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Data Format

taolei87 edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

Specify input format

The RBGParser currently supports two versions of file formats used in the CoNLL shared tasks:

  • CoNLL-2006 (a.k.a CoNLL-X) format
  • CoNLL-2009 format

The default one is CoNLL-2006, but one can specify the format via the options "format:conll09" or "format:conll-09" during training and testing.

#### CoNLL-2006 format specification Each line of the CoNLL-2006 format describes one token of an input sentence. The sentences are separated by a blank line. Each token is specified by the following fields, separated by a tab "\t" character: 1. ID: token counter, starting at 1 for each new sentence 2. FORM: word form or punctuation symbol 3. LEMMA: lemma or stem of word form 4. CPOSTAG: coarse-grained part-of-speech tag 5. POSTAG: fine-grained part-of-speech tag 6. FEATS: unordered set of syntactic and/or morphological features, separated by a vertical bar "|", or an underscore "_" if not available 7. HEAD: head ID of the current token 8. DEPREL: dependency relation to the HEAD

Here is an example (extracted from the CoNLL-X website):

1   Cathy             Cathy             N     N     eigen|ev|neut                    2   su      _  _
2   zag               zie               V     V     trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev             0   ROOT    _  _
3   hen               hen               Pron  Pron  per|3|mv|datofacc                2   obj1    _  _
4   wild              wild              Adj   Adj   attr|stell|onverv                5   mod     _  _
5   zwaaien           zwaai             N     N     soort|mv|neut                    2   vc      _  _
6   .                 .                 Punc  Punc  punt                             5   punct   _  _

1   Ze                ze                Pron  Pron  per|3|evofmv|nom                 2   su      _  _
2   had               heb               V     V     trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev             0   ROOT    _  _
3   met               met               Prep  Prep  voor                             8   mod     _  _
4   haar              haar              Pron  Pron  bez|3|ev|neut|attr               5   det     _  _
5   moeder            moeder            N     N     soort|ev|neut                    3   obj1    _  _
6   kunnen            kan               V     V     hulp|ott|1of2of3|mv              2   vc      _  _
7   gaan              ga                V     V     hulp|inf                         6   vc      _  _
8   winkelen          winkel            V     V     intrans|inf                      11  cnj     _  _
9   ,                 ,                 Punc  Punc  komma                            8   punct   _  _
10  zwemmen           zwem              V     V     intrans|inf                      11  cnj     _  _
11  of                of                Conj  Conj  neven                            7   vc      _  _
12  terrassen         terras            N     N     soort|mv|neut                    11  cnj     _  _
13  .                 .                 Punc  Punc  punt                             12  punct   _  _

#### CoNLL-2009 format specification The CoNLL-2009 format provides separate columns for both *gold* and *predicted* information, including lemmas, POS tags, morphological features. It also contains predicted dependency heads, predicted dependency labels and necessary information for semantic role labeling (SRL) task. These columns are given in the following order:


where the "P-" columns are the corresponding predicted versions of the previous column. For example, "LEMMA" column specifies the gold word lemma and the next column "PLEMMA" is the predicted word lemma.

Note: We ignore the columns used for SRL task and the gold columns of lemmas, POS tags and morphological features. That is, we use ID, FORM, PLEMMA, PPOS, PFEAT, HEAD and DEPREL columns to train and test our dependency parser.

Here is an example of CoNLL-2009 format:

1	W.	w.	w.	NNP	NNP	_	_	3	3	NAME	NAME	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
2	Ed	ed	ed	NNP	NNP	_	_	3	3	NAME	NAME	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
3	Tyler	tyler	tyler	NNP	NNP	_	_	18	18	SBJ	SBJ	_	_	_	_	A1	_	_	_
4	,	,	,	,	,	_	_	3	3	P	P	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
5	37	37	37	CD	CD	_	_	6	6	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
6	years	year	year	NNS	NNS	_	_	7	7	AMOD	AMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
7	old	old	old	JJ	JJ	_	_	3	3	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
8	,	,	,	,	,	_	_	3	3	P	P	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
9	a	a	a	DT	DT	_	_	12	12	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
10	senior	senior	senior	JJ	JJ	_	_	12	12	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	A3	_	_	_	_	_
11	vice	vice	vice	NN	NN	_	_	12	12	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	A3	_	_	_	_	_
12	president	president	president	NN	NN	_	_	3	3	APPO	APPO	Y	president.01	A0	_	_	_	_	_
13	at	at	at	IN	IN	_	_	12	12	LOC	LOC	_	_	A2	_	_	_	_	_
14	this	this	this	DT	DT	_	_	16	16	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
15	printing	print	print	VBG	VBG	_	_	16	16	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	A1	_	_	_	_
16	concern	concern	concern	NN	NN	_	_	13	13	PMOD	PMOD	Y	concern.02	_	A0	_	_	_	_
17	,	,	,	,	,	_	_	3	3	P	P	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
18	was	be	be	VBD	VBD	_	_	0	0	ROOT	ROOT	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
19	elected	elect	elect	VBN	VBN	_	_	18	18	VC	VC	Y	elect.01	_	_	_	_	_	_
20	president	president	president	NN	NN	_	_	19	19	OPRD	OPRD	Y	president.01	_	_	A2	A0	_	_
21	of	of	of	IN	IN	_	_	20	20	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	A2	_	_
22	its	its	its	PRP$	PRP$	_	_	24	24	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	A2	_
23	technology	technology	technology	NN	NN	_	_	24	24	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	A1	_
24	group	group	group	NN	NN	_	_	21	21	PMOD	PMOD	Y	group.01	_	_	_	_	_	_
25	,	,	,	,	,	_	_	20	20	P	P	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
26	a	a	a	DT	DT	_	_	28	28	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
27	new	new	new	JJ	JJ	_	_	28	28	NMOD	NMOD	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	AM-TMP
28	position	position	position	NN	NN	_	_	20	20	APPO	APPO	Y	position.02	_	_	_	_	_	A1-REF
29	.	.	.	.	.	_	_	18	18	P	P	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
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