A Simple Logger for Fortran
- ANSI coloring on terminal {Fatal, Error, Warn, Debug, Info}
- Multi-threaded
- Email capability with "sendmail" argument
- Initialization
call logger%init ( file = 'test.log' )
- Logging with a message
__ERROR__( 'Sorry to bother you!' )
- Logging with multiple arguments ( with paste function )
i = 1
__FATAL__( paste( 'Not good!', i+2, .false., 0.2 ) )
- Execute command line with logging
__EXEC__( 'touch test.txt' )
- Open file with logging
call logger%open ( __FILE__, __LINE__, newunit = u, file = 'test.txt', status = 'old' )
With a "sendmail" argument, log email will be sent.
Please replace MUA (I use neomutt) name to yours in logger_mo.f90.
call logger%init ( file = 'test.log', app = 'Test App. @ HP-Z840', debuglevel = 4, email = '[email protected]' )
__ERROR__( paste( 'Taihendesu!', 'sendmail' ) )
- logger derived type
type logger_ty
character(255) :: file = 'NA' ! Log file path
character(255) :: app = 'MyApp' ! Application name
character(255) :: email = 'NA' ! Email address
character(255) :: args = 'NA' ! Debug arguments
logical :: colored = .false. ! Use ANSI terminal colors
integer :: debuglevel = 1 ! Debug level (0: No logging)
procedure :: init => init_logger
procedure :: write => write_log
procedure :: open => open_file_with_logger
procedure :: exec => execute_with_logger
end type
- Output Image