Mae'r fersiwn hwn o Hunspell wedi ei deilwra yn arbennig at anghenion y trawsgrifwyr sydd yn cyfrannu at fanc trawsgrifiadau Uned Technolegau Iaith Prifysgol Bangor. Mae'n cynnwys nifer o ffurfiau llafar sy'n cydymffurfio gyda chonfensiynau trawsgrifio verbatim y project hwnnw (gw. am fwy o fanylion). Ceir ynddo ffurfiau llafar megis ch'mod, rwbath, sicir a gweud.
I'w ddefnyddio o fewn eich cod:
pip install hunspell
import hunspell
cy_speller = hunspell.HunSpell('/usr/share/hunspell/cy_GB_llafar.dic', '/usr/share/hunspell/cy_GB.aff')
word = "kamsillafiad"
>>> False
Am ragor o fanlion, gweler:
Ariannwyd y diweddariad hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
This version of Hunspell has been specially tailored to the needs of the transcribers who contribute to Bangor University Language Technology Unit's transcription bank. It contains a number of spoken forms which comply with the verbatim transcription conventions of that project (see transcripts-bangor#conventions-transcript for more details). It contains a number of spoken forms such as ch'mod, rwbath, sicir and gweud.
To use in your code:
pip install hunspell
import hunspell
cy_speller = hunspell.HunSpell('/usr/share/hunspell/cy_GB_llafar.dic', '/usr/share/hunspell/cy_GB.aff')
word = "kamsillafiad"
>>> False
For more details, see:
This update was funded by the Welsh Government.