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DESCRIPTION is a posix (Linux,OSX) container based build environment which provides shared functionality for common cross-language build automation tasks.'s primary purpose is as build infrastructure for building orkid based projects, including orkid itself. also has a set of dependency providers for useful libraries, docker containers, and "subspaces". Unlike homebrew and apt the dependency provider interface is consistent regardless if you are on OSX or Linux - in general the entire interface is consistent on both OSX and Linux. is implemented primarily in python3. If you need to compose a set of build products (implemented in many languages) with a known working set of versions and configuration data, then might be for you. It is also important to realize that is not a replacement for docker style containers. is specifically a build container environment, as opposed to a machine or microservice container environment. For example, one might use to prep content for use in a docker container. If you are wondering when you might choose OBT over another package manager, that might be missing the point. OBT wraps multiple other package managers - The philosphy being when you need a library or some other piece of infrastructure, you need it. The maintainers of said infrastructure made thier choice on package management / distribution or build systems. OBT does not attempt to better those package mgmt/build systems, it attempts to assimilate all of them into a single consistent interface.

HISTORY historically derives from orkid's old build system, micro_ork's build system in conjunction with concepts from orkid's 'tozkit' dependency provider system, homebrew, apt, and other build systems and package managers I have worked with over the years.


  • Virtual Env - python virtual environment created with python -m venv

  • Staging Folder - The container which consists of a top level folder in which all build products go and a set of environment variables

  • Module - a python script in OBT or OBT_SEARCH_PATH that describes and implements a subspace, dependency, target and SDK. There are dep, docker, and subspace modules - each providing a different subset of functionality.

  • Subspace - a subdivision of a staging folder containing build products for a specific target, and/or products for a foreign environment such as conda, and/or docker containers (for services or other items best left in a docker container).

    • Host Subspace - The subspace containing products designed for distribution on the build host. Typically used for native apps that require high performance and low latency or hardware access (eg. game engines, realtime software). This is the default subspace. Even this subspace has a custom python (Built from source). Python based deps will build against this subspace's python when this subspace is active.

    • Conda Subspace - Generic Anaconda based subspace. Inherits most paths from Host Subspace, except the python environment. Typically used for data science, ML or python based services running on the host natively (meaning - not in docker).

  • Dependency - a recipe for building a package into a subspace, for a target, using an SDK.

  • Host - the OS instance that is executing OBT in a shell.

  • Target - the OS that code is being generated for (via an SDK)

  • SDK - recipes for how to build products for a given target


  • Linux x86-64 (tested with ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 23.10 and 24.04)
  • Linux arm64 (tested with ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 23.10 and 24.04)
  • WSL (tested with ubuntu 22.04)
  • MacOs x86-64 (tested with Monterey Big Sur)
  • MacOs arm64 (tested with Monterey, Big Sur, Sonoma)

Top Level Dependencies (User Installed)

  • If using docker functionality - Docker (try rootless)
  • If using FPGA functionality - Vivado/Quartus [in /opt]
  • If using Houdini functionality - Houdini [in /opt]

Top Level Dependencies (apt/homebrew managed)

Pip Managed dependencies (Per python env)

  • yarl
  • toposort

USAGE Via PIP (to python venv directory)

  • Ensure public SSH key added to github so you can use ssh protocol with github, some dependencies will require this.

  • ensure you are using Bash for now, Zsh is not yet supported..

  • Virtual Environments are required from this point forward because pep-668 has been mainlined into new linux distributions and MacOS/Homebrew. Rather than fight it, we have embraced it. You should probably make sure there are no straggling packages sitting in ~/.local (linux) or ~/Library/Python (macos) - also ensure as clean as possible base shell. prefer to use launch scripts to startup development shells.

  • Create Virtual Environment (Required)

python -m venv <VENVDIR>

replace - with a name of your choice.

  • simplify venv launch

mkdir ~/bin

create a launch script - it should look something like this

cat ~/bin/venv-launch-obt

prepend_to_path() {
  if [ -z "$PATH" ]; then
    export PATH="$1"
  elif ! echo "$PATH" | grep -Eq "(^|:)$1($|:)"; then
    export PATH="$1:$PATH"

prepend_to_python_path() {
  if [ -z "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then
    export PYTHONPATH="$1"
  elif ! echo "$PYTHONPATH" | grep -Eq "(^|:)$1($|:)"; then
# we add to PYTHONPATH so that modules in venv available to OBT's built python without reinstalling.

# replace the .xx in pythonx.xx with the major/minor version number of your python (eg 3.9, 3.10,etc..)
prepend_to_python_path ~/<VENVDIR>/lib/pythonx.xx/site-packages

bash --rcfile <(echo "source ~/<VENVDIR>/bin/activate")

  • launch the venv


  • from within the venv, upgrade PIP
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • from within the venv, install OBT
pip3 install

if you want to couple venv entry with staging environment entry in one command, edit ~/bin/venv-launch-obt and edit the launch line (last line) with this:

bash --rcfile <(echo "source ~/<VENVDIR>/bin/activate") -ci " --numcores <NUMCORES> --stagedir <STAGEDIR> --project <PRJ1DIR> --project <PRJ2DIR> --project <PRJnDIR...>" ;

USAGE (from git, will still require system deps from above..)

