This is a MERN stack website which can be used for managing the school. It has almost all features and few are in development phase.
Please give this repo a star if this project helped you in any way. This will mean a lot to me and motivate me more to bring this type of project. (Live url does not work as of now due to heroku removing free services)
Login email="[email protected]"
Login password="adminpassword1"
Clone the repo
git clone
Go to the root folder and install the backend dependencies by using the command-
npm install
Go to the frontend folder by command cd frontend and then install frontend dependecies using the command-
npm install
Create a .env file in the root and add the following. You can see .env.example for format.
MONGO_URI="Your mongo uri"
JWT_SECRET="Anything you like"
CLOUDINARY_URL ="your cloudinary url"
CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET = "your cloudinary preset "
Create a .env file in the frontend folder and add the following. You can see .env.example for format.
Go to the root folder and at first seed the database through command
npm run data:import
After seed is successful run following command to run both backend and frontend concurrently
npm run dev