The original awesome-laravel repo seems to have been abandoned and with no new maintainer. So, this is a fork to continue it. The pending pull requests on the original awesome-laravel repo which follow the rules given, have all been merged. It is, as of writing, 24 commits ahead of the original, and would continue to be updated regularly. Feel free to contribute!
A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem.
Inspired by ziadoz/awesome-php
- Essentials
- Packages
- Popular Packages
- Automation
- Development Setup
- Application Hosting
- Application Deployment
- Code Snippets
- Tutorials & Blogs
- Videos
- Conferences
- Books
- Starter Projects
- Codebases for Reference
- Content Management Systems
- Podcasts
- Community
- Jobs
- Hosted Development Tools
- Miscellaneous
- Laravel (Documentation)
- Laravel API Reference
- Lumen (Documentation)
- Laracasts
- Laravel News (Archive)
This is a list of well-documented, tested packages that are frequently used in Laravel projects. If you're looking for an exhaustive list of PHP packages, then check out the Package Repositories mentioned above.
- Scaffold Interface - A Smart CRUD Generator For Laravel
- IDE Helper - Generates a helper file for IDE auto-completion
- Laravel 5 Extended Generators - Extends built-in file generators
- Laravel API/Scaffold/CRUD Generator - Generator for APIs, CRUD scaffolds etc.
- Laravel Tinx - Reload your Laravel Tinker session from inside Tinker
- Laravel API Documentation Generator - Automatically generate your API documentation
- Laravel Packager - A CLI tool for creating Laravel packages
- Workbench Export to Migrations - Workbench plugin for exporting Models to Laravel migrations
- Laravel Decomposer - List all installed packages, their dependencies, app & server details
- LaRecipe - Write gorgeous documentations for your products using Markdown inside your Laravel app.
- Prequel - A clear and concise database management GUI tweaked for Laravel.
- Laravel TestTools - Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app
- Laravel Test Factory Generator - Generate Laravel test factories from your existing models
- Clockwork - Integrates Clockwork Chrome extension for debugging and profiling apps
- Debug Bar - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Laravel
- Ignition - A beautiful error page for Laravel apps
- Laravel 5 Log Viewer - Log viewer
- LogViewer - Provides a log viewer
- LERN - Record exceptions into a database and will send you a notification
- Mail Preview - Preview sent mail in a web browser or mail client
- Laravel Tracy - A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger
- Laravel Terminal - run artisan in a web browser
- Laravel API Tester - Postman-like tool with Laravel routes
- Laravel Tail - The missing tail command
- Laravel Telescope - Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework
- Bouncer - Roles & Permissions
- Laratrust - Roles, Permissions and teams
- Entrust - Role-based Permissions
- JWT Auth - JSON Web Token authentication for APIs
- Laravel Permission - Associate users with roles and permissions
- Defender - Roles & Permissions
- OAuth2 Server Laravel - OAuth 2.0 authorization server and resource server
- Socialite - OAuth authentication with Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.
- Socialite Providers 2.0 - 100+ social authentication providers for Socialite with Lumen support
- Google2FA - Google Two-Factor Authentication Module
- Laravel User Verification - Handle the user verification flow and validate email
- Adldap2 Laravel - LDAP authentication and Active Directory management
- Doorman - Limit access to your Laravel applications by using invite codes
- Laravel Heyman - Heyman continues where the above role-permission packages left off
- - boilerplate for CRM, SaaS, ERP based on Vue (Nuxt.js), TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend.
- Artisan View - Manage the views in Laravel projects via artisan
- Bootstrapper - Set of classes to create Bootstrap 3 markup
- Captcha - An anti-bot image captcha system
- Charts - Multi-library chart package to create interactive charts
- Lavacharts - Charts and Graphs for PHP Powered by the Google Chart API
- Eloquent Filter - Filter models and their Relationships
- Eloquent Sluggable - Create slugs for Eloquent models
- Eloquent Sortable - Sortable behaviour for Eloquent models
- HTML - HTML and Form Builders for Laravel
- Multi-tenant - Flexible multi tenancy with secure separation of routes, assets and databases
- Laravel Form Builder - Form builder inspired by Symfony's form builder
- Laravel Activitylog - Log activity inside your Laravel app
- Laravel Auditing - Audit for Eloquent models
- Laravel Breadcrumbs - Create and manage breadcrumbs
- Laravel Collection Macros - A set of handy collection macros
- Laravel Cookie Consent - Make your Laravel app comply with the crazy EU cookie law
- Laravel Datatables - jQuery DataTables API
- Laravel GeoIP - Determine the location of website visitors based on their IP addresses
- Laravel Hashids - Generate unique, non-sequential ids using Hashids
- Laravel Impersonate - A package to authenticate as one of your users
- Laravel Mailbox - A package to handle incoming emails
- Laravel Markdown - CommonMark markdown parser
- Laravel Menu - Html menu generator for Laravel
- Laravel Talk - Realtime User messaging system
- Laravel Messenger - User messaging system
- Laravel Pulse - Pulse delivers at-a-glance insights into your application's performance and usage. Track down bottlenecks like slow jobs and endpoints, find your most active users, and more.
- Laravel Moderation - Approve or reject resources like posts, comments, users, etc.
- Laravel Tags - Add tags and taggable behaviour
- Laravel Stats Tracker - Gather information from requests to identify and store
- Listify - Add sorting/ordering capabilities to any Eloquent model
- noCAPTCHA - Helper for Google's new noCAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA)
- Purifier - HTML filter
- Revisionable - Create a revision history for Eloquent models
- SEOTools - Helpers for some common SEO techniques
- Short URL - A Laravel package that can be used for adding shortened URLs to your existing web app.
- Page Cache - Caches responses as static files on disk for lightning fast page loads
- Laravel Setting - Persistent configuration settings that are stored in JSON files
- Friendship - Friendship management system
- Teamwork - User to team associations with an invite system
- Validating - Trait for validating Eloquent models
- VAT Calculator - Handle all the hard stuff related to EU MOSS vat regulations
- Laravel UUID - Generate a UUID according to the RFC 4122 standard
- Laravel Installer - Allow users to install your application just by following the setup wizard, like WordPress
- Laravel Modules - Easy module management
- Laravel Phone - Phone number validator and formatter
- Laravel Ban - Simplify blocking and banning Eloquent models
- Laravel Proxy - Handling sessions when behind load balancers or other intermediaries.
- Laravel Video Chat - Video Chat using Socket.IO and WebRTC
- Widgets for Laravel - A powerful alternative to view composers.
- Secure Headers - Add security related headers to HTTP response
- Laravel Nova - Nova is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel
- Laravel Love - It lets people express how they feel about the content. React on Eloquent models with Likes or Dislikes.
- stancl/tenancy - Automatic tenancy for your Laravel app. No code changes needed.
- Intervention Image - Image handling library for creating, editing and composing images
- Laravel ImageUp - Yet another image manipulation package, adds tons of extra functionality
- Laravel Glide - Easily convert images with Glide
- Laravel MediaLibrary - Associate files with Eloquent models
- Laravel Snappy - HTML to PDF generator using wkhtmltopdf
- Laravel DOMPDF - HTML to PDF generator using dompdf
- Laravel Stapler - ORM-based file upload manager
- Laravel Excel - Import and export Excel and CSV files
- Fast Excel - Fast XLSX, CSV and ODT import and export for Laravel
- Laravolt Avatar - Plug n play avatar, turn name, email, and any other string into beautiful avatar (or gravatar), effortless.
- Laravel FFmpeg - This package provides an integration with FFmpeg for Laravel 5.8.
- Laroute - Generate Laravel route URLs from JavaScript
- PHP Vars to JavaScript Transformer - Pass server-side string/array/collection/whatever to JavaScript
- Javascript Validation - Use validation rules, messages, FormRequest and validators to validate forms in client-side
- Laravel Pjax - A Pjax middleware
- Laravel Blade Javascript - A Blade directive to export variables to JavaScript
- Ziggy - Use your Laravel named routes in JavaScript
Livewire - A magical front-end framework for Laravel for Powerful, dynamic, front-end UIs without leaving PHP.
Blade UI Kit - A set of renderless components to utilise in your Laravel Blade views. Built for the TALL stack. Completely open-source.
Mary UI - Gorgeous Laravel blade components made for Livewire 3 and styled around daisyUI + Tailwind
WireUI - A simple, fast and elegant way to add blade components made with alpine.js and tailwind, ready to use, enjoy the ease. Livewire components and Tall Stack components
TallStackUi - New generation of TALL Stack Components.
- Backup Manager - Backup and restore databases from S3, Dropbox, SFTP etc.
- Laravel Nestedset - Nested Sets pattern implementation
- ClosureTable - Closure table pattern implementation
- Eloquence - Extra features for Eloquent models
- iSeed - Generate a new seed file from an existing database table
- Laravel OCI8 - Oracle DB driver via OCI8
- Laravel Backup - Backup your app
- Laravel Doctrine - Doctrine 2 ORM implementation
- Laravel MongoDB - Eloquent model and query builder with support for MongoDB
- Migrations Generator - Generate migrations from an existing database
- Sofa/Eloquence - Extensions for the Eloquent ORM
- Tenanti - Multi-tenant database schema manager
- Laravel Repository - Repositories to abstract the database layer
- Lada Cache - A Redis based, fully automated and scalable database cache layer
- Laravel MySQL Spatial extension - easily work with MySQL Spatial Data Types and MySQL Spatial Functions
- Algolia Search - Integrates the Algolia Search API to the Laravel Eloquent ORM
- Elasticquent - Elasticsearch for Eloquent models
- Plastic - Fluently mapping and searching Elasticsearch
- Laravel Search - Unified API for Elasticsearch, Algolia, and ZendSearch
- SearchIndex - Store and retrieve objects from Algolia or Elasticsearch
- Searchable - Trait that adds a simple search function to Eloquent models
- TNTSearch - A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP
- TNTSearch driver - Driver for Laravel Scout search package based on TNTSearch
- Laravel-Searchy - Fuzzy search, basic string matching, Levenshtein Distance
- ApiGuard - Allow API authentication with API keys
- Dingo API - Multi-purpose toolkit for developing RESTful APIs
- Laravel CORS - Add CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support
- Laravel Fractal - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures with Fractal
- Laravel GraphQL - Supports Relay, eloquent models, validation and GraphiQL
- Lighthouse - An up and coming GraphQL library for Laravel
- Laravel Responder - Build custom API responses with Fractal
- Dispatcher - Scheduler for Artisan commands
- Elixir - Node (NPM) package to run Gulp tasks
- Mix - Fluent API for defining basic webpack build steps
- Envoy - SSH Task Runner
- Cashier - Subscription billing with Stripe
- Omnipay for Laravel - Integrate the Omnipay PHP library
- Intervention Image Cache - Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
- Laravel HTMLMin - Blade/HTML/CSS/javascript minifier
- Rememberable - Query caching for Eloquent
- Widgetize - Page Partial caching
- Laravel Responsecache - Speed up app by caching the entire response
- Horizon - Monitor and configure queues with a simple web UI
- Laravel Failed Job Monitor - Get notified when a queued job fails
- Laravel Uptime Monitor - A powerful and easy to configure uptime and ssl monitor
- Larametrics - A self-hosted metrics and notifications platform for Laravel apps
- Language Files - Validation, Pagination and Reminders language lines in 37 languages
- Laravel Localization - Add i18n support via routes
- Laravel Translatable - Making Eloquent models translatable by storing translations as JSON
- Laravel Translatable - Retrieve and store translatable Eloquent model instances
- Laravel Translator - Translate Eloquent models into multiple languages
- Laravel Date - A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon
- Laravel Langman - Manage language files from Artisan Console
- Laravel Translation - Translation and localization management
- Linguist - i18n localization support for Laravel
- Laravel Analytics - Retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics
- Laravel DigitalOcean - DigitalOceanV2 bridge
- Laravel GitHub - PHP GitHub API bridge
- Laravel Instagram - Instagram API bridge
- Laravel Newsletter - Send newsletters with Mailchimp
- Laravel Pusher - Pusher API bridge
- Security Scanner for Laravel - Security Scanner for Laravel GitHub Action
- Laravel Pint - Laravel Pint GitHub Action
- Homestead - Official Vagrant box for Laravel
- Herd - Official MacOS One click development environment
- Valet - Development environment for Mac users
- Valet Linux - Development environment for Linux users
- LaraDock - Run Laravel on Docker (Like Homestead but for Docker instead of Vagrant)
- LaraEdit Docker - Homestead environment in a single Docker container
- Laragon - Isolated development environment on Windows
- Stacker - The environment for local web development on Docker
- Devilbox - A dockerized and general-purpose LAMP/MEAN stack for every PHP version
- Vessel - Simple Docker development environments for Laravel
- Lando - A local development environment tool built on Docker
- Vapor
- Forge (ForgeRecipes)
- FortRabbit
- Heroku (Documentation)
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Tutorial)
- Cloudways
- Ploi
- RunCloud
- Deployer - A deployment tool with support for Laravel out of the box
- Envoyer - Zero down-time Deployer for PHP & Laravel projects
- Rocketeer - Task runner and deployment package
- Cleaver - Unlimited, zero downtime deployments and rollbacks
- Taylor Otwell
- Tuts+
- Medium
- Laravel Daily
- Scotch
- Digital Ocean
- Matt Stauffer
- Vegi Bit
- Neon Tsunami
- Stillat
- Easy Laravel Book Blog
- Laraveles (ES)
- Styde (ES)
- Cloudways Laravel Blog
- Laravel Best Practices
- Pusher Laravel Tutorials
- LaraShout
- Modern PHP cheatsheet - Cheatsheet for some Php knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
- Laracasts
- Codecourse (YouTube)
- Tuts+
- Servers for Hackers
- Test-Driven Laravel
- Duilio Palacios (ES)
- CodigoFacilito (ES)
- DevDojo
- Amitav Roy
- Laracademy
- Dev Marketer
- Udemy
- Lynda
- Pluralsight
- Bitfumes
- ConfidentLaravel
- EspecializaTi (YouTube (PT-BR)
- Laracon US
- Laracon EU
- Laracon Online
- Laraconf Brasil
- Laracon Australia
- Laravel Live UK
- Laravel Live India
- Laravel Nigeria
- Laracon EU 2018
- Laracon US 2018
- Laracon EU 2017
- Laracon US 2017
- Laracon EU 2016
- Laracon US 2016
- Laracon EU 2015
- Laracon US 2015
- Laracon EU 2014
- Laracon US 2014
- Laracon EU 2013
- Laracon US 2013
- Laravel Starter by Shawn McCool
- Laravel: Code Happy by Dayle Rees
- Laravel: Code Bright by Dayle Rees
- Laravel: Code Smart by Dayle Rees
- Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan by Taylor Otwell
- Laravel 4 Cookbook by Christopher Pitt and Taylor Otwell
- Laravel Testing Decoded by Jeffrey Way
- Refactoring to Collections by Adam Wathan
- Implementing Laravel by Chris Fidao
- Getting Stuff Done with Laravel 4 by Chuck Heintzelman
- Laravel Application Development Blueprints by Arda Kılıçdağı and Halil İbrahim Yılmaz
- Build APIs You Won't Hate by Phil Sturgeon
- Integrating Front end Components with Web Applications by Maksim Surguy
- Laravel Design Patterns and Best Practices by Arda Kılıçdağı and Halil İbrahim Yılmaz
- Learning Laravel 4 Application Development by Hardik Dangar
- Getting Started with Laravel 4 by Raphaël Saunier
- Laravel Application Development Cookbook by Terry Matula
- Building Web Applications Using Parse REST API by Mhd Zaher Ghaibeh
- Laravel - My First Framework by Maksim Surguy
- Easy Laravel 5 by W. Jason Gilmore
- Laravel 5 Essentials by Martin Bean
- Easy E-Commerce Using Laravel and Stripe by W. Jason Gilmore and Eric L. Barnes
- Laravel 5.1 Beauty by Chuck Heintzelman
- Design Patterns with PHP and Laravel by Kelt Dockins
- Mastering Laravel by Christopher John Pecoraro
- How to Build Real-Time Laravel Apps with Pusher by Pusher
- Learning Laravel's Eloquent by Francesco Malatesta
- Laravel 5 Learn Easy by Sanjib Sinha
- Laravel and AngularJS by Daniel Schmitz and Daniel Pedrinha Georgii
- Laravel Collections Unraveled by Jeff Madsen
- Writing APIs With Lumen by Paul Redmond
- The Laravel Survival Guide by Tony Lea
- Laraboot: Laravel 5 For Beginners by Bill Keck
- Laravel 5.4 For Beginners by Bill Keck
- Laravel Up & Running by Matt Stauffer
- Laravel Companion by Johnathon Koster