Clone it

git clone

Install system scoped dependencies

On Ubuntu 19.04/20.04

Ubuntu may require a few deps to be installed first, like wget, for example..

or On MacOs (only MacOs Catalina Intel tested, atm...)

create and launch virtual env

from within virtualenv

pip3 install twine
cd; ./twine/

MacOs will require a few deps to be installed first, such as homebrew and macos commandline build tools.

To create an environment --stagedir <staging_folder> --inplace

Note that creating a staging environment will build a few core dependencies, such as python and a python virtual environment.

to launch an environment container (the container remembers and references the original folder)


Launching an environment container will push the launching shell onto the shell process stack, and invoke the modified shell on the next stack level.

to exit an environment container

just exit the shell and you will return to the environment's untouched parent shell.

to get list of obt commands: (from bash shell)

we use bash's command line completion and's convention of prefixing all public commands with obt

obt.<tab tab>

which returns: (example)

to get list of obt dependency providers

which returns something like the following

     apitrace : ApiTrace (github-master)
   arachnepnr : arachnepnr (git-c40fb2289952f4f120cc10a5a4c82a6fb88442dc)
arm64_binutils : Arm64 BinUtils (source)
    arm64_gcc : Arm64-Gcc
       assimp : assimp (git-obt-v5.0.1)
  astcencoder : ARM ASTC encoder (github-1.7)
    audiofile : audiofile (git-master)
 avr_binutils : Avr BinUtils (source)
      avr_gcc : Avr GCC (source)
     avr_libc : Avr GCC (source)
        blosc : blosc (git-v1.21.1)
        boost : boost (git-boost-1.77.0)
       bullet : bullet (git-2.89)
         calf : CALF (github-master)
         cgal : cgal (git-releases/CGAL-5.0.2)
        clang : Clang(From LLVM)
        cmake : cmake (git-v3.22.1)
       cppzmq : cppzmq (github-v4.7.1)
    csvparser : csvparser (git-master)
         cuda : cuda (system)
       curlpp : curlpp (git-v0.8.1)
       cycles : cycles (git-master)
     drawtext : drawtext (git-v0.5)
     easyprof : easyprof (git-v2.1.0)
        eigen : eigen (git-3.4.0)
       embree : embree (git-v3.9.0)
        faust : faust (github-2.20.2)
     fcollada : fcollada
         fltk : fltk (git-release-1.3.5)
   fluidsynth : CALF (github-v2.1.0)
 frameretrace : FrameRetrace (github)
    gcode_gpr : A simple C++ G-code parser
    gitpython : gitpython (pip3)
         glfw : glfw (git-216d5e8402513b582563d5b8433fefb449a1593e)
          glm : glm (git-master)
       gnutar : gnutar (wget:
      houdini : <houdini.houdini object at 0x7fac5c655c80>
     icestorm : icestorm (git-83b8ef947f77723f602b706eac16281e37de278c)
          igl : igl (git-master)
irix65_binutils : MIPS/IRIX65 BinUtils (source)
   irix65_gcc : irix65 GCC (source)
     irrlicht : irrlicht (homebrew)
         ispc : ispc (wget:
     ispctexc : ispctexc (git-master)
    jpegturbo : jpegturbo (git-2.1.2)
       lapack : lapack (git-v3.9.0)
   lemongraph : lemongraph (git-master)
    lexertl14 : lexertl14 (git-e9fd6c95b530f3a3840c65e74e79627732cfd4a7)
      libfive : libfive (git-master)
      libpqpp : libpqpp (git-7.4.1)
librealsense2 : librealsense2 (github-v2.42.0)
    libsocket : libsocket (git-master)
     linuxcnc : <linuxcnc.linuxcnc object at 0x7fac5c74b910>
        litex : <litex.litex object at 0x7fac5c6acc30>
         llvm : llvm (git-llvmorg-12.0.1)
lm32_binutils : <lm32_binutils.lm32_binutils object at 0x7fac5c687e60>
     lm32_gcc : <lm32_gcc.lm32_gcc object at 0x7fac5c6d62d0>
          lua : lua (
       luajit : LuaJit (
m68k_amiga_binutils : 68K BinUtils (source)
m68k_amiga_gcc : Amiga-68k-Gcc
     minetest : Minetest (github-commit-03edcafdda550e55e29bf48a682097028ae01306-source)
      nextpnr : nextpnr (git-67bd349e8f38d91a15f54340b29cc77ef156727f)
 nlohmannjson : nlohmannjson (git-v3.6.1)
          nss : nss (git-NSS_3_63_BRANCH)
         nvtt : nvtt (git-toz_orkdotbuild)
         ocio : ocio (git-v2.0.1)
         oiio : oiio (git-release)
       opencv : OpenCV (github-4.1.0)
       opendb : opendb (git-develop)
      openexr : openexr (git-v2.4.1)
     openjpeg : openjpeg (git-v2.4.0)
     openroad : openroad (git-toztest)
   opensubdiv : opensubdiv (git-release)
      openvdb : openvdb (git-v9.0.0)
       openvr : openvr (git-v1.11.11)
  osgeolaszip : osgeolaszip (git-v2.2.0)
  osgeoliblas : osgeoliblas (git-e6a1aaed412d638687b8aec44f7b12df7ca2bbbb)
    osgeoproj : osgeoproj (git-a892e23d9a444e86b35fc67d0fb84e4acca05c2f)
    osgeotiff : osgeotiff (git-3467bd7b49cca8df29efd606a554b5caf910a3d4)
          osl : osl (git-v1.11.16.0)
   parsertl14 : parsertl14 (git-master)
       pillar : pillar-python-sdk (
    pkgconfig : <pkgconfig.pkgconfig object at 0x7fac5c729d70>
   postgresql : Postgresql (10.4-source)
         ptex : ptex (git-v2.4.1)
      pugixml : pugixml (git-v1.11.4)
     pybind11 : pybind11 (git-v2.7.1)
   pydefaults : <pydefaults.pydefaults object at 0x7fac5c5ea780>
     pyopengl : <pyopengl.pyopengl object at 0x7fac5c6bbf50>
        pyqt5 : pyqt5 ()
      pyside2 : <pyside2.pyside2 object at 0x7fac5c6879b0>
       python : Python3 (3.9.4-source)
          qt5 : QT5
        qt5ct : qt5ct (svn-trunk)
 qt5forpython : qt5forpython (git-5.12)
    rapidjson : rapidjson (git-toz-orkid)
         root : <root.root object at 0x7fac5c6bb460>
       rtmidi : rtmidi (git-4.0.0)
rv32_binutils : <rv32_binutils.rv32_binutils object at 0x7fac5c7578c0>
     rv32_gcc : <rv32_gcc.rv32_gcc object at 0x7fac5c6aca50>
       simavr : <simavr.simavr object at 0x7fac5c6bb9b0>
   unittestpp : UnitTestPP (github-master)
          usd : usd (git-release)
       vivado : <vivado.vivado object at 0x7fac5c6e88c0>
          vpf : VPF (github-master)
          vrx : VRX (github-master)
      vst3sdk : VST3SDK (github-master)
       vulkan : Vulkan (lunarg-
          wt4 : WT4 (github-4.1.2)
         yarl : YARL (pip3)
        yosys : yosys (git-96b6410dcb7a82e7be8d4a2025835936f2ca84a7)
       zephyr : ZEPHYR (github-tweakoz/litex-edition)
          zmq : zeromq and bindings (github-v4.3.4)

