Another Query Language - simple, no nonsense querying for C#/ASP.NET/TypeScript
This project is still a work in progress.
A simple query language that can be consumed by a range of targets:
- In memory collections (C# and Typescript)
- Database ORMs (using C# Expressions)
- MongoDB
Example of the query language
(first_name: John or first_name: Jane) and age: > 30 and start_date: "last year"
Let's say we have the following model:
public class Employee
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public DateTime CommencementDate { get; set; }
// Create the parser
// you can selectively register properties on your class
// or customize their matching logic
AnQLParser<Employee> _employeeQueryParser = new AnQLBuilder()
// Now we can call our method with AnQL queries
// e.g.
// - first_name: John
// - age: > 30 AND start_date: "last year"
// - NOT start_date: "June 2020"
public List<Employee> QueryEmployees(string query)
List<Employee> employees = LoadEmployeesFromSomewhere();
Func<Employee, bool> employeeFilter = _employeeQueryParser.Parse(query);
return employees.Where(employeeFilter).ToList();