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Releases: tozny/e3db-js

Sodium B64 Memory Leak Fix

27 Nov 19:13
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Swaps out Sodium's base64 encode/decode for an alternate solution because the current sodium version contains a memory leak. Long running applications eventually crash due to exhausted memory after a number for encode/decode operations. This release switches to the base64url node module which does not contain this leak.

Offline Signing and Verification

06 Feb 22:23
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Bugfix for v1.2.0 that bundles babel-runtime as a dependency to fix an ES6 compilation error.

Offline Signing and Verification

06 Feb 21:31
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Introduces signing over data and signature verification.
Updates configuration constructs to support signing keys.

Asynchronous Update

06 Dec 18:41
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Updates all methods to be properly async and exposed as such.
Updates documentation to match the new asynchronous code and simplified keys.
Introduces document signatures and signature verification.

Initial Public Release

07 Nov 18:22
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This initial release of the JavaScript SDK for e3db brings parity with the support provided by the PHP, Ruby, Java, and Go SDKs.

Clients can:

  • Write/Read/Update/Delete protected records
  • Manage sharing of protected records
  • Register dynamically using tokens from the Tozny admin console
  • Back up client credentials during registration

All encryption is handled under the hood thanks to Libsodium.

Sign up for an account with InnoVault to create your client's credentials and begin interacting with the API.