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Merge pull request #5 from teamparodis/develop
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Merge a number of bug fixes and improvements
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jengstud authored May 18, 2021
2 parents e4a83a0 + e2b939e commit fec0c3d
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Showing 17 changed files with 338 additions and 43 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion @Controller/Controller.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,10 @@ function compile(obj, model, agent, yalmipOptions)
costFunction = costFunctionCell{1};

slacks = costFunction.getSlacks(model, agent, obj.paramSyms);
if ~isa(slacks, 'struct')
warning("PARODIS Controller:compile cost function getSlacks must return struct");
obj.slackVariables = mergeStructs(obj.slackVariables, slacks);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,4 +296,4 @@ function compile(obj, model, agent, yalmipOptions)
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions @CostFunction/CostFunction.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,21 @@
% Abstract super class for implementation of cost functions

methods (Abstract,Static)
% Function for introducing custom slacks and corresponding constraints
[slacks] = getSlacks(model, agent, params)
[constraints] = getConstraints(model, agent, slacks, params)

% Function returning an expression for the cost function
[expr] = buildExpression(x, u, d, params, Ns, slacks, T_s)

methods (Static)
% Function for introducing custom slacks and corresponding constraints
function [slacks] = getSlacks(model, agent, params)
slacks = struct;

function [constraints] = getConstraints(model, agent, slacks, params)
constraints = [];

% Optional function for expression for a single scenario
function [exprSingle] = buildExpressionSingleScen(x, u, d, params, slacks, T_s)
exprSingle = [];
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion @ExplicitController/ExplicitController.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ function addConstraint(obj, arg)

% vector for scaling dx to appropriate time steps
scale = T_s/T_s_ref;
scale = T_s(1:N_horz-1)/T_s_ref; % dx/du consider N_horz-1 many steps, and N_horz is shorter for du

if iscell( variableSym )
N_S = length( variableSym );
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13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions @ParetoController/ParetoController.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ function addCostFunction(obj, name, costFunctionInstance, defaultWeight )
slackValues = slacks(idx,:);
chosenParameters = paretoParameters(idx,:);
chosenSolution = front(idx,:);
agent.status.chosenWeights = paretoParameters(idx,:);
[uPred, slackValues, chosenParameters, chosenSolution] = this.chooseSolution( agent, inputs, slacks, front, paretoParameters );
Expand All @@ -185,10 +184,10 @@ function addCostFunction(obj, name, costFunctionInstance, defaultWeight )
% string is 'auto' the optimizer corresponding to the front determination scheme is
% called.

if nargin == 5 && isequal(this.config.preperationMethod,'auto')
if nargin == 5 && isequal(this.config.preparationMethod,'auto')
method = this.config.frontDeterminationScheme;
elseif nargin == 5
method = this.config.preperationMethod;
method = this.config.preparationMethod;

if isa(method, 'function_handle')
Expand All @@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ function addCostFunction(obj, name, costFunctionInstance, defaultWeight )
if ismethod(this, optimizerMethod)
optimizer = ParetoController.(optimizerMethod)(this, optimizeConstraints, costExpressions, agent, extremePoints);
error("No function handle given for front determination scheme! Try 'AWDS', 'NBI', 'FPBI'!")
error("No function handle given for front determination scheme! Try 'AWDS', 'NBI', 'FPBI', 'ASBI'!")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ function addCostFunction(obj, name, costFunctionInstance, defaultWeight )
if ismethod(this, FDS)
[inputs, slacks, front, parametersFDS] = ParetoController.(FDS)(this, agent, optimizer, extremePoints, chosenParameters);
error("No function handle given for metric function! Try 'AWDS', 'NBI' or 'FPBI'.")
error("No function handle given for metric function! Try 'AWDS', 'NBI', 'FPBI' or 'ASBI'.")
inputs = [inputsEP; inputs];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,6 +286,7 @@ function clear(this)
optimizer = prepareNBI(paretoObj, optimizeConstraints, costExpressions, agent, extremePoints)
optimizer = prepareFPBI(paretoObj, optimizeConstraints, costExpressions, agent, extremePoints)
optimizer = prepareWS(paretoObj, optimizeConstraints, costExpressions, agent, utopia, nadir, additionalSymbols, additionalCostExpression)
optimizer = prepareASBI(paretoObj, optimizeConstraints, costExpressions, agent, ~)

% extreme point functions
[extremePoints, inputsEP, slacksEP, parametersEP] = initializeMWA(paretoObj, optimizeConstraints, costExpressions, agent);
Expand All @@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ function clear(this)
[inputs, slacks, front, parameters] = determineAWDS(this, agent, optimizer, extremePoints, chosenParameters);
[inputs, slacks, front, parameters] = determineNBI(this, agent, optimizer, extremePoints, chosenParameters);
[inputs, slacks, front, parameters] = determineFPBI(this, agent, optimizer, extremePoints, chosenParameters);
[inputs, slacks, front, parameters] = determineASBI(this, agent, optimizer, extremePoints, chosenParameters);

