This repository accompanies a blog post Kotlin Exposed - A lightweight SQL library.
The application stores Actors and Movies in an SQL database and exposes them via a simple REST api. The REST API is built with Javalin.
There are two variants, one with H2 and one with Postgres. H2 is the easiest starting point because it is an in-memory database.
Run MainWithH2.kt. It will automatically:
- create an in-memory H2 database
- create the schema
- load test data
- start a API server at localhost:8080
First start a Postgres database. If you have docker available, you can use:
docker run --name exposed-db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=exposed -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=exposed -d postgres
Then run MainWithPostgresAndHikari. It will:
- create a HikariCP datasource connecting to the postgres database
- create or update the schema
- load test data if not already present
- start a API server at localhost:8080
Start by looking at how the database tables are described in code. The database structure is specified in code very similar to SQL DDL statements. No annotations or reflection required.
Notice that the database types varchar
, integer
and date/datetime/timestamp
map to Kotlin types
and Int
and joda.DateTime
. Using these definitions, we can write queries in a type-safe manner using a DSL.
Router.kt contains the REST api which uses the DSL to serve requests. The executed SQL queries are logging at runtime for debugging logback.xml.
To interact with the database, simply start a transaction block:
val actorCount = transaction {
uses the datasource that was configured in MainWithH2.kt
or MainWithPostgresAndHikari.
You can query as much as you want within a transaction block, when it goes out of scope without
an error, it will automatically commit()
. Leaving the scope with an exception automatically
triggers a rollback()
The last statement of the transaction
is returned, as in the example. Transaction blocks can be nested,
see NestedTransactions for details.
Kotlin Exposed can use the spring transaction management. Import the spring-transaction. dependency.
implementation ""
Then create the
bean in your application config:
fun transactionManager(dataSource: HikariDataSource): SpringTransactionManager {
val transactionManager = SpringTransactionManager(
return transactionManager
There is also an exposed-spring-boot-starter.
When started, you can use these URL's to interact with it:
# fetch all actors
curl http://localhost:8080/actors | python -m json.tool
# fetch all actors with first name Angelina
curl http://localhost:8080/actors?firstName=Angelina
# add an actor
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/actors -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"firstName":"Ousmane","lastName":"Dembele","dateOfBirth":"1975-05-10"}'
# delete an actor
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/actors/2
# fetch all movies
curl http://localhost:8080/movies
# fetch a specific movie to see which actors are in it
curl http://localhost:8080/movies/2