This module contains the lala(Los Alamos Linear Algebra) procedure, which allows for interacting with a Fortran program using Matlab or Octave-like commands. It is also usable as a simple one-line language. It is a still being modernized, but is already useful.
lala(3f) is usable as a simple embedded language. In addition it provides a common interface for
- self-describing configuration files including expressions, conditional branches and loops
- creating points in programs where data can be interactively inspected and changed.
- data files that can contain expressions
- transferring data between programs
- a unit testing and macro-level timing tool.
Supporting functionality includes
input files may call additional external files
you can create a journal of the commands used and replay them.
there is a built-in command history utility that lets you recall, edit, and save your command history when using interactive mode.
a built-in help utility describes the many matrix and math functions available.
a custom routine may be called via the user(..) function in lala(3f).
A stand-alone program is included that lets you use lala(3f) as a powerful journaling calculator and to test and create input files.
In interactive mode you can browse the user manual via the "help" command and even view Fortran intrinsic documentation via the "fhelp" command.
It was originally based on some very old code that still requires some major refactoring, Participants in modernizing the code are welcome.
lala(1) is quite flexible as a testing framework for Linear Algebra libraries in particular.
Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Given a simple configuration file similiar to a NAMELIST, YAML, JSON, INI, CUE, XML or TOML file ...
// a simple string
title='this is my title'
// a numeric value (note use of expression)
// a table of numeric values
1.0000 5.0000 3.0000000 ;
4.0000 2.0000 6.0000000 ;
1.0000 10.000 45.000000 ;
10.000 20.000 45.000000 ;
2.0000 2.0e2 15.000000 ;
20.345 20.000 15.000000 ;
30.000 30000. 0.00000000 ;
4.0000 30.044400 -10.000 ;
40.000 30.555500 -10.000 ;
4.0000 30.044400 -10.000 ;
40.000 30.555500 -10.000 ;
A simple program can read the config file, and then transfer values to the calling program:
program config
use M_matrix, only : lala, get_from_lala, put_into_lala
implicit none
! variables to read from config file
real,allocatable :: table(:,:)
character(len=:),allocatable :: title
real :: pi
character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(*(g0,1x))'
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
! read config file
call lala("semi;exec('data/xin');return")
! transfer LALA values to the program
call get_from_lala('table',table,ierr) ! get the array as a REAL array
call get_from_lala('pi',pi,ierr)
call get_from_lala('title',title,ierr)
! use values in user program
write(*,gen)'in calling program table shape =',shape(table)
end program config
Expected output:
in calling program table shape = 11 3
1.00000000 5.00000000 3.00000000
4.00000000 2.00000000 6.00000000
1.00000000 10.0000000 45.0000000
10.0000000 20.0000000 45.0000000
2.00000000 200.000000 15.0000000
20.3449993 20.0000000 15.0000000
30.0000000 30000.0000 0.00000000
4.00000000 30.0443993 -10.0000000
40.0000000 30.5555000 -10.0000000
4.00000000 30.0443993 -10.0000000
40.0000000 30.5555000 -10.0000000
title=this is my title
pi= 3.14159274
The biggest advantage lala(3f) provides over most other configuration files is that expressions, conditionals, and inclusion of other files are supported. Basically, your configuration file becomes embeddable code.
Note the (included) lala(1) program can read any such configuration file and let you inspect the values.
A program can pass data back and forth to lala(3f), execute files, and allow the user to interactively examine, save, change and reload data back to the calling program ...
program demo_lala
use M_matrix, only : lala, put_into_lala, get_from_lala, ifin_lala
!real,allocatable :: r
!complex,allocatable :: cvec(:)
integer,allocatable :: iarr(:,:)
character(len=:),allocatable :: t(:)
integer :: ierr
! store some data into lala(3)
call put_into_lala('A',[1,2,3,4,5]*10.5,ierr)
write(*,*)'is A defined in LALA?',ifin_lala('A')
call lala('A/2.0')
! pass some commands to lala(3f)
call lala([character(len=80) :: &
&'PI=atan(1)*4 ', &
&'mytitle="this is my title";', &
&'littlearray=< ', &
&' 1 2 3; ', &
&' 4 5 6; ', &
&' 7 8 9; ', &
&'> ', &
&'S=sum(A) ', &
&'I=inv(littlearray); ', &
&'B=littlearray*sin(PI/3) ', &
&'save("keepB",B) ', &
! read a file containing lala(3f) commands
call lala('exec("mycommands")')
! interactively interact with lala(3f) interpreter
call lala()
! return values to calling program
call get_from_lala('littlearray',iarr,ierr)
write(*,'(a)')'IN CALLING PROGRAM IARR='
call get_from_lala('mytitle',t,ierr)
write(*,*)'IN CALLING PROGRAM T=',t
end program demo_lala
Installation requires fpm(1):
download the github repository and build it with fpm ( as described at Fortran Package Manager )
git clone
cd M_matrix
fpm run
or list it as a dependency in the fpm.toml project file ...