% metric functions
[idx,utility] = selectCUP(varargin);
Expand All @@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ function clear(this)
config.distance2AllMin = [];
config.interactivity = false;
config.plotLabels = {};
config.preperationMethod = 'auto';
config.preparationMethod = 'auto';
config.extremePointFunction = 'MWAN';
config.metricFunction = 'CUP';
config.frontDeterminationScheme = 'FPBI';
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205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions @ParetoController/determineASBI.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
function [inputs, slacks, front, parameters] = determineASBI(paretoObj, agent, optimizer, extremePoints, preselectedParameters)
% ASBI: Adaptive Search Boundary Intersection. Function for evaluating an evenly
% distributed Pareto front. Recursive approach
% Input:
% paretoObj: The ParetoController object calling this function.
% agent: Agent object that this timestep is evaluated for.
% optimizer: YALMIP optimizer object for this determination method.
% extremePoints: Extreme Points found by an initialization algorithm,
% e.g. 'lexicographic'. Points minimizing exactly one cost function.
% preselectedParameters: Given when the paretoParameters are already fixed. If given,
% this function will only call the optimizer with these parameters.
% Output:
% front: Pareto optimal points.
% inputs: All possible inputs u determined by evaluating different Pareto-optimal points.
% slacks: Slack variables for every Pareto optimal point.
% parameters: Evaluated paretoParameters for logging purposes.

if nargin == 4 || isempty(preselectedParameters)
paretoObj.paretoCurrentStep = 0;
front = extremePoints;
paretoObj.evaluatedPoints = extremePoints;
numEP = size(extremePoints,1);

% if the minimal distance to all other Pareto-optimal points is not set it
% is set to a default values of 1/5 of the minimal distance ratio
if isempty(paretoObj.config.distance2AllMin)
paretoObj.config.distance2AllMin = paretoObj.config.drMin/5;

% get the number of unique Pareto-optimal points
numPoints = size(unique(front,'rows'),1);

% if the number of points is less than the number of conflicting objectives the ASBI
% cannot be applied
if numPoints < numel(paretoObj.status.conflictingObj)
warning("Not enough points found for AWDS! :(")
inputs = [];
paretoParameters = [];
slacks = [];

% get all possible recombinations, if more than n EP candidates are given
recombinations = nchoosek( 1:(numPoints), numel(paretoObj.status.conflictingObj) );
inputs = [];
paretoParameters = [];
slacks = [];

% do ASBI for all combinations of candidates
for ii = 1:size(recombinations,1)
[frontTemp, inputsTemp, slacksTemp, evaluatedWeightsTemp] = evaluateParetoFront(paretoObj, agent, optimizer, front(recombinations(ii,:),:), Inf);
front = [front; frontTemp];
inputs = [inputs; inputsTemp];
paretoParameters = [paretoParameters; evaluatedWeightsTemp];
slacks = [slacks, slacksTemp];

% eliminate all weakly Pareto-optimal points
filteredFront = ParetoController.paretoFilter(paretoObj, front, 1:numEP);
front = front(filteredFront,:);

filteredPIS = filteredFront - numEP;
filteredPIS(filteredPIS <= 0) = [];
parameters = paretoParameters(filteredPIS,:);
inputs = inputs(filteredPIS);
slacks = slacks(filteredPIS);

elseif nargin == 5
optOut = optimizer(preselectedParameters);

[front, inputs, slacks] = paretoObj.calculateUnnormedObjectiveValues(optOut, agent);
parameters = preselectedParameters;
error("Input error in determineAWDS, not enough inputs.")

paretoObj.paretoCurrentStep = [];


function [points, inputs, slacks, paretoParameters] = evaluateParetoFront(paretoObj, agent, optimizer, parents, drPrev)
% Recursive function for evaluating the Pareto front. Takes n parents defining a
% hyperplane. The starting point is the midpoint of all n parents, the search direction is
% the normal vector of the hyperplane.

nConflict = numel(paretoObj.status.conflictingObj);
paretoObj.paretoCurrentStep = paretoObj.paretoCurrentStep + 1;

newParameters = computeParetoParameters(parents, paretoObj);

% optimize with new paretoParameters for finding the optimal u
[optOut, feasibilityCode] = optimizer(newParameters);

% skip the solution if the problem was infeasible
if feasibilityCode ~= 0
warning("Yalmip error: " + yalmiperror(feasibilityCode))
points = [];
paretoParameters = [];
inputs = [];
slacks = [];

[J_opt, u, sl] = calculateUnnormedObjectiveValues(paretoObj, optOut, agent);

