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My Developer Portfolio - NextJs

Welcome to my developer portfolio built with Next.js! This portfolio showcases my skills, projects, and experience as a developer. Below, you'll find essential information to get started with the project.

Table of Contents


This project is a personal developer portfolio created using Next.js, a React framework. It aims to provide an organized and visually appealing representation of my skills, projects, and experience. The use of Next.js ensures a fast and efficient web experience, making it easy for visitors to explore my work.


  • Responsive Design: The portfolio is designed to be accessible and visually appealing on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Project Showcase: Highlight your projects with details such as descriptions, technologies used, and links to the source code or live demos.
  • Skills Section: Showcase your skills and technologies you are proficient in.
  • Contact Form: Include a contact form for potential employers or collaborators to reach out to you directly.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:
    bashCopy code
    git cd portfolio
  2. Install Dependencies:
    bashCopy code
    npm install
  3. Run the Development Server:
    bashCopy code
    npm run dev
  4. Open Your Browser: Visit http://localhost:3000 to see your portfolio.

Folder Structure

The project structure is organized as follows:

  • pages/: Contains Next.js pages, each representing a different section of the portfolio.
  • public/: Static assets like images and icons.
  • components/: Reusable React components used throughout the portfolio.


  1. Update Personal Information: Open the components/About.tsx file and update the information with your own details.
  2. Add Projects: Open the lib/data.tsx file and add your projects with relevant details.


To deploy your portfolio, you can use platforms like Vercel, Netlify, or GitHub Pages. Refer to the documentation of your chosen hosting service for deployment instructions.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js
  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Framer Motion


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to customize and use this portfolio template to showcase your own work! If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out.

Happy coding! 🚀