Java pseudo-random number generation code with minimal dependencies.
Juniper provides a superset of the features of java.util.Random
with an
abstract class and various concrete implementations. Some of
these implementations are well-known algorithms, such as RomuTrioRandom
, but most are essentially new here. All of them
have been tested with PractRand and pass at least a 64TB battery of tests
without any anomalies considered worse than "unusual". Many have also undergone
additional, significantly-more-strenuous testing on the GPU, and the generators
that fail that testing only do so after at least 100PB of data is generated.
This library is compatible with Java 8 language level and higher. It uses only language features from Java 8, and does not need any APIs introduced in Java 8. This should allow it to be used on Android, GWT, and RoboVM. Some extremely out-of-date versions of Android may not be compatible with Java 8 even with core library desugaring; Google is dropping support for older Android versions and developers should follow suit. RoboVM has always had support for language level 8, but in the main branch has never supported Java 8 APIs (not a problem here). GWT has had support for Java 8 in some form since the 2.8.x line of releases; using 2.11.0 or higher is recommended because it improves on this support. Most of these are made at least a little easier by using gdx-liftoff to generate projects (assuming you are making a libGDX app or game), since gdx-liftoff handles core library desugaring on Android and uses GWT 2.11.0 by default.
You can preview what some distributions look like on this page. It uses libGDX to compile to a webpage while still working if run as a desktop application, and several parts of this library have been tailored to fit as many libGDX target platforms as possible.
The name comes from my dog Juniper, who appears to have a deterministic, but seemingly-random, response to any new person she meets.
tl;dr: You should use com.github.tommyettinger.random.AceRandom
if you want the highest speed and the highest quality
over a long sequence of outputs from one generator. You can instead use com.github.tommyettinger.random.DistinctRandom
if you want one state that gets fully randomized from the first output, or com.github.tommyettinger.random.FlowRandom
if you want the same idea as DistinctRandom but have two states that you want to use like inputs to a hash, or you want
multiple approximately-independent streams. All of these have a period of at least 2 to the 64, which is probably enough
for any game and many non-game tasks. If you target GWT, you should generally use
, since it is much faster on GWT than other generators here, and only
slightly slower on desktop platforms.
Several high-quality and very-fast random number generators are here, such as
, com.github.tommyettinger.random.WhiskerRandom
, com.github.tommyettinger.random.DistinctRandom
, and com.github.tommyettinger.random.PasarRandom
. These extend
the abstract class com.github.tommyettinger.random.EnhancedRandom
, and that extends java.util.Random
The simplest starting point is DistinctRandom; it is much like Java 8's SplittableRandom algorithm, but doesn't support
splitting (since the possibility of low-quality splits is a major criticism of SplittableRandom), and otherwise uses the
same style of code. It simply adds to a counter by a large constant, takes the current value of that counter, gets a
unary hash of it using a similar algorithm to MurmurHash's finalizer step, and returns that. "Unary hash" is another way
of saying "a function that takes an n-bit input and transforms it into a random-seeming n-bit output." The
main reasons you might want DistinctRandom are that it has exactly one long
of state, and that it produces every
possible output from nextLong()
exactly once over its cycle, with no repeats until potentially years later.
DistinctRandom is able to jump to any point in its cycle, which has a length of exactly 2 to the 64, in constant time
using the skip()
This ability to skip is also shared by FlowRandom, but FlowRandom has many possible cycles (2 to the 64 possible cycles,
each with 2 to the 64 long
outputs) called streams. FlowRandom is very similar to DistinctRandom in most ways, except
that it has two long
states that each cycle with the same period. The relationship between the states is what
determines the current stream, and you can access a FlowRandom's stream with getStream()
or change it with
or shiftStream()
. Streams here are not correlated at all, as far as I have been able to determine.
FlowRandom isn't as fast as some other generators here that have streams (such as LaserRandom), but it seems to be much
more robust statistically when its stream changes. Unlike DistinctRandom, a given stream can produce the same result
more than once, and will generally be unable to produce roughly 1/3 of possible long
outputs. All possible streams, if
concatenated, would include every long
result exactly 2 to the 64 times each. Concatenating all possible streams is,
roughly, how OrbitalRandom
works; its code is almost identical to FlowRandom's, but it has one cycle of 2 to the 128
outputs, at a small speed cost.
