EC3303 Econometrics 1
- CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS2103 Software Engineering
- CS3243 Introduction to AI
- CS4243 Computer Vision
- EC3304 Econometrics 2
- EC3102 Macroeconomics 2
- CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
- CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS3203 Software Engineering Project
- CS3219 Software Engineering Principles and Patterns
- 263-5354-00L Large Language Models
- 252-0341-01L Information retrieval
- 227-0558-00L Principles of Distributed Computing
I'll update these every so often, whenever I find a spare pocket of time.