UrlMate is a utility library for manipulating with URLs, specifically when the changes depend on certain conditions, like env variables.
NOTE: This is a weekend project made mostly for fun. It is going to be improved in the future, but the timeline cannot be guaranteed. Although, if you find the library useful, feel free to create issue with bug reports of feature requests. Contributions are also welcomed.
To install the library using npm run the following command in your terminal:
npm install --save urlmate
Alternatively, if you're using yarn, run:
yarn add urlmate
Here is an example of the library usage with TypeScript.
import UrlMate, { append, identity, matchOrDefault } from 'urlmate';
const baseUrl = urlmate('api.example.com')
matchOrDefault<string | undefined, string[]>(
['development', append('dev')],
['qa', append('qa')],
['stage', append('stg')]
const fooUrl = baseUrl.withPath(append('foo'));
const barUrl = baseUrl.withPath(append('bar'));
const bazUrl = barUrl.withPath(append('baz'));
fetch(fooUrl.toString()); // GET https://api.<env>.example.com/v1/foo
fetch(barUrl.toString()); // GET https://api.<env>.example.com/v1/bar
fetch(bazUrl.toString()); // GET https://api.<env>.example.com/v1/bar/baz
Let's go through it step by step:
- Firstly, we initiate
with initial URL (note, that when the protocol is not specified it defaults tohttps
). - On the second step, we choose the subdomain that is based on the current environment (
, or anything else) - After that we specify that we are going to use
version of the given API; - Since UrlMate is immutable, now we can use our base URL representation to create multiple endpoint URLs (
). - Finally to use our URLs we just need to convert them back to regular strings by calling
In order to be able to work with separate parts of the domain (i.e. tld, sld and subdomains), UrlMate relies on psl. It comes with a price of increased bundle size. That is why, if the bundle size is critical or there is no need in sophisticated domain manipulations, there is also urlmate/light
, which doesn't have some domain-related methods, but is only about 3KB uncompressed.
urlmate(url: string): UrlMate;
urlmate(url: UrlData): UrlMate;
urlmate(url: IUrlDto): UrlMate;
urlmate(initFn: Mapper<null, string>): UrlMate;
urlmate(initFn: Mapper<null, UrlData>): UrlMate;
urlmate(initFn: Mapper<null, IUrlDto>): UrlMate;
toString(): string;
Serializes the urlmate
instance to string for further using as a regular URL.
withDomain(domain: string): UrlMate;
withDomain(fn: Mapper<string>): UrlMate;
Allows manipulations with domain as a whole.
matchOrDefault<string | undefined, string>(
identity, // => https://example.com/foo/bar/
['development', constant('dev.internal-example.com')], // => https://dev.internal-example.com/foo/bar/
['qa', constant('qa.internal-example.com')], // => https://qa.internal-example.com/foo/bar/
['beta', constant('beta.example.com')] // => https://beta.example.com/foo/bar/
NOTE: not available in
withTopLevelDomain(tld: string): UrlMate;
withTopLevelDomain(tldArr: string[]): UrlMate;
withTopLevelDomain(mapper: Mapper<string[], string>): UrlMate;
withTopLevelDomain(mapper: Mapper<string[]>): UrlMate;
Allows to perform changes only to top level domain.
matchOrDefault<string | undefined, string[]>(
identity, // => https://example.com/
['US', append('us')], // => https://example.com.us/
['CA', append('ca')], // => https://example.com.ca/
['UA', append('ua')] // => https://example.com.ua/
NOTE: not available in
withSecondLevelDomain(sld: string): UrlMate;
withSecondLevelDomain(mapper: Mapper<string>): UrlMate;
Allows to perform changes only to top level domain.
() => process.env.USE_REBRANDED_DOMAIN === 'true',
constant('something-else') // => https://something-else.com/
NOTE: not available in
withSubdomain(subdomain: string): UrlMate;
withSubdomain(subdomainsArr: string[]): UrlMate;
withSubdomain(fn: Mapper<string[], string>): UrlMate;
withSubdomain(fn: Mapper<string[]>): UrlMate;
Allows to perform changes only to subdomains.
matchOrDefault<string | undefined, string[]>(
identity, // => https://api.example.com/
['development', append('dev')], // => https://api.dev.example.com/
['qa', append('qa')], // => https://api.qa.example.com/
['stage', append('stg')] // => https://api.stg.example.com/
withProtocol(protocol: string): UrlMate;
withProtocol(fn: Mapper<string>): UrlMate;
Allows to perform changes to the protocol. It may be useful when single server handles multiple protocols.
withUsername(domain: Nullable<string>): UrlMate;
withUsername(fn: Mapper<Nullable<string>>): UrlMate;
Changes the username of the URL. Pass null
if there is a need to remove username.
withPassword(domain: Nullable<string>): UrlMate;
withPassword(fn: Mapper<Nullable<string>>): UrlMate;
Changes the password of the URL. Pass null
if there is a need to remove username.