AceRandom is the main recommended generator, this time with 5 states. It is the fastest generator here when benchmarked on Java 17 and newer. One state is a counter, which makes AceRandom have a minimum period of 2 to the 64, though its maximum period is much, much higher and its expected period is much higher than I could reach by brute-force generation with current hardware given a century. Ace uses only add, rotate, XOR, and subtract operations. These operations each take the same amount of time on current CPUs, a property that some cryptographic RNGs use to avoid timing attacks. AceRandom is a good all-around default because it resists various ways generators can be constructed so they are correlated with each other; it is also almost always faster than PouchRandom, and much faster than FlowRandom.
WhiskerRandom is often considerably faster than DistinctRandom (which is no slouch either), and generally has very high
quality, but does not have a guaranteed cycle length -- a given seed could be found that has an unusually short cycle,
which would reduce the usefulness of the generator. But, finding such a seed at random is so improbable for a generator
with 256 bits of state that it can essentially be ignored as a weakness unless considering adversarial access (and you
should not use any of the generators here if that is the case, since none are cryptographically secure). A known
potential flaw of WhiskerRandom (and many generators tested so far) is that generators with numerically similar initial
states, such as with a generator initially set to the state 1, 1, 1, 1
and another generator set to 2, 1, 1, 1
are very often highly correlated. This isn't a problem if you use setSeed()
, since it won't produce numerically
similar states often (or possibly won't at all), but can be a problem if you try to use a WhiskerRandom as a hash.
PouchRandom is the fastest generator here when benchmarked on Java 8; it acts like WhiskerRandom but has a guaranteed minimum cycle length of 2 to the 63 (as long as it isn't somehow forced into an invalid state, which its own methods cannot do). While it disallows certain states (state D has to be an odd number, and the other states can't all be 0 at once), if that isn't a problem for your application, it is probably a solid choice. After producing about 25 outputs, numerically similar initial states won't appear correlated, and shouldn't become correlated again for a very long time. It has 4 states and uses multiplication (in this case, it multiplies one state by another, always odd, state).
There's lots of others here. TrimRandom, PasarRandom, ScruffRandom are all good but have the same or similar known flaw that WhiskerRandom has regarding numerically-similar initial states. TricycleRandom and FourWheelRandom don't have that flaw, but aren't quite as fast or high-quality as AceRandom or PouchRandom.
Except for DistinctRandom and FlowRandom, all of these mentioned generators are fast because they are designed to take advantage of ILP -- Instruction Level Parallelism. The idea here came from Mark Overton's Romu generators (see below for RomuTrioRandom), which also have their period separated into multiple distinct sub-cycles, and don't have a single known cycle length. Romu generators and the ones here operate on multiple states simultaneously, with minimal dependence on the rest of the states to generate the next value for a particular state. This way of generating numbers proves to be significantly faster than the fastest other generators can achieve, like the Xoshiro and Xoroshiro family, or anything based on a linear congruential generator (like java.util.Random or PCG-Random), because at their best, the generators here can update every state in parallel on the same processor core, without needing to wait for a previous operation to complete.
There's also some other generators that you might want for other reasons. com.github.tommyettinger.random.LaserRandom
is similar to DistinctRandom in terms of its features (it can skip to any point in its sequence in constant time). It
also has each possible LaserRandom instance produce a different set of outputs over its full cycle, with some outputs
produced twice and some not at all, but appending the outputs of all LaserRandom instances would contain every possible
long exactly 2 to the 64 times. Unfortunately, all LaserRandom streams are correlated with many other LaserRandom
streams, so you should usually only have one LaserRandom producing output that could be compared with another generator.
isn't quite as fast as the
above generators, but is four-dimensionally equidistributed (this means every sequence of four long
values will be
produced with equal likelihood, except the four-zeroes sequence, which is never produced).
is just like the previously-mentioned generator, but uses a
more robust (slow) way of mixing the output bits (the MX3 unary hash instead of the StarStar scrambler).