to install a dependency (into the container)

eg. boost boost

you can force a dep wipe and rebuild like this: boost --force --wipe

or an incremntal build (on supported deps).

Incremental dep builds are useful when you are modifying the source of dep - typically for fixing bugs or build issues. boost --incremental

To check the status of a given dep like this oiio

which would return something like

oiio (git-release)
Dependency(RevTopoOrder)   Supported      Manifest    SrcPresent    BinPresent                                    SourceRoot
0. oiio                         True          True          True          True                            ${OBT_BUILDS}/oiio
1. openexr                      True          True          True          True                         ${OBT_BUILDS}/openexr
2. pybind11                     True          True          True          True                        ${OBT_BUILDS}/pybind11
3. fltk                         True          True          True          True                            ${OBT_BUILDS}/fltk
4. cmake                        True          True          True          True                           ${OBT_BUILDS}/cmake
5. jpegturbo                    True          True          True         False                       ${OBT_BUILDS}/jpegturbo
6. pkgconfig                    True          True          True          True                       ${OBT_BUILDS}/pkgconfig
7. root                         True          True          True          True                            ${OBT_BUILDS}/root
8. pydefaults                   True          True          True          True                      ${OBT_BUILDS}/pydefaults
9. python                       True          True          True          True                          ${OBT_BUILDS}/python

To list available subspaces

which should return something like.. : {'name': 'host'} : {'name': 'conda'}

To build a subspace conda

To launch a subspace child shell conda

Python: To invoke a conda command in subprocess (without polluting parent process)

from obt import subspace


Running Command [conda, list] In Conda Subspace
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf    0.1.0            py39hecd8cb5_1  
aiohttp                   3.8.1            py39hca72f7f_1  
aiosignal                 1.2.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
alabaster                 0.7.12             pyhd3eb1b0_0  

To list available docker modules

which should return something like..

     sagemath : {'container_name': 'obt-sagemath', 'image_name': 'obt/sagemath-jupyter', 'version': '9.6'}
   androiddev : {'image_name': 'obt-androiddev:latest'}
     ub-focal : {'image_name': 'obt-focal:latest'}
         cicd : {}
       ps1dev : {'image_name': 'obt-ps1dev:latest'}

To launch a docker module ps1dev

If you have problems building modules, try doing a:

docker system prune --all


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