M_matrix = { git = "" }
call lala(3f) interactively and enter "help manual" to browse the entire user manual
An index to HTML versions of the man-pages included in the distribution.
for i = 2:2:n, for j = 2:2:n, t = (a(i-1,j-1)+a(i-1,j)+a(i,j-1)+a(i,j))/4; ...
a(i-1,j-1) = t; a(i,j-1) = t; a(i-1,j) = t; a(i,j) = t;
// ======================================================
// cdiv
ar = real(a); ai = imag(a); br = real(b); bi = imag(b);
p = bi/br;
t = (ai - p*ar)/(br + p*bi);
cr = p*t + ar/br;
ci = t;
p2 = br/bi;
t2 = (ai + p2*ar)/(bi + p2*br);
ci2 = p2*t2 - ar/bi;
cr2 = t2;
s = abs(br) + abs(bi);
ars = ar/s;
ais = ai/s;
brs = br/s;
bis = bi/s;
s = brs**2 + bis**2;
cr3 = (ars*brs + ais*bis)/s;
ci3 = (ais*brs - ars*bis)/s;
<cr ci; cr2 ci2; cr3 ci3>
// ======================================================
t = 0*x + eye; s = 0*eye(x); n = 1;
while abs(s+t-s) > 0, s = s+t, t = x*t/n, n = n + 1
pi = 4*atan(1);
i = sqrt(-1);
w = exp(2*pi*i/n);
F = <>;
for k = 1:n, for j = 1:n, F(k,j) = w**((j-1)*(k-1));
F = F/sqrt(n);
alfa = r*pi;
rho = exp(i*alfa);
S = log(rho*F)/i - alfa*EYE;
serr = norm(imag(S),1);
S = real(S);
serr = serr + norm(S-S',1)
S = (S + S')/2;
ferr = norm(F-exp(i*S),1)
for k = 1:n, for j = 1:k-1, d = x(k,:)*x(j,:)'; x(k,:) = x(k,:) - d*x(j,:); ...
end, s = norm(x(k,:)), x(k,:) = x(k,:)/s;
<n, n> = shape(A);
X = eye(n);
anorm = norm(A,'fro');
cnt = 1;
while cnt > 0,...
cnt = 0;...
for p = 1:n-1,...
for q = p+1:n,...
if anorm + abs(a(p,q)) > anorm,...
cnt = cnt + 1;...
d = (a(q,q)-a(p,p))*0.5/a(p,q);
t = 1/(abs(d)+sqrt(d*d+1));
if d < 0, t = -t; end;
c = 1/sqrt(1+t*t); s = t*c;
R = eye(n); r(p,p)=c; r(q,q)=c; r(p,q)=s; r(q,p)=-s;
X = X*R;
A = R'*A*R;
// C = Kronecker product of A and B
<m, n> = shape(A);
for i = 1:m, ...
ci = a(i,1)*B; ...
for j = 2:n, ci = <ci a(i,j)*B>; end ...
if i = 1, C = ci; else, C = <C; ci>;
<n,n> = shape(A);
q1 = rand(n,1);
alfa = <>; beta = <>;
q = q1/norm(q1); r = A*q(:,1);
for j = 1:n, exec('lanstep',0);
alfa(j) = q(:,j)'*r;
r = r - alfa(j)*q(:,j);
if ort <> 0, for k = 1:j-1, r = r - r'*q(:,k)*q(:,k);
beta(j) = norm(r);
q(:,j+1) = r/beta(j);
r = A*q(:,j+1) - beta(j)*q(:,j);
if j > 1, T = diag(beta(1:j-1),1); T = diag(alfa) + T + T'; eig(T)
for k = 1:n, s = norm(x(k,:)), x(k,:) = x(k,:)/s; ...
for j = k+1:n, d = x(j,:)*x(k,:)'; x(j,:) = x(j,:) - d*x(k,:);
C = <
1 2 15 . . .
2 1 3 . . .
3 2 4 11 . .
4 3 5 . . .
5 4 6 7 . .
6 5 8 . . .
7 5 9 30 . .
8 6 9 10 11 .
9 7 8 30 . .
10 8 12 30 31 34
11 3 8 12 13 .
12 10 11 34 36 .
13 11 14 . . .
14 13 15 16 38 .
15 1 14 . . .
16 14 17 20 35 37
17 16 18 . . .
18 17 19 . . .
19 18 20 . . .
20 16 19 21 . .
21 20 22 . . .
22 21 23 . . .