is mostly useful if you anticipate running on unusual
hardware, particularly some that doesn't support fast multiplication between long
s (StrangerRandom doesn't use multiplication);
it also has a good guaranteed minimum period length of 2 to the 65 minus 2, but is between DistinctRandom and FourWheelRandom in
raw speed. com.github.tommyettinger.random.PcgRXSMXSRandom
is one of the simpler generators in the PCG-Random family;
it uses a 64-bit linear congruential generator (LCG) and scrambled its output using a random xor-shift, a multiply, and
a non-random
is a simple PCG-style generator, using an LCG as
a base and hashing its output before it returns it; Mizuchi has streams, like LaserRandom, but they are less correlated
with each other than in LaserRandom. com.github.tommyettinger.random.ChopRandom
is much like TrimRandom, but natively
works on int
states instead of long
, so it has a shorter guaranteed period of 2 to the 32, but should be much faster
when run on GWT (even when generating long
values!). com.github.tommyettinger.random.Xoshiro128PlusPlusRandom
is a slightly-modified
version of the 32-bit Xoshiro generator with the ++ scrambler; it has some optimizations so that it can return long
values more quickly, though it is still slower than ChopRandom. Its period is 2 to the 128 minus 1.
is another 32-bit generator, this one built with a hash-on-counters
design like DistinctRandom; it has a guaranteed exact period of 2 to the 96, and has more of an emphasis on GWT
performance because it uses a rather different implementation with the same results, only when compiled to JS.
Respite32Random uses similar code to the Speck cipher for its hashing section, but has an unusual strategy for the
counters it has -- one counter simply adds a constant, but the others add a constant and the result of
on either a previous state or the bitwise AND of two previous states. In other words,
it isn't a commonly-seen way of running a counter, but it does work well, and ensures a longer period.
uses the precursor to Xoshiro, the similarly-named
Xoroshiro, with two long
states; it is two-dimensionally equidistributed and has a period of 2 to the 128 minus 1.
Some quasi-random number generators are present here; these are designed for a different purpose than the other
generators and don't pass statistical tests for randomness. They do converge much more quickly than a pseudo-random
number generator when you request one number from them at a time and get an answer to some question by running many
quasi-random trials. The quasi-random generators are com.github.tommyettinger.random.GoldenQuasiRandom
, which uses a
linear recurrence of 2 to the 64 divided by the golden ratio, com.github.tommyettinger.random.TupleQuasiRandom
, which
multiplies a counter by a different multiplier every time for 1024 different multipliers, then cycles that,
, which uses the base-2 van der Corput sequence, and
, which is about as non-random-seeming as it gets because it only
changes one bit of its output at a time (but which bit is selected pseudo-randomly). They do their
job well enough (GoldenQuasiRandom is probably fastest), but don't use either when you specifically need randomness.
A nice quality of the EnhancedRandom
values here is that they can be serialized to Strings easily and in a consistent
format, and deserialized to the appropriate class given a serialized String from any generator. You can use the
method (which optionally takes a Base
, so you can write hexadecimal numbers, base64
numbers, or normal base 10 numbers) to write a serialized String. You can use the Deserializer.deserialize()
(which also optionally takes a Base
, and it must be the same used to write the String) to read an EnhancedRandom
back. It will have the EnhancedRandom
type as far as the compiler can tell, but it will use the correct implementation
to match the generator that was serialized. All EnhancedRandom
generators are also Externalizable
, which allows them
to be serialized without serializing the Random
fields they inherit (and almost never use).
Some generators have the ability to leap()
ahead many steps in their sequence, guaranteeing some span of values will
not overlap with the next call to leap()
. The Xoshiro generators have an exact-length leap that guarantees a
non-overlapping span of 2 to the 64 (Xoshiro128PlusPlusRandom), 2 to the 96 (Xoroshiro128StarStarRandom), or 2 to the
192 (Xoshiro256StarStarRandom and Xoshiro256MX3Random) generated values. Some generators with a counter
(PasarRandom, TrimRandom, AceRandom, WhiskerRandom, and ScruffRandom)
can jump an inexact length, but guarantee at least 2 to the 48 generated values without overlap (usually, the actual
number is much higher).
