Simple script to search the accompanying GUTINDEX.ALL
file by e-text number, title or author. This file is a publicly available, plain text compilation of e-books served by Project Gutenberg. Links to the latest version can be found at:
Project Gutenberg's Offline Catalogs
- From the command line, run:
python {mode: etext/title/author} {search parameter}
If there are less than 2 spaces before the e-text number, the search fails. This is in relation to the fact that some entries in the file end with a number (eg. "... Vol. 2"), and there is no other (known) way to differentiate an e-text number from that one.
When searching by title, if the title spans more than one line, the search fails.
When searching by author, if the author's full name breaks into a new line, or it is not the first name in a list of authors' names, the search fails.