I'm new to bitcoin and I'm here to fix it!
There are two types of people, those that know what they don't know and those that don't know what they don't know.
When I joined the bitcoin community, I was in the latter camp, and now I'm in the former camp.
So I've recently (past few months) became a bitcoin ossifcationist, because I don't think we should be making changes to the main chain without deep consideration of problems that can arise from making a small change.
Right now spam is a problem on bitcoin and it doesn't seem to be getting much attenion. This spam could have been avoided by more careful upgrades.
ALL future upgrades should probably be done on the 2nd layer, and let the main chain stay the way it is, except for critical bugs etc.
This is because bitcoin is not like regular software where we can roll back changes.
Upgrades that we make, will last forever. Imagine 1000 years from now the consequences of making a change that shouldn't have been done.
It will become more and more difficult the bigger it gets to do any kind of roll back.
The size of the database needs to be as small as possible to make sure as many full nodes exist as possible.
Bitcoin only needs to do one thing, and it needs to do it well.
It needs to be a secure way to store value, and nothing else. Keep the fancy upgrades to layer 2.
My 0.02.