Small tool to generate a dts bundle from your ts code.
For example:
// a.ts
export class A {}
// b.ts
export class B {}
// entry.ts
import { A } from './a';
import { B } from './b';
declare function makeA(): A;
export function makeB(): B {
return new B();
When you run dts-bundle-generator -o my.d.ts entry.ts
in my.d.ts
you will get the following:
declare class B {
export declare function makeB(): B;
Install the package from
:npm install --save-dev dts-bundle-generator
npm install -g dts-bundle-generator
compiler option intsconfig.json
Usage: dts-bundle-generator [options] <file(s)>
--help Show help [boolean]
--out-file, -o File name of generated d.ts [string]
--verbose Enable verbose logging [boolean] [default: false]
--silent Disable any logging except errors [boolean] [default: false]
--no-check Skip validation of generated d.ts file [boolean] [default: false]
--fail-on-class Fail if generated dts contains class declaration
[boolean] [default: false]
--external-inlines Array of package names from node_modules to inline typings from.
Used types will be inlined into the output file [array]
--external-imports Array of package names from node_modules to import typings from.
Used types will be imported using "import { First, Second } from
By default all libraries will be imported (except inlined libraries
and libraries from @types) [array]
--external-types Array of package names from @types to import typings from via the
triple-slash reference directive.
By default all packages are allowed and will be used according to
their usages [array]
--umd-module-name Name of the UMD module. If specified then `export as namespace
ModuleName;` will be emitted [string]
--project Path to the tsconfig.json file that will be used for the
compilation [string]
--sort Sort output nodes [boolean] [default: false]
--inline-declare-global Enables inlining of `declare global` statements contained in files
which should be inlined (all local files and packages from
`--external-inlines`) [boolean] [default: false]
--inline-declare-externals Enables inlining of `declare module` statements of the global
modules (e.g. `declare module 'external-module' {}`, but NOT
`declare module './internal-module' {}`) contained in files which
should be inlined (all local files and packages from inlined
libraries) [boolean] [default: false]
--disable-symlinks-following (EXPERIMENTAL) Disables resolving of symlinks to the original path.
See for
more information [boolean] [default: false]
--respect-preserve-const-enum Enables stripping the `const` keyword from every direct-exported
(or re-exported) from entry file `const enum`. See for more
information [boolean] [default: false]
--export-referenced-types By default all interfaces, types and const enums are marked as
exported even if they aren't exported directly. This option allows
you to disable this behavior so a node will be exported if it is
exported from root source file only. [boolean] [default: true]
--config File path to the generator config file [string]
--no-banner Allows remove "Generated by dts-bundle-generator" comment from the
output [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
To generate a dts bundle for a single entry file:
./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator -o my.d.ts path/to/your/entry-file.ts
To generate a dts bundle for multiple entry files:
./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator path/to/your/entry-file.ts path/to/your/entry-file-2.ts
To generate a dts bundle for a single entry file with external inlines and imports:
./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator \
--external-inlines=@mycompany/internal-project \
--external-imports=@angular/core rxjs \
-- path/to/your/entry-file.ts
Note that, as in the above example, the arguments accepting arrays (like --external-inlines
or --external-imports
) accept multiple values separated by spaces. Since the input file(s) are positional arguments, you need to put the --
separator before it when it is preceded by an argument that accepts multiple values. Otherwise you will get an error (Error: No input files specified
To generate a dts bundle for a single entry file with external types:
./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator --external-types=jquery path/to/your/entry-file.ts
It is unnecessary, but you can use config file for the tool. See config documentation for more information.
If you have modules then you can create definitions by default using tsc
, but tsc
generates them for each module separately.
Yeah, you can use outFile
(for amd
and system
), but generated code looks like this:
declare module "a" {
export class A {
declare module "b" {
export class B {
declare module "entry" {
import { B } from "b";
export function makeB(): B;
is not used at all and most probably you do not want to export it.- If you bundle your code in a way when all modules are merged (like when using Webpack or Rollup) then there should be no such modules as
too) in the resulting file.