% calculate the minimal distance to all other Pareto-optimal points
distance2All = minDistance2all(J_opt, paretoObj);

if distance2All <= paretoObj.config.distance2AllMin || isinf(distance2All)
% Check if there is a solution similar to the new one, since this would only result in
% more similar solutions.
points = [];
paretoParameters = [];
inputs = [];
slacks = [];
paretoObj.evaluatedPoints(end+1,:) = J_opt;

% update the nadir point if the new point is bigger in one objective
if any(paretoObj.status.nadir < J_opt)
paretoObj.status.nadir = max([paretoObj.status.nadir; J_opt]);

inputs = {u};
slacks = [sl];
points = J_opt;
paretoParameters = newParameters;

% get the candidates for new parents
candidates = unique(parents,'rows','stable');

if size(candidates,1) < nConflict-1
points = [];
paretoParameters = [];
inputs = [];
slacks = [];

recombinations = nchoosek( 1:(size(candidates,1)), nConflict - 1);

for jj = 1:size(recombinations,1)
newParents = [candidates(recombinations(jj,:),:); J_opt];
prevPoints = parents;

if isempty(prevPoints)

dr = distance_ratio(prevPoints, J_opt, paretoObj);

if dr <= paretoObj.config.drMin
% Distance ratio is used to predict whether new solutions will be found

[newJ_opt, u, newSlacks, JOptParameters] = evaluateParetoFront(paretoObj, agent, optimizer, newParents, dr);

inputs = [inputs; u];
slacks = [slacks; newSlacks];
points = [points; newJ_opt];
paretoParameters = [paretoParameters; JOptParameters];

function [paretoParameters] = computeParetoParameters(hyperpoints, paretoObj)

normedHyperpoints = ParetoController.ParetoNormalization(hyperpoints, paretoObj);
midpoint = mean(normedHyperpoints);
searchDirection = null(normedHyperpoints(2:end,:)-normedHyperpoints(1,:))';

paretoParameters = [midpoint, searchDirection];

function dr = distance_ratio(previousPoints, newPoint, paretoObj)
% calculates the distance ratio between previously found solutions and the
% new solution. in the case of n = 2 dimensions, distance ratio is equal to
% the euclidian distance in normalized (decision) space.
numParents = numel(paretoObj.status.conflictingObj);
r = paretoObj.status.nadir - paretoObj.status.utopia;
dr = 0;

for p=1:numParents-1
dr = dr + norm( (newPoint - previousPoints(p, :))./ r );

dr = dr/(numParents-1);


function distance2All = minDistance2all(newPoint, paretoObj)
% Calculates the minimal distance to any previously found solution.
% Prevents accumulation of similar solutions.
checkPoints = ParetoController.ParetoNormalization(paretoObj.evaluatedPoints, paretoObj);
distance2All = min(vecnorm(checkPoints - ParetoController.ParetoNormalization(newPoint, paretoObj),2,2));

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion @ParetoController/determineAWDS.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@

inputs = {u};
slacks = {sl};
slacks = [sl];
points = J_opt;
weights = newWeight;

Expand Down
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions @ParetoController/determineFPBI.m
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Expand Up @@ -15,24 +15,27 @@

paretoObj.paretoMaxStep = size(planePoints,1)-1;

for i = 2:size(planePoints,1)
paretoObj.paretoCurrentStep = i-1;
front = [];
inputs = {};

for iParetoStep = 2:size(planePoints,1)
paretoObj.paretoCurrentStep = iParetoStep - 1;

[optOut, feasibilityCode] = optimizer(planePoints(i,:));
[optOut, feasibilityCode] = optimizer(planePoints(iParetoStep,:));

if feasibilityCode ~= 0

pos = i-1;
[front(pos,:), inputs{pos,1}, slacks{pos,1}] = calculateUnnormedObjectiveValues(paretoObj, optOut, agent);
[front(iParetoStep,:), inputs{iParetoStep,1}, slacks(iParetoStep,1)] = calculateUnnormedObjectiveValues(...
paretoObj, optOut, agent);

if isequal(front(pos,:),[0 0 0])
if isequal(front(end,:),[0 0 0])

startingPoints = [startingPoints; planePoints(i,:)];
startingPoints = [startingPoints; planePoints(iParetoStep,:)];

paretoObj.status.nadir = max(front);
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion @ParetoController/determineNBI.m
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@

pos = i-n;
[front(pos,:), inputs{pos,1}, slacks{pos,1}] = calculateUnnormedObjectiveValues(paretoObj, optOut, agent);
[front(pos,:), inputs{pos,1}, slacks(pos,1)] = calculateUnnormedObjectiveValues(paretoObj, optOut, agent);

if isequal(front(pos,:),[0 0 0])
Expand Down

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