- PostgreSQL
- Seq (log)
- RabbitMQ
In the root folder of the application, run the command:
cd docker && docker-compose -f docker-compose.env.yml up -d
cd docker && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.env.yml up -d --build
After the containers are running, access the website in http://localhost:5010/
You can also check the 2 application logs in Seq http://localhost:5341/
When you run the Environment + WebApp + ChatBot
compose, the applications will run with the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Internal
and will wait 10 seconds to fully run, waiting for the other services to be up and running.
- The user can register and login in the website.
- The user can create a new chat room.
- The user can join a existing chat room.
- The user has the option to send commands to the chat, if it is a valid command the bot will respond.
When the user joins a chat room, the client connects to the SignalR Hub (Chat/Hub) for sending and receiving messages in real time, once the user is connected, he joins the SignalR group of the ChatRoom.
When a message is sent, it will be validated and saved in the database. If it starts with a /
it's enqueued in the ChatCommand
There is a ChatBoot Worker that consumes this queue and tries to find a handler to that command, if no handler is found, nothing happens. If the handler is found, the command will be processed.
Regardless if the command has been processed successfully or with an error, a response message is
enqueued in the ChatMessage
Back in the WebApp project, there is a background service consuming this queue, and sending
the response message to ChatHub
, where it will be broadcasted to all the users connected to
that chat.
In the first execution of the WebApp, the Bot user will be created.
The solution is divided in 3 main layers, in a production cenario it would be better to separete each of this in it's own git repository, so i built in a way that they are decoupled.
- Core
- WebApp
- ChatBot
In a real productive environment, this Core projects should be distributed as Nuget Packages, and used by the other projects. It is responsible for:
- Result and Error wrappers
- Abstractions and implementations for messaging
- Messages contracts
The core does not depend on any other layer.
The WebApp is composed with the projects related to the Front/Backend. It has authentication and authorization with ASP.NET Identity,
I opt to build it with 4 layers of responsability, following the Clean Archtecture principles:
The Domain layer is at the center of the solution, responsible for the entities and its rules.
- Contracts
- Entities
The Application layer depends on the Domain layer, and is responsible for the application business rules.
It uses the MediatR package for handling the requests and handlers, and the FluentValidation package for validations. It has also a validation pipeline for auto-validating all the requests that passes throught mediator.
More about MediatR, CQRS and Pipelines Behavior in my EasyCqrs Repo.
- Use cases (commands and queries)
The WebbApp layer is our front/back end, built with ASP.NET Core MVC, bootstrap and jquery. For the real time communication in the Chats, i used the SignalR package.
- Views
- Controllers
- SignalR Hub
The Infrastructure layer is responsible for the database access, with EntityFramework Core.
- EF Core
- DbContext, Mappings, Migrations, Repositories
- Dependency Injection
- Startup Services
- Queues and Bot User creation for dev and internal environment
The Chat Bot is a worker service that consumes from a RabbitMQ queue for processing chat commands. It's divided in 3 layers of responsability:
- ChatBot
- Commands
- External.Stooq
The ChatBot layer is the API that consumes the ChatCommand queue and passes it to the
, present in the Commands layer.
The Commands layer is a place for implementing support for the commands. I built it in a way that
to support antoher command, you only need to implement the IChatMessageCommand
and inject it,
completed decoupled from the WebApp solution.
A command is a message that starts with /
Currently it supports the stock price command and the ping pong command.
- Bot respond with informations of the stock price./ping
- Bot respond with apong
The External Stooq layer is the adapter to communicate with the Stooq API that provides stock price information.
- Docker Compose with Postgres and Rabbit
- MVC WebApp with Identity and Seq
- ChatRoom
- Create and List
- Join Chat
- Send and receive messages with SignalR
- Trading Bot
- Rabbit Structure
- Get stock price in Stooq
- Multiple ChatCommands support
- Dockerize everything
- Unit tests
- Integration Tests
- Tracing
- Initial POC with Seq
- Grafana Loki
- Grafana Tempo
- OTEL collector
- Prometheus