Vue 3 Smooth Modal is~ a modal window package designed for Vue 3 that provides exceptionally smooth transitions for showing and hiding modals. Its focus is on delivering a seamless user experience, with fluid animations and effortless integration into any Vue 3 project. This package simplifies the process of managing modals, ensuring both visual appeal and high performance
npm i vue-smooth-modal
Add dependencies to your main.js:
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import "vue-smooth-modal/dist/style.css"
import SmoothModal from "vue-smooth-modal"
// ...
Create ./plugins/vue-smooth-modal.js
import "vue-smooth-modal/dist/style.css"
import SmoothModal from "vue-smooth-modal"
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const show = ref(false)
const reModal = ref(null)
// reModal.value.close()
const onClose = () => console.log("close")
<SmoothModal v-model="show" ref="reModal" :use-skeleton="true" @close="onClose" class="custom-background">
This is an example of displaying text in a modal window
<a href="#" @click.prevent="show = true">Toggle</a>
.custom-background {
--tvbird-modal-overlay: rgb(239 192 222 / 25%);
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
duration | Number | 700 | show and hide duration |
easing | String | ease-in-out |
easing |
showClose | Boolean | true |
Display the modal close icon |
closeOnEsc | Boolean | true |
Close the modal by pressing the Esc key |
closeOnOverlay | Boolean | true |
Close the modal by clicking on the overlay |
isImage | Boolean | false |
Image inside. Image preloading with an SVG preloader |
useSkeleton | Boolean | false |
Use a CSS template |
Event | Description |
close |
Triggered when the modal window is closed |
slot name | description |
close |
Custom close button |
preloader |
Custom preloader |