23 22 24 35 . .
24 23 25 39 . .
25 24 . . . .
26 27 33 39 . .
27 26 32 . . .
28 29 32 . . .
29 28 30 . . .
30 7 9 10 29 .
31 10 32 . . .
32 27 28 31 34 .
33 26 34 . . .
34 10 12 32 33 35
35 16 23 34 36 .
36 12 35 38 . .
37 16 38 . . .
38 14 36 37 . .
39 24 26 . . .
<n, m> = shape(C);
A = 0*ones(n,n);
for i=1:n, for j=2:m, k=c(i,j); if k>0, a(i,k)=1;
check = norm(A-A',1), if check > 0, quit
<X,D> = eig(A+eye);
D = diag(D); D = D(n:-1:1)
X = X(:,n:-1:1);
<x(:,1)/sum(x(:,1)) x(:,2) x(:,3) x(:,19)>
//Generate next Pascal matrix
<k,k> = shape(L);
k = k + 1;
L(k,1:k) = <L(k-1,:) 0> + <0 L(k-1,:)>;
alfa = <>; beta = 0; q = <>; p = p(:,1)/norm(p(:,1));
t = A'*p(:,1);
alfa(1) = norm(t);
q(:,1) = t/alfa(1);
X = p(:,1)*(alfa(1)*q(:,1))'
e(1) = norm(A-X,1)
for j = 2:r, exec('pdqstep',ip); ...
X = X + p(:,j)*(alfa(j)*q(:,j)+beta(j)*q(:,j-1))', ...
e(j) = norm(A-X,1)
t = A*q(:,j-1) - alfa(j-1)*p(:,j-1);
if ort>0, for i = 1:j-1, t = t - t'*p(:,i)*p(:,i);
beta(j) = norm(t);
p(:,j) = t/beta(j);
t = A'*p(:,j) - beta(j)*q(:,j-1);
if ort>0, for i = 1:j-1, t = t - t'*q(:,i)*q(:,i);
alfa(j) = norm(t);
q(:,j) = t/alfa(j);
y = < 75.995 91.972 105.711 123.203 ...
131.669 150.697 179.323 203.212>'
t = < 1900:10:1970 >'
t = (t - 1940*ones(t))/40; <t y>
n = 8; A(:,1) = ones(t); for j = 2:n, A(:,j) = t .* A(:,j-1);
c = A\y
scale = s(m);
sm = s(m)/scale; smm1 = s(m-1)/scale; emm1 = e(m-1)/scale;
sl = s(l)/scale; el = e(l)/scale;
b = ((smm1 + sm)*(smm1 - sm) + emm1**2)/2;
c = (sm*emm1)**2;
shift = sqrt(b**2+c); if b < 0, shift = -shift;
shift = c/(b + shift)
f = (sl + sm)*(sl-sm) - shift
g = sl*el
for k = l: m-1, exec('qrstep',ip)
e(m-1) = f
if k <> l, e(k-1) = f
f = cs*s(k) + sn*e(k)
e(k) = cs*e(k) - sn*s(k)
g = sn*s(k+1)
s(k+1) = cs*s(k+1)
s(k) = f
f = cs*e(k) + sn*s(k+1)
s(k+1) = -sn*e(k) + cs*s(k+1)
g = sn*e(k+1)
e(k+1) = cs*e(k+1)
//Conductivity example.
//Parameters ---
rho //radius of cylindrical inclusion
n //number of terms in solution
m //number of boundary points
//initialize operation counter
flop = <0 0>;
//initialize variables
m1 = round(m/3); //number of points on each straight edge
m2 = m - m1; //number of points with Dirichlet conditions
pi = 4*atan(1);
//generate points in Cartesian coordinates
//right hand edge
for i = 1:m1, x(i) = 1; y(i) = (1-rho)*(i-1)/(m1-1);
//top edge
for i = m2+1:m, x(i) = (1-rho)*(m-i)/(m-m2-1); y(i) = 1;
//circular edge
for i = m1+1:m2, t = pi/2*(i-m1)/(m2-m1+1); ...
x(i) = 1-rho*sin(t); y(i) = 1-rho*cos(t);
//convert to polar coordinates
for i = 1:m-1, th(i) = atan(y(i)/x(i)); ...
r(i) = sqrt(x(i)**2+y(i)**2);
th(m) = pi/2; r(m) = 1;
//generate matrix
//Dirichlet conditions
for i = 1:m2, for j = 1:n, k = 2*j-1; ...
a(i,j) = r(i)**k*cos(k*th(i));
//Neumann conditions
for i = m2+1:m, for j = 1:n, k = 2*j-1; ...
