This is a light viewer for reddit, where you can look for a subreddit and see related content on a list of posts. Posts are clickable and will open the websites in a new tab. The ideia in the future is to have an iframe like to display the website in the same tab. As it is a Progressive Web App, it can be installed to mobile devices right to their home screen, where it will behave just like a regular native app.
PWA, React, Redux, Webpack, Nodejs, Styled-components, Jest, Enzyme.
Please refer to the Pull requests section for a full coding documentation.
To run the project locally, first install the dependencies:
npm install
Then, to run it in develop mode do:
npm run start
You can also run it in production mode with:
npm run start:production
If you want to run tests, enter:
npm run test
You'll be able to see a live demo of the application at Heroku: