.NET server implementation of the Tus protocol for resumable file uploads. Read more at http://tus.io
From tus.io:
tus is a new open protocol for resumable uploads built on HTTP. It offers simple, cheap and reusable stacks for clients and servers. It supports any language, any platform and any network.
tusdotnet is a .NET server implementation of the Tus protocol. It is written as a OWIN middleware for easy usage.
Comments, ideas, questions and PRs are welcome :)
- Supports Tus 1.0.0 core protocol and the Creation extension
- Easy to use OWIN middleware
- Fast and reliable
- 99% test coverage
- MIT licensed
Clone this repository and compile using Visual Studio 2015. Include tusdotnet.dll
in your project (or just include the source code).
Setup OWIN as you would normally do. Add a using statement for tusdotnet
and run UseTus
on the IAppBuilder.
app.UseTus(request => new DefaultTusConfiguration
// c:\tusfiles is where to store files
Store = new TusDiskStore(@"C:\tusfiles\"),
// On what url should we listen for uploads?
UrlPath = "/files",
OnUploadCompleteAsync = (fileId, store, cancellationToken) =>
// Called when a file upload is completed.
// If the store implements ITusReadableStore one could access
// the completed file here.
// The default TusDiskStore implements ITusReadableStore:
// var file = await
// (store as ITusReadableStore)
// .GetFileAsync(fileId, cancellationToken);
return Task.FromResult(true);
If you just want to play around with the protocol, clone the repo and run the OwinTestApp. It launches a small site running tusdotnet and the official JS client so that you can test the protocol on your own machine.
Tus.io keeps a list of clients for a number of different platforms (Android, Java, JS, iOS etc). tusdotnet should work with all of them as long as they support version 1.0.0 of the protocol.
tusdotnet currently ships with a single store, the TusDiskStore
, which saves files in a directory on disk.
You can implement your own store by implementing the following interfaces:
- Support for the core protocolITusCreationStore
- Support for the Creation extension
Optionally the store can also implement the following interfaces:
- Support for reading files from the store (e.g. for downloads or processing).
- Next release:
- Add support for file metadata
- Add support for x-http-override (to support old clients)
- Future releases:
- Add support for Upload-Defer-Length
- Add support for more extensions: Expiration, Checksum, Termination and Concatenation
- Add support for file tracking so that we can return 410 instead of 404 for abandoned files
Figure out a nice way of normalizing downloads with third party stores.- ITusReadableStore
This project is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.