Unfold is a theme for Django admin incorporating most common practices for building full-fledged admin areas. It is designed to work on top of default administration provided by Django.
- Documentation: full docs are available at unfoldadmin.com/docs
- Unfold: demo site is available at unfoldadmin.com
- Formula: repository with demo implementation at github.com/unfoldadmin/formula
- Turbo: Django & Next.js boilerplate implementing Unfold at github.com/unfoldadmin/turbo
Did you decide to start using Unfold but you don't have time to make the switch from native Django admin? Get in touch with us and let's supercharge development by using our know-how.
- Visual: provides a new user interface based on Tailwind CSS framework
- Sidebar: simplifies definition of custom sidebar navigation with icons
- Dark mode: supports both light and dark mode versions
- Configuration: most of the basic options can be changed in settings.py
- Dependencies: completely based only on
- Actions: multiple ways how to define actions within different parts of admin
- WYSIWYG: built-in support for WYSIWYG (Trix)
- Array widget: built-in widget for
- Filters: custom dropdown, numeric, datetime, and text fields
- Dashboard: custom components for rapid dashboard development
- Inline tabs: group inlines into tab navigation in the change form
- Model tabs: define custom tab navigations for models
- Fieldset tabs: merge several fieldsets into tabs in the change form
- Colors: possibility to override the default color scheme
- Changeform modes: display fields in the change form in compressed mode
- Third party packages: default support for multiple popular applications
- Environment label: distinguish between environments by displaying a label
- Nonrelated inlines: displays nonrelated model as inline in changeform
- Parallel admin: support for default admin in parallel with Unfold. Admin migration guide
- Favicons: built-in support for configuring various site favicons
- VS Code: project configuration and development container is included