Releases: tasomaniac/DevWidget
Integrate new Night Mode APIs: MODE_NIGHT_AUTO_BATTERY
(only on API 28+)
Bug fixes
- Fixes related to work profile
- German translations are added thanks to Thomas Keller!
Configure Redesign
Configure screen is redesigned
- When adding/editing your widget, now you will see a preview.
- Also, new favorite action. Now, the action on each app can be configured. Was "Uninstall" by default.
Target Android Oreo:
- Added a persistent service to listen broadcast receivers. (Only for Oreo)
- Manual refresh button on the widget
- Option in Advanced Settings to turn the Service on/off.
Also fixed a small bug: Applications with no launcher Activity will also be displayed with their applicationId and application label.
Remove Firebase ad id collection.
Added additional 3 options into overflow
- Open in Play Store
- App Settings (only displayed if the app has necessary intent-filter)
- App Notification Settings (only displayed if the app has necessary intent-filter)
A bug that exists from the beginning has been resolved: When multiple widgets exist, the configuration button was openning the wrong widget screen.
Project is jettified
Fix app icon size problem on the main preview screen.
Add images to the actions popup.
Bug fixes.
DevWidget now adjusts its icon and buttons depending on the space available.
It is now possible to have a tiny but still useful widget.
- Work account supported
- Dialog pops up if the app has multiple launcher Activities
- Settings to display all available exported Activities