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The LeechAgent

The LeechAgent is an agent running, on a remote computer, as a service or ordinary program in interactive mode.

The LeechAgent communicates over port tcp/445 (MS-RPC), tcp/28473 (MS-RPC) or tcp/28473 (gRPC). The LeechAgent exists for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows using MS-RPC by default and optionally gRPC mTLS. The LeechAgent also exists for Linux using gRPC mTLS.

The LeechAgent accepts, by default, incoming connections from clients whose users are administrators on the system running the LeechAgent (MS-RPC mode). Mutual authentication and encryption are provided, by default, by active directory based kerberos - making the user experience completely seamless. It's also possible to connect using NTLM - primarily to non-domain joined computers.

The LeechAgent accepts, in gRPC mTLS mode, incoming connections from clients successfully authenticating with a trusted client certificate. gRPC is available both for the Windows and Linux versions of the LeechAgent.

Download the latest pre-packaged LeechAgent from the LeechCore releases section. The LeechAgent comes pre-packaged with WinPMEM for memory acquisition and MemProcFS for remote memory analysis.

Simultaneous remote connections - PCILeech and MemProcFS

The LeechAgent allows for simultaneous client connections from applications such as PCILeech and MemProcFS.

Connected applications may access and dump physical memory of the system running the LeechAgent. It's possible for the LeechAgent to acquire memory using any acquisition method supported by the LeechCore library. This includes host system memory via WinPMEM and VM memory from VMWare, Hyper-V and QEMU. The image below shows MemProcFS instance connected to a remotely installed LeechAgent.

Execute remote memory analysis scripts on the LeechAgent host

⚠️ Available in the Windows-based LeechAgent, not available on Linux.

Execute MemProcFS memory analysis scripts coded in Python on the remote LeechAgent host. Python analysis scripts submitted by remote clients are able to make use of the full MemProcFS Python API and the local physical memory of the host running the LeechAgent. This works extremely well for fast and efficient physical memory analysis even over high-latency low-bandwidth connections. The scripts will be executed in-memory and will never touch disk on the remote system. The remote scripting capabilities currently exists only for the 64-bit version of the LeechAgent. The pictures below show a sample analysis script submitted to the remote LeechAgent for analysis.

MemProcFS Remoting

⚠️ Available in the Windows-based LeechAgent, not available on Linux.

It's possible to run MemProcFS analysis on the remote host - giving extremely fast access to the local remote memory. File system calls are proxied to the remote host. Only file listings, reads and writes in the virtual file system are transmitted over the network resulting in an extremely efficient low-bandwith memory analysis.

Read more about MemProcFS Remoting on the MemProcFS wiki.

Command line reference

The LeechAgent have multiple command line options. Command line options may be supplied by the command line or by saving them in the configuration file leechagent_config.txt.

Option Option value Platform Description
-install Windows Install the LeechAgent service using the current folder as install location.
-remoteinstall Yes Windows Install to a remote host Program Files directory.
-uninstall Windows Uninstall the Leechgent service.
-remoteuninstall Yes Windows Uninstall a remote insatllation.
-remoteupdate Yes Windows Update a remote installation.
-no-msrpc Windows Disable MS-RDP - i.e. smb:// and rpc:// (enabled by default).
-msrpc-port Yes Windows Alternative tcp port to use, default tcp/28473.
-insecure Windows, Linux Use insecure unauthenticated mode. Only allowed in -interactive mode.
-interactive Windows, Linux Use interactive mode, i.e. run the agent from the command line and not as a service/daemon.
-grpc Windows, Linux Enable gRPC (disabled by default).
-grpc-tls-p12 Yes Windows, Linux .p12 (pfx) file containing the server TLS certificate and private key.
-grpc-tls-p12-password Yes Windows, Linux password to the file specified in -grpc-tls-p12.
-grpc-client-ca Yes Windows, Linux CA certificate to trust for mTLS client authentication. (PEM format).
-grpc-port Yes Windows, Linux Alternative tcp port to use, default tcp/28474.
-grpc-listen-address Yes Windows, Linux Only listen for incoming connections at specified address, default:
-no-lock Linux Disable lock file checking, default: /var/run/lock/
-daemon Linux Run the agent in daemon mode.

Installing the LeechAgent service (Windows)

The default recommended way of running the LeechAgent is as a service. For information about installing it please visit the wiki entry about Installing the LeechAgent.

Interactive no-service mode

It's possible to run the LeechAgent in interactive non-service mode. If running in interactive mode the -insecure flag may optionally be specified.

Interactive mode is useful for testing, or if the DumpIt memory acquisition method is used to acquire live memory.

If running in insecure mode no authentication takes place - anyone with network access to the port tcp/445 or tcp/28473 may connect and start acquiring memory. Also the connection between the client and server won't be encrypted over the network. Furthermore, no logging to the event log will take place. Insecure mode may be useful for testing or if the target computer is not a part of an active directory domain.

If using DumpIt or WinPMEM to acquire memory remember to start the application as elevated administrator.

Interactive Examples:

Start the LeechAgent as a stand-alone non-service executable in interactive mode using standard kerberos-secured authentication.

  • LeechAgent.exe -interactive

Start the LeechAgent as a stand-along non-service executable in interactive mode insecure (no security) mode - allowing anyone with network access to port tcp/445 or tcp/28473 to connect to acquire physical memory and also to execute arbitrary code as the current user.

  • LeechAgent.exe -interactive -insecure

Start the LeechAgent in interactive no-security mode using DumpIt - allowing anyone with network access to port tcp/445 or tcp/28473 to connect to acquire physical memory and also to execute arbitrary code as the current user.

  • DumpIt.exe /LIVEKD /A LeechAgent.exe /C "-interactive -insecure"

Usage Examples:

In the examples it is assumed that:

  • The LeechAgent is installed as a service on the computer
  • In the active directory domain.
  • WinPMEM and Embedded Python is co-bundled in the LeechAgent remote install.
  • The connecting user is an administrator on the target computer.

Execute Python Code remotely using PCILeech and retrieve the result:

  • pcileech.exe -device pmem -remote rpc://[email protected] agent-execpy

MemProcFS forensic memory analysis remotely and retrieve the elasticsearch compatible result to the C:\Temp directory:

  • pcileech.exe -device pmem -remote rpc://[email protected] agent-elastic -out C:\Temp\

Use MemProcFS to analyze the remote system (analysis locally, memory acquisition from remote system) Authenticate using NTLM:

  • memprocfs.exe -device pmem -remote rpc://

Use MemProcFS to analyze the remote system on a non-domain joined computer. NTLM authentication. Username/Password prompt:

  • memprocfs.exe -device pmem -remote rpc://ntlm:infected.local:logon

Use MemProcFS Remoting to analyze the remote system (analysis and memory acquisition on the remote system). Connect over SMB port 445.

  • memprocfs.exe -device pmem -remote smb://[email protected] -remotefs
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