― It's a Decentralised Application (DApp) to easy lookup and claim child bounties from Polkadot and Kusama network. works for anyone looking to easily track and claim child bounties. is written in Rust and compiled to WASM to run entirely in the browser (Subxt + Yew + TailwindCSS).
- [✓] Support Polkadot and Kusama network;
- [✓] Light client first with optional switch to an RPC connection (default to IBP provider);
- [✓] Mobile first support;
- [✓] Onboard view in three steps for first time users;
- [✓] Synchronize all on chain child bounties and filter by bounty ID or child bounty description;
- [✓] Add any beneficiary account;
- [✓] Switch view betweeen Total balance, Total awarded, Total Pending, Total claimable;
- [✓] External links to Subsquare or Polkassembly child bounty;
- [✓] Load accounts identity via people chain;
- [✓] Signing via PolkadotJS, Talisman, Subwallet, Polkagate;
- [] Disable accounts from being included in the claiming batch;
- [] Abstract the switch between networks. Have all accounts in the same view (TBD);
- [] Support additional wallets (TBD);
If you'd like to build from source, first install Rust.
curl -sSf | sh
If Rust is already installed run
rustup update
Verify Rust installation by running
rustc --version
Once done, finish installing the support software
sudo apt install build-essential git clang libclang-dev pkg-config libssl-dev
Add WebAssembly target to your development environment
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install Trunk
cargo install --locked trunk
Build claimit
by cloning this repository
git clone
Finally Use trunk
to build and serve the app
trunk serve
This project uses Tailwind CSS to write and generate styles, so to be able to get the project fully operational also install Tailwind CSS via npm or yarn
npm install tailwindcss
Open a new terminal window and run
npm run watch
Projects that had influence in design.
- wasm-example - This is a small WASM app using the Yew UI framework to showcase how to use Subxt's features in a WASM environment.
- TodoMVC - This is an implementation of TodoMVC for Yew using function components and hooks.
Have an idea for a new feature, a fix or you found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Any feedback is welcome. - was made by Turboflakes. Visit us at to know more about our work.
If you like this project
- 🚀 Share our work
- ✌️ Visit us at
- ✨ Or you could also star the Github project :) - The entire code within this repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.