You may also want to use the Hasher.randomize()
methods in the digital
dependency's Hasher
class to make
sequential values more random; this is essentially the approach used by DistinctRandom. A similar non-generator use of
randomness is available in com.github.tommyettinger.random.LineWobble
; it provides 1D continuous noise, or a wobbly
line, in various different formats. The names got a little silly there, but...
is a fairly standard cubic curve between pseudo-random values,bicubicWobble()
gets values for ahead and behind the current area using bicubic interpolation,splobble()
uses a configurable spline with a pseudo-random configuration to produce sometimes-sharper, sometimes-softer connections between curves,hobble()
is likesplobble()
but takes the "before" and "after" values aslong
s directly without calculating them itself (it usually gets them from some sort of hash, hence the 'h' in the name), andquobble()
is a quartic curve that needs less hashing but is more predictable (written by Inigo Quilez).
Using bicubicWobble()
is the smoothest of these options, splobble()
is arguably the most "natural", and wobble()
is usually the fastest of these. One usage of these 1D noise functions is to use the results of n noise calls to
produce n coordinates, such as x, y, and z, and use that as the position of a curving line that moves as the parameter
to the noise calls increases. This line will stay within -1 to 1 for each coordinate. When doing this, the only wobble
function that usually avoids sudden "spiky" acceleration in some direction would be bicubicWobble()
, though it will
also stay near the origin most of the time.
This library now has quite a lot of statistical distributions, each a subclass of Distribution
. Each one holds an
and one to three parameters, and produces double
values when requested via nextDouble()
. The
minimum and maximum results a Distribution can produce vary, and can be retrieved with its getMinimum()
methods. There are also methods to retrieve mean, median, mode, and variance when they can be calculated;
these methods can throw an Exception if not supported. All parameters are set at once for all generators, and if they
have valid values, setParameters()
will return true and store the parameters it can use. Only TriangularDistribution
uses parameter C (along with A and B), but the rest use either parameter A only or both A and B. The documentation for
on a distribution should describe what the constraints are on each parameter.
values can be serialized like EnhancedRandom
ones to Strings, and can be deserialized with
. The serialized state preserves the EnhancedRandom
implementation and state,
as well as the Distribution
implementation and parameters.
You can use DistributedRandom
to get some Distribution
types to distribute across all the types an EnhancedRandom
can produce, instead of just double
. This only really works for numbers distributed between 0.0 and 1.0, so
provides various ways to reduce the range of a distribution like a NormalDistribution
so only the valid range is used. Note that a DistributedRandom
can't really be used as the
random number generator for another Distribution
if that Distribution
needs to be serialized.
The InterpolatedRandom
class is similar to DistributedRandom
in that it shapes a floating-point input before trying
to maintain that shape in whatever output was requested. It's different in that it uses Interpolator
from the
"digital" library (the one dependency here), and new Interpolator
s are much easier to create than Distribution
it probably won't have as high-quality low-order bits if you generate large values, because Interpolator
only works
with float
s, where Distribution
works with double
s. Like DistributedRandom
, you can't use an
as the generator for a Distribution
and still serialize it.
Juniper now uses the Ziggurat method to generate normal-distributed values. This is different from the Marsaglia Polar
or Box-Muller methods that are more commonly-used (such as by the JDK), but Ziggurat seems to be faster in testing,
sometimes significantly so, and doesn't require caching a result for later like the other two mentioned methods need.
The Ziggurat method code here is derived from Olaf Berstein's cauldron library,
which is MIT-licensed C++. Using Ziggurat should improve accuracy compared to versions before 0.1.6, which uses a fairly
fast approximation based on bit counting (by Marc B. Reynolds). The current code to generate normal-distributed
values just uses Distributor
in the digital
library; that class has some other ways to generate Gaussian variates,
including some that preserve how high or low the input is when they produce a high or low Gaussian variate.
There are a few types of random number generator that are wrappers around another generator. The simplest of these is
, which calls previousLong()
on its wrapped generator if you call nextLong()
, or anything that uses
, on the ReverseWrapper
. It also flips calls to previousLong()
to call nextLong()
in the same way.
