- Update config.yaml
- Update secrets.yaml [Optional]
- Update params.yaml
- Update the entity
- Update the configuration manager in src config
- Update the components
- Update the pipeline
- Update the main.py
- Update the dvc.yaml
Clone the repository
conda create -n cnncls python=3.8 -y
conda activate cnncls
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Finally run the following command
python app.py
open up you local host and port
- dvc init
- dvc repro
- dvc dag
docker build -t chickenapp.azurecr.io/chicken:latest .
docker login chickenapp.azurecr.io/chicken
docker push chickenapp.azurecr.io/chicken:latest
- Build the Docker image of the Source Code
- Push the Docker image to Container Registry
- Launch the Web App Server in Azure
- Pull the Docker image from the container registry to Web App server and run