A composite action triggered on pull request event. It clones the users of the currently modified repository, change its build.zig.zon with the SHA of the tested commit and run integration tests.
This composite action is not intented to be used outside of the tiawl/spaceporn dependencies chain. For this reason, there are no contributing file/rules on this repository. However feel free to open an issue if you have a question. We will be happy to answer.
These repositories are automatically updated when a new release is available:
- tiawl/toolbox
- tiawl/vulkan.zig
- tiawl/wayland.zig
- tiawl/X11.zig
- tiawl/glfw.zig
- tiawl/cimgui.zig
- tiawl/spirv.zig
- tiawl/glslang.zig
- tiawl/shaderc.zig
- tiawl/oniguruma.zig
This repository is automatically updated when a new release is available from these repositories:
This repository is dedicated to the public domain. See the LICENSE file for more details.