Though it isn't a wrapper, KnownSeriesRandom
is important for using ArchivalWrapper
. A KnownSeriesRandom
actually random, and does no pseudo-random steps -- it cycles through a given sequence in order as numbers are
requested. These numbers are the outputs of nextLong()
, which is used everywhere else (pretty much), so if you make
the same calls to a KnownSequenceRandom
as you did to another generator that produced the same numbers from its
, you will get the same outputs. To get those numbers, it's easiest to use an ArchivalWrapper
. That
wrapper goes around another EnhancedRandom
object, and stores every nextLong()
output in a LongSequence
is just an append-only resizable long[]
, though it can be clear()
-ed to save space). You can use
to get a KnownSequenceRandom
that will repeat the outputs so-far of the
if you make the same calls. The calls don't have to be just nextLong()
; as long as the sequence
you're trying to replicate is also from an ArchivalWrapper
, calling nextInt(int)
, nextExclusiveFloat()
, or almost
any of the methods will work. ArchivalWrapper
is useful for storing and reproducing bugs where a seed isn't sufficient
(such as when the bug happens an hour into gameplay, and the seed is only used at the start). Be careful that you don't
store too many outputs; some generators can easily exhaust the 2 billion item limit of an array in a few seconds, if
generating non-stop.
You can pause an ArchivalWrapper
by calling its pauseStorage()
method; this returns the current LongSequence, so you
can resume from this point at a later time. Just call setArchive()
with what pauseStorage()
returned, and you're
back to the state before pauseStorage()
was called, though the random number generator is probably in a different
state. This uses LongSequence.NO_OP
, a constant, always-empty LongSequence, to avoid storing anything.
There's a probably-badly-implemented cipher in the com.github.tommyettinger.random.cipher.SpeckCipher
class; I don't
think it's going to be terribly useful or secure, but it was mostly a learning exercise. Speck is a relatively simple
and fast cipher released by the NSA (although the NSA isn't exactly a group I would trust to secure anything, Speck
seems to be secure enough to stop the average criminal). Unless you can lock down your JVM rather well, any software
cipher is just going to get ripped apart by any standard Java agent, so... don't bother with this.
If you just want to obfuscate assets in a libGDX application, you can use EncryptedFileHandle in a different repo, cringe, that uses mostly the same code as SpeckCipher. Again, not terribly secure, but fine if you just want to make life a little harder for people copying your assets.
Starting in 0.6.1, just about everything that can be serialized in the library can do so with either the existing String
serialization, or the Externalizable interface. Externalizable was chosen primarily because
Apache Fury can use it easily without needing an actual dependency on Fury in Juniper. We
mark Externalizable method implementations asGwtIncompatible
with an annotation, to prevent them from causing trouble
with GWT. When used with Fury, you typically register any EnhancedRandom
class or Distribution
class you use, though
generally you don't need to register EnhancedRandom
or Distribution
itself. In some cases you may need to register
other classes, such as how ArchivalWrapper
needs LongSequence
registered. If a class has special requirements for
Fury to serialize it, the writeExternal()
JavaDocs will mention them. If you're writing a custom serializer, it may
make the most sense to just get the result of stringSerialize()
and store that, since that won't need other classes
to be registered. No Distribution
types are Externalizable
, since they wouldn't really gain anything from it; they
do need the EnhancedRandom
they use registered with Fury, but otherwise can just be registered themselves normally.
With Gradle, the dependency (of the core module, if you have multiple) is:
api "com.github.tommyettinger:juniper:0.6.4"
In a libGDX project that has a GWT/HTML backend, the html/build.gradle
should additionally have:
implementation "com.github.tommyettinger:digital:0.6.1:sources"
implementation "com.github.tommyettinger:juniper:0.6.4:sources"
And the GdxDefinition.gwt.xml
file should have:
<inherits name="" />
<inherits name="" />
If you don't use Gradle, then with Maven, the dependency is:
There are also releases here on GitHub if you don't use any project management tool. You will need to obtain digital as well, of the appropriate version for the juniper release you picked.