- Deploy Laravel on AWS with CloudFormation by Lionel Martin
- React Native and Laravel for Future Mobile Development by Ega Radiegtya
- Servers for Hackers by Chris Fidao
- Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5 by Anthony Gore
- Build an API with Laravel by Wacky Studio
- Spark
- [Wave] ( - Wave is a Software as a Service Starter Kit that can help you build your next great idea 💰. Wave is built with Laravel, Voyager, TailwindCSS, and a few other awesome technologies. Here are some of the awesome features ✨:
- LaraAdmin
- Grafite Builder
- Laravel Boilerplate
- Laravel Angular Material Starter
- AdminLTE Laravel
- Laravel Hackathon Starter
- Laravel API Starter Kit
- Backpack for Laravel
- SomelineStarter
- Laravel Admin
- Voyager
- Orchid
- Laravel REST API Boilerplate
- Hello API
- REST API With Lumen
- Laravel Zero - Console application
- Apiato
- Laravel Adminpanel
- Laravel Vue Boilerplate
- Laravel Enso
- Laravel Template with Vue
- Cachet - Status page system for websites and APIs
- Deployer - Application deployment system
- GitScrum - Task management with Git and Scrum
- Invoice Ninja - Invoicing, expenses, & time-tracking application
- Koel - Personal music streaming server
- - Source for the Community Portal
- Attendize - Ticket selling and event management platform
- Antvel - Ecommerce platform
- Jigsaw - Static site generator
- Canvas - A Laravel Publishing Platform
- Vuedo - Vuedo is blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js
- Screeenly - Create website screenshots through an API
- Voten - A real-time social bookmarking for the 21st century
- Monica - Personal relationship management system
- Snipe-IT - IT asset/license management system
- Akaunting - Accounting software for small businesses and freelancers
- Torch - Examples of using each Illuminate component in non-Laravel applications
- Pixelfed - A free and ethical photo sharing platform, powered by ActivityPub federation
- OctoberCMS
- SleepingOwlAdmin
- PyroCMS
- Lavalite
- TypiCMS
- Microweber
- Coaster CMS
- Statamic
- Borgert CMS
- PJ Blog
- Laralum
- Twill
- Azuriom
- Laracasts Forum
- Forum
- Larachat Slack (Signup)
- Gitter
- IRC Channel
- StackOverflow
- Telegram
- Quora
- Laravel Global Community
- LaravelES Slack (Signup)
- Laravel India, Slack Signup, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube
- Laravel UK, Slack Signup
- Laravel Russia (VK group)
- Laravel Thailand
- Laravel France
- Laravel Bangladesh
- Laravel Indonesia (Facebook, Telegram)
- Laravel Brasil (Facebook, Telegram, GitHub, Discord)
- Laravel Turkey (Facebook)
- Laravel Nigeria (Facebook)
- Laravel China
- Laravel Taiwan (Facebook)
- Laravel Spanish
- Laravel Korea (Facebook)
- Laravel Japan (Facebook)
- Laravel Malaysia
- Laravel Algeria
- Laravel Greece (Facebook)
- Laravel Middle East (Facebook)
- Laravel Georgia
- Laravel Italy
- Laravel Vietnam
- Laravel Slovenia
- Laravel Hungary
- Laravel Cameroon (Slack, GitHub, Facebook, Twitter)
- Laravel Philippines
- All Meetups
- London Meetup
- Athens-Greece Meetup
- Copenhagen Meetup
- Detroit Meetup
- Paris Meetup
- Melbourne Meetup
- Budapest Meetup
- Laravel Shift - Automated upgrade tool for Laravel projects
- Laravel Schema Designer - Create, export and share database schemas
- StyleCI - PHP Coding Style Service
- Best of Laravel - One place to learn all things Laravel
- CodeCanyon - Paid scripts and plugins
- Laravel Collections - Every Laravel Developers Goto Resource Site
- LaravelLinks - A Telegram Channel dedicated to sharing great Laravel Resources
Found an awesome package, blog, course or video? Send me a pull request!
- Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
- Make sure the Travis tests pass on your pull request
- Use the following format for links: [Resource](URL)
- Want to suggest a package? Read the Contribution Guide
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome
Awesome Laravel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.