Try different tech stacks to build a html media player.
Source code:
- macOS 10.14.6
- Visual Studio Code 1.36.1 (prettier)
- Intellij IDEA Community 2019
- Spring Tool Suite 4 (editorconfig)
- Test with Google Chrome
- html5/css3/es6 (html5 media player)
- angular8 (html5 media player)
- react16 (html5 media player)
- java8 (salary predictor)
- spring mvc (2019/8/19)
- spring boot (2019/9/2)
- database design (2019/9/23)
- maven/git/junit (2019/10/14)
- CI/CD: jenkins & docker (2019/10/21)
- spring boot(rest api) + swagger + spring security + jwt + vue.js + ant-design
- spring cloud
- node.js + jwt + mongodb + vue.js + element-ui