withCredentials(username: Nullable<string>, password: Nullable<string>): UrlMate;
withCredentials(username: Nullable<string>, password: Mapper<Nullable<string>>): UrlMate;
withCredentials(username: Mapper<Nullable<string>>, password: Nullable<string>): UrlMate;
withCredentials(username: Mapper<Nullable<string>>, password: Mapper<Nullable<string>>): UrlMate;
A quick way to specify both username and password.
withPath(path: ValueOrArray<string>): UrlMate;
withPath(fn: Mapper<string[], ValueOrArray<string>>): UrlMate;
Allows to apply changes to the path of the URL.
withSearchParam(domain: string): UrlMate;
withSearchParam(fn: Mapper<string>): UrlMate;
Set or change value of the URL search parameter base on key
withSearchParams(searchStr: string): UrlMate;
withSearchParams(searchIterable: Iterable<[string, ValueOrMapper<Nullable<string>>]>): UrlMate;
withSearchParams(searchObj: { [key: string]: ValueOrMapper<Nullable<string>> }): UrlMate;
withSearchParams(fn: Mapper<Map<string, Nullable<string>>, string>): UrlMate;
withSearchParams(fn: Mapper<Map<string, Nullable<string>>, Iterable<[string, ValueOrMapper<Nullable<string>>]>>): UrlMate;
withSearchParams(fn: Mapper<Map<string, Nullable<string>>, { [key: string]: ValueOrMapper<Nullable<string>> }>): UrlMate;
Set or change all URL search parameters.
withHash(hash: Nullable<string>): UrlMate;
withHash(fn: Mapper<Nullable<string>>): UrlMate;
Apply changes to hash part of the URL. Pass null
to remove hash.
UrlMate comes with a set of basic helper functions that cover typical cases, but it is not required to use them in your code. Your are free to use your own mapper function, which is covered in the following section.
identity<T>(value: T): T
A utility mapper that does not transform the current value. It is useful for using in higher order functions to cover cases when no change has to be applied. For example, it can often be used as default mapper of matchOrDefault
constant<T>(value: T): Mapper<any, T>
It returns a mapper that returns a provided value regardless of current value. It may be useful when there is a need to set a specific value that is not based on the current one.
constIf<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, value: T): Mapper<any, T>
Works similarly to constant but also takes a predicate as a first parameter and applies the value only if the predicate returns true
// => isDev() ? https://dev.foo.com : https://foo.com
urlmate('foo.com').withSubdomain(constIf(isDev, 'dev'))
append<T>(...values: T[]): Mapper<T[]>
Returns a mapper that is used to add a value (or values) to the end of array-based URL components (e.g. subdomain, path, etc.).
// => https://api.<environment>.foo.com/
appendIf<T>(predicate: Predicate<T[]>, ...values: T[]): Mapper<T[]>
Applies the append mapper only when the predicate returns true
// => isDev() ? https://api.dev.foo.com : https://api.foo.com
urlmate('api.foo.com').withSubdomain(appendIf(isDev, 'dev'))
prepend<T>(...values: T[]): Mapper<T[]>
Returns a mapper that is used to add a value (or values) to the beginning of array-based URL components (e.g. subdomain, path, etc.).
// => https://foo.com/<version>/bar/baz
prependIf<T>(predicate: Predicate<T[]>, ...values: T[]): Mapper<T[]>
Applies the prepend mapper only when the predicate returns true
// => isV2() ? https://foo.com/v2/bar/baz : https://api.foo.com/bar/baz
urlmate('foo.com/bar/baz').withPath(prependIf(isV2, 'v2'))
doIf<T, S = T, U = T>(
predicate: Predicate<T>,
onTrue: Mapper<T, S>,
onFalse?: Mapper<T, U>
): Mapper<T, T | S | U>
A utility higher order function that acts as a regular if
statement. It takes a predicate as a first argument. Based on its returned value it calls either onTrue
or onFalse
mapper. onFalse
is optional and defaults to identity (i.e. it leaves the value as is).
doIf(isFoo, constant('foo.com'), constant('bar.com'))
matchOrDefault<T, S, U = S>(
value: T,
defaultFn: Mapper<S, U>,
...optionFns: OptionTuple<T, S, U>[]
): Mapper<S, U>
A utility higher order function that acts as switch
statement. It takes a value as the first argument, default mapper as the second one, after that you may list option tuples, which should be an array of two elements: the first one is a value, the second one is a corresponding mapper. matchOrDefault
goes through the list of options and calls a mapper if value element of its tuple matches provided value. If no match is found the default mapper is called.
['development', constant('dev.internal-example.com')],
['qa', constant('qa.internal-example.com')],
['beta', constant('beta.example.com')]
most methods take any mapper that match (current: T) => T
signature, so you are free to use your own custom mappers to achieve the necessary result. For example:
function omitVowels(current: string) {
return current.replace(/[aeiouy]/gi, '');
// example.com => xmpl.com