Bot Controller
This is a simple app to manage the Telegram Bot (Leo).
- Commands
- Member added to group message
- Member deleted from the group message
- Adding Docs
- Adding Media
- Adding Polls
- Senting Messages
- Kick out members
- Ban chat members
- Unban chat members
- Get members of group
- Switch btw groups
Commands are simple commands members can use (Theses are default commands)
Commands:{ Help:{ commandMsg: ['/help','/h'], desc: 'It will show us all the command of telegram bot', }, report:{ commandMsg: ['/report '], desc: 'report is used to report to all admins of the group', }, link: { commandMsg:['/link'], desc:'this will provide all the links', }, }
Before working you need to add both you Telegram token and Firebase admin SDK and its token too.