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Test/debug: initial implementation of dummy admin and testing cli #983

Test/debug: initial implementation of dummy admin and testing cli

Test/debug: initial implementation of dummy admin and testing cli #983

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
- push
- pull_request
name: ${{ matrix.session }} ${{ matrix.python }} / ${{ matrix.os }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
- { python: "3.12", os: "ubuntu-latest", session: "pre-commit" }
- { python: "3.11", os: "ubuntu-latest", session: "tests" }
- { python: "3.12", os: "ubuntu-latest", session: "tests", coverage: true }
# mosuqitto github action only supported on ubuntu
# - { python: "3.12", os: "macos-latest", session: "tests" }
# - { python: "3.12", os: "windows-latest", session: "tests" }
- { python: "3.12", os: "ubuntu-latest", session: "xdoctest" }
- { python: "3.12", os: "ubuntu-latest", session: "docs-build" }
# - { python: "3.12", os: "ubuntu-latest", session: "mypy" }
NOXSESSION: ${{ matrix.session }}
# Work around pipx issue #1331 with absolute path to constraint.txt
- name: Set PIP_ARGS on Windows
run: echo "PIP_ARGS=--constraint=$env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.github/workflows/constraints.txt" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- name: Set PIP_ARGS on not-Windows
run: echo "PIP_ARGS=--constraint=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.github/workflows/constraints.txt" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
- name: Check out the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5.2.0
python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
- name: Upgrade pip
run: |
pip install ${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} pip
pip --version
- name: Upgrade pip in virtual environments
shell: python
run: |
import os
import pip
with open(os.environ["GITHUB_ENV"], mode="a") as io:
print(f"VIRTUALENV_PIP={pip.__version__}", file=io)
- name: Install gwcert
run: |
pipx install gridworks-cert
gwcert --version
- name: Generate CA
run: |
echo Creating CA
gwcert ca create --ca-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca ci-test-ca
echo "\nCA info:"
gwcert ca info --ca-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca
echo "\nAdding mosquitto key:"
gwcert key add --ca-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca --certs-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs --dns localhost mosquitto
echo "\nCA info:"
gwcert ca info --ca-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca
sudo chmod a+r ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs/mosquitto/private/mosquitto.pem
ls -lR ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca
- name: Start Mosquitto
uses: namoshek/mosquitto-github-action@v1.1.0
ports: "1883:1883 8883:8883"
config: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/config/ci-mosquitto.conf
certificates: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca
container-name: "local-mqtt"
- name: Wait for Mosquitto
uses: iFaxity/wait-on-action@v1.2.1
resource: tcp:localhost:1883
timeout: 5000
# - name: Try Mosquitto Clients
# run: |
# gwcert key add --ca-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca --certs-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs ci
# sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
# echo pub clear
# mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t foo -m '{"bla":1}'
# echo sub clear
# mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1883 -t foo -E
# echo pub TLS
# mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 8883 -t foo \
# --cafile ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/ca.crt \
# --cert ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs/ci/ci.crt \
# --key ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs/ci/private/ci.pem \
# -m '{"bar":1}'
# echo sub TLS
# mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 8883 -t foo \
# --cafile ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/ca.crt \
# --cert ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs/ci/ci.crt \
# --key ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/certs/ci/private/ci.pem \
# -E
- name: Install Poetry
run: |
pipx install --pip-args=${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} poetry
poetry --version
- name: Install Nox
run: |
pipx install --pip-args=${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} nox
pipx inject --pip-args=${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} nox nox-poetry
nox --version
- name: Compute pre-commit cache key
if: matrix.session == 'pre-commit'
id: pre-commit-cache
shell: python
run: |
import hashlib
import sys
python = "py{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info[:2])
payload = sys.version.encode() + sys.executable.encode()
digest = hashlib.sha256(payload).hexdigest()
result = "${{ runner.os }}-{}-{}-pre-commit".format(python, digest[:8])
print("::set-output name=result::{}".format(result))
- name: Restore pre-commit cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
if: matrix.session == 'pre-commit'
path: ~/.cache/pre-commit
key: ${{ steps.pre-commit-cache.outputs.result }}-${{ hashFiles('.pre-commit-config.yaml') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ steps.pre-commit-cache.outputs.result }}-
- name: Run Tests with coverage
if: matrix.session == 'tests' && matrix.coverage == true
GWPROACTOR_TEST_CA_CERT_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/ca.crt
GWPROACTOR_TEST_CA_KEY_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/private/ca_key.pem
run: |
nox --python=${{ matrix.python }}
- name: Run Tests without coverage
if: matrix.session == 'tests' && matrix.coverage != true
GWPROACTOR_TEST_CA_CERT_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/ca.crt
GWPROACTOR_TEST_CA_KEY_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/private/ca_key.pem
run: |
nox --python=${{ matrix.python }} -- --no-coverage
- name: Run non-test session
if: matrix.session != 'tests'
GWPROACTOR_TEST_CA_CERT_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/ca.crt
GWPROACTOR_TEST_CA_KEY_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/.ci-ca/private/ca_key.pem
run: |
nox --python=${{ matrix.python }}
- name: Mosquitto Log
if: failure()
run: |
docker logs local-mqtt
- name: Upload coverage data
if: always() && matrix.session == 'tests' && matrix.coverage == true
uses: "actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.0"
name: coverage-data
path: ".coverage.*"
if-no-files-found: error
include-hidden-files: true
- name: Upload documentation
if: matrix.session == 'docs-build'
uses: "actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.0"
name: docs
path: docs/_build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: tests
- name: Check out the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5.2.0
python-version: "3.12"
- name: Upgrade pip
run: |
pip install ${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} pip
pip --version
- name: Install Poetry
run: |
pipx install --pip-args=${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} poetry
poetry --version
- name: Install Nox
run: |
pipx install --pip-args=${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} nox
pipx inject --pip-args=${{ env.PIP_ARGS }} nox nox-poetry
nox --version
- name: Download coverage data
uses: "actions/download-artifact@v4.1.8"
name: coverage-data
- name: Combine coverage data and display human readable report
run: |
nox --session=coverage
- name: Create coverage report
run: |
nox --session=coverage -- xml
- name: Upload coverage report
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4.5.0