a(i,j) = k*r(i)**(k-1)*sin((k-1)*th(i));
//generate right hand side
for i = 1:m2, b(i) = 1;
for i = m2+1:m, b(i) = 0;
//solve for coefficients
c = A$b
//compute effective conductivity
c(2:2:n) = -c(2:2:n)
sigma = sum(c)
//output total operation count
ops = flop(2)
exec('d.boug'); // reads data
<g,k> = shape(p); // p is matrix of gene frequencies
wv = ncen/sum(ncen); // ncen contains population sizes
pbar = wv*p; // weighted average of p
p = p - ones(g,1)*pbar; // deviations from mean
p = sqrt(diag(wv)) * p; // weight rows of p by sqrt of pop size
h = diag(pbar); h = h*(eye-h); // diagonal contains binomial variance: p*(1-p)
r = p*inv(h)*p'/k; // normalized covariance matrix
A = <
611. 196. -192. 407. -8. -52. -49. 29.
196. 899. 113. -192. -71. -43. -8. -44.
-192. 113. 899. 196. 61. 49. 8. 52.
407. -192. 196. 611. 8. 44. 59. -23.
-8. -71. 61. 8. 411. -599. 208. 208.
-52. -43. 49. 44. -599. 411. 208. 208.
-49. -8. 8. 59. 208. 208. 99. -911.
29. -44. 52. -23. 208. 208. -911. 99. >;
// subexec rot(f,g,cs,sn)
rho = g; if abs(f) > abs(g), rho = f;
cs = 1.0; sn = 0.0; z = 1.0;
r = norm(<f g>); if rho < 0, r = -r; r
if r <> 0.0, cs = f/r
if r <> 0.0, sn = g/r
if abs(f) > abs(g), z = sn;
if abs(g) >= abs(f), if cs <> 0, z = 1/cs;
f = r;
g = z;
rho = (x'*A*x)
x = (A-rho*eye)\x;
x = x/norm(x)
!tail -f xxx > /dev/tty1 &
!tail -f xxx > /dev/tty2 &
RHO = .5 M = 20 N = 10 SIGMA = 1.488934271883534
RHO = .5 M = 40 N = 20 SIGMA = 1.488920312974229
RHO = .5 M = 60 N = 30 SIGMA = 1.488920697912116
// Structure problem, Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler, p. 62
s = sqrt(2)/2;
A = <
-s . . 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . .
-s . -1 . -s . . . . . . . . . . . .
. -1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . -1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . -1 . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . -s -1 . . s 1 . . . . . . .
. . . . s . 1 . s . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . -1 -s . . 1 s . . . .
. . . . . . . . -s . -1 . -s . . . .
. . . . . . . . . -1 . . . 1 . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . -1 . . . s .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 -s .
. . . . . . . . . . . . -s -1 . . 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . s . 1 . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -s -1>;
b = <
. . . 10 . . . 15 . . . . . . . 10 .>';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// start a new log file
sh rm -fv log.txt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
titles=<'GNP deflator'
'GNP '
'Armed Force '
'Population '
'Year '
'Employment '>;
data = ...
< 83.0 234.289 235.6 159.0 107.608 1947 60.323
88.5 259.426 232.5 145.6 108.632 1948 61.122
88.2 258.054 368.2 161.6 109.773 1949 60.171
89.5 284.599 335.1 165.0 110.929 1950 61.187
96.2 328.975 209.9 309.9 112.075 1951 63.221
98.1 346.999 193.2 359.4 113.270 1952 63.639
99.0 365.385 187.0 354.7 115.094 1953 64.989
100.0 363.112 357.8 335.0 116.219 1954 63.761
101.2 397.469 290.4 304.8 117.388 1955 66.019
104.6 419.180 282.2 285.7 118.734 1956 67.857
108.4 442.769 293.6 279.8 120.445 1957 68.169
110.8 444.546 468.1 263.7 121.950 1958 66.513
112.6 482.704 381.3 255.2 123.366 1959 68.655
114.2 502.601 393.1 251.4 125.368 1960 69.564
115.7 518.173 480.6 257.2 127.852 1961 69.331
116.9 554.894 400.7 282.7 130.081 1962 70.551>;
X = data;
<n,p> = shape(X)
mu = ones(1,n)*X/n
X = X - ones(n,1)*mu; X = X/diag(sqrt(diag(X'*X)))
corr = X'*X
y = data(:,p); X = <ones(y) data(:,1:p-1)>;
long e
beta = X\y
expected = < ...
disp('EXPE and BETA should be the same')
// jacstep
// lanstep
// pdqstep
// qrstep
// rot
w5 = <
1. 1. 0. 0. 0.
-10. 1. 1. 0. 0.
40. 0. 1. 1. 0.
-205. 0. 0. 1. 1.
1024. 0. 0. 0. -4.