The M_calculator(3f) module contains a basic expression parser and related convenience routines.
Expressions are similar to Fortran77 syntax except
- powers are processed from left to right so use parenthesis
- variable names are case-sensitive
- string variable names start with a dollar-sign,
- all numeric values are assumed to be DOUBLEPRECISION.
Note that although suitable for many uses, this is not a byte-code interpreter and is designed for parsing basic unique expressions, not for high volume repetition of the computations on a large volume of data.
The original dates back a long time, but it still works.
program demo_dnum0
use M_calculator, only: dnum0
implicit none
doubleprecision :: x, y, z, answer
integer :: i
character(len=:), allocatable :: strings(:)
strings = [character(len=128) :: &
'20/3.4 ', &
'CI=10*sin(3.1416/4) ', &
'a=CI**2+sqrt(90) ', &
'x=a/CI-atan(a) ', &
'y=x+CI/333 ', &
' ']
do i = 1, size(strings)
answer = dnum0(strings(i))
write(*,'(*(g0))')answer,' = ',strings(i)
x = dnum0('x')
y = dnum0('y')
z = dnum0('CI')
write (*, *) x, y, z
end program demo_dnum0
> 5.8823529411764710 = 20/3.4
> 7.0710807985947346 = CI=10*sin(3.1416/4)
> 59.487016640760288 = a=CI**2+sqrt(90)
> 6.8587316018816180 = x=a/CI-atan(a)
> 6.8799660787542747 = y=x+CI/333
> 0.0000000000000000 =
> 6.8587316018816180 6.8799660787542747 7.0710807985947346
The user documentation describes the many functions available.
The code was run through ford(1) to produce a developers' document.
git clone
cd M_calculator/src
# change Makefile if not using one of the listed compilers
# for gfortran
make clean
make F90=gfortran gfortran
# for ifort
make clean
make F90=ifort ifort
# for nvfortran
make clean
make F90=nvfortran nvfortran
This will compile the M_calculator module and build all the example programs from the document pages in the PROGRAMS/ sub-directory.
(registered at the fpm(1) registry )
Alternatively, download the github repository and build it with fpm ( as described at Fortran Package Manager )
git clone
cd M_calculator
fpm build
fpm test
or just list it as a dependency in your fpm.toml project file.
calculator = { git = "" }