Android game built in Java for 2 players. After randomly assigning a picture or character to each player, each player turn by turn has to guess the opponent player's character chosen by asking as few questions as possible to win the game.
- Transition screen to go from one player to the other.
- Allow the second player to have its own character assigned randomly.
- UX is very basic at the moment and doesn't allow the players to play properly as both of the boards are displayed at the same time or the player name needs to be parametrable.
- UI needs to be improved and the characters pictures need to be more adapted.
- Make the character selectable by each player instead of assigning it randomly.
- A congrats screen when one of the user thinks having guessed the right character (?)
- Add a system of question which would be optional when the user is out of idea.
- Add a bluetooth functionality so that the players can play on different device.
- tests (??)