Create 15151 #3358
Create 15151 #3358
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Feb 25, 2024 in 3m 43s
Build Passed
The build passed. This is a change from the previous build, which errored.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #3358 Create 15151.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Bionic) |
Build Configuration
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "bionic",
"branches": {
"only": [
"jobs": {
"include": [
"name": "build site",
"language": "python",
"python": "3.8.3",
"env": [
"global": "PATH=$HOME/.local/user/bin:$PATH"
"cache": {
"pip": true,
"directories": [
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"install": [
"rvm use 2.6.3 --install",
"bundle install --deployment",
"sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev"
"script": [
"bundle exec rake test",
"xmllint --noout _site/"
"name": "update dpl v2 docs",
"if": "type = cron || commit_message =~ /ci:dpl/",
"language": "shell",
"cache": false,
"install": [
"rvm use 2.5.3"
"script": [
"git clone",
"cd dpl",
"gem build dpl.gemspec",
"gem install dpl-*.gem",
"cd ..",
"rm -rf dpl",
"deploy": [
"pull_request": true,
"provider": "git_push",
"token": {
"secure": "YHuTjIGKpG0A8QJ4kmdLfOW1n+62uLakXv0KjCzWExl22qLSn2frip3j8JsaeMfndsmNZBUfGoONVHvDS+PHnkbRMYf21SjgctpVfHRYZQ3pulexOViEQ6azRgCBWuPO8A+vAyxvjlV4e3UDGnt2x/0X/Tdg9iVf/zzBGjM0YX0="
"branch": "auto-dpl-v2-update-docs",
"edge": {
"branch": "master"
"notifications": {
"slack": [
"rooms": [
"secure": "LPNgf0Ra6Vu6I7XuK7tcnyFWJg+becx1RfAR35feWK81sru8TyuldQIt7uAKMA8tqFTP8j1Af7iz7UDokbCCfDNCX1GxdAWgXs+UKpwhO89nsidHAsCkW2lWSEM0E3xtOJDyNFoauiHxBKGKUsApJTnf39H+EW9tWrqN5W2sZg8="
"on_success": "never"
"webhooks